Saturday, November 25, 2006

Claires Magnetic Earrings Walmart


Reflection on the man and his humanity and humanity and its people.

After the episode of shooting range at Cu Chi Tunnels, the genocide of the Khmer Rouge.

I am shaken. disturbed. I dare not look at myself in the mirror. I see I see how a human can be terrible and atrocious. Group effect, pressure from authority, submission to the force, common sense or survival.

I do not blame anyone. If I were in that situation, who would I be? I would save my skin? And if I have to kill to save my skin? I let myself die? It takes courage to die as well, right?

S-21 The museum, formerly a primary school converted into a prison. Prisoners in 3000, only 7 survived the S-21.

I philosopher. I burst. I am human, too? What a shame.

This feeling haunts me during des jours. Je n'y peux rien. Une chance que Jer est la.

Sur une autre note, voici quelques autres experiences au Cambodge:

- Un spectacle magique de danse aspara.

- Une ride de moto dans le parc national de Bokkor. Voir le site a Jer. Quelle experience. On est tombes deux fois. Jer avait toute la responsabilite de conduire dans ce 'chemin' (lire terre, roche, caillou, sable, boue, etc) pendant que moi, je m'accrochais a la moto en recitant mon chapelet.
J'ai eu un peu peur, mais ca compte pas, parce que j'ai tout le temps peur. Jer n'a pas eu peur lui, he is a man (you can read between the lines?).

- A walk in the countryside with local guides. Hidden temples, fields of wheat, dust in his hair, a big smile on his face.

- Angkor Wat. Must . Me the old buildings, it makes me say anything, but nothing vraiemnt. But Angkor Wat? Without a word, stunned. The surrounding temples are more impressive than each other. You remember Lara Croft? Yes, a temple of Angkor.

trunks even bigger than a tree, the roots growing on the ruins, singing birds, green leaves, le mystere, l'Histoire, le royaume, ... cliquez sur Cambodia - Angkor Wat

- Traverser en Thailande. 10 heures dans un bus merdique sans AC. Si poussiereux qu'on doit porter un masque a l'interieur du bus. Mon chandail gris est orange. Mes pantalons roses sont oranges. Mes cheveux sont oranges. J'ai mal aux fesses.

Bref, le Cambodge?

Quel plaisir apres le Vietnam! Developing, Cambodia remains a less touristy destination (apart from Angkor Wat). Leave more to ourselves, we discover the country at our own pace. The people are friendly, but true. I will return, yes, I will return.

Can You Take Gse And Probiotics

How fun.

Breakdance with headphones. Jer eat my helmet.

- Speaking with the voice of a priest.

- Walk as if you took suitcases. (But no suitcase)

- taste the food of the local market without being able to identify even if you eat pork, chicken, ox or dog or whatever.

- Rent a motorcycle and a honk as the Vietnamese.

- Trying to speak Vietnamese.

- Inventing new names. Hello, my name is Louisa.

- Se brush with After Bite because mosquitoes are voracious here oh gosh.

- Go over before I look like a banana every puckee!

- goodnight

- manu

How Long Does A Patient Live On A Liver Dyalisis

Vietnam. Chapter

Vietnam, our first destination in Southeast Asia.


noisy, polluted, cacaphony, dizziness, but sometimes charming, Hanoi is not easy. Through the winding alleys of the old Hanoi, the fake Adidas or stacked on top of each other between twenty million tourist agencies, Hanoi is a pleasant small dose.


regild Question of our lungs, Jer and I are going trekking in in northern Vietnam. One night in the train, a day at the market in Bac Ha and two days of trekking in the mountains. We are packed, these blanks green green and green are breathtaking. We slept with a host family, the rice wine to go. Politely, they drink everything and eat everything. I have a stomach ache. Aye. First experience of squat toilet. The visou is a skill that develops (and you learn to master as quickly as possible:)

Little Hmong in the rice fields

Halong Bay

Following the dizziness of all these towers, all these agencies, all these possibilities and these offerings, we ultimately decided the eyes closed (or almost). We start by boat in Halong Bay, or of hundreds of small islands dot the turquoise water . Rebels and especially fascinated by the beauty of landscapes, Jer and I stayed two more days. We rent a kayak, paddle between homes on the water. It crosses two boys who toast the rice wine in a boat. They send us the hand and invite us to join them. Shy, we continue our journey. We subsequently discovered a small island with a beach with hot sand and fine. Deserted, she waits.

We spend the day, my eyes sting from the sun, but I do not care, that's life ca.

Hue Hue. huuuuuuu. I would love to have good reviews, but Hue is not my favorite. Old fortified city rich in history, certainly, but it turns me off. I remember Hue ... Yes, popcorn vendors and their constant (and exhausting) coucaracha, our boat ride for $ 2 a day ($ 2, you have no right to have expectations) and the warm beer that we were served between two horns of motorcycles.

Jungle Beach Resort

a deserted beach, huge waves, hot sun, fresh fruit.

Falling asleep in the simplicity of a bungalow to the rhythm of the waves that wash up on the hot sand.

Enjoying a fresh lemonade, free.

Read a good novel encrustre in a hammock under coconut trees.

Admiring the stars and constellations to invent the light of a feu sur la plage.

Jungle Beach Resort, recommandation sans hesitation.

Hoi An

Paradis des fashion victims . Demarches a suivre

1- Ne jamais , jamais, promettre a quelqu'un d'aller visiter son magasin (vive l'harcelement)

2 - Discerner le magasin qui semble le moins crade et qui parait offrir le plus de variete de tissus. Porter attention a la qualite des coutures.

3 - Choisir le modele du vetement. Attention, risque de s'egarer parmi toutes possibilites. To facilitate (or complicate) the spot, watching the models already made or inspired by a magazine.

4 - Choose fabrics and cutting, measuring.

5 - Putting a price.

6 - . Laugh the price offered Do not get angry. Take everything lightly. Find common ground. For larger boards, ask my friend Jeremy who has succeeded in lowering the price exponentially, much to my jealousy.

7 - Make made the disappearance of any kind of 'selling'. Confident that after you buy, she lost all her smile, charm, interest and sense of humor. Do not be surprised if she does not greet you.

8 - Return the next day to try on clothes that will probably be too great.

9 - return one last time, take your clothes, do not look around, may be tempted to buy everything.

** It hurts the budget. My bag is now 2 times heavier. Oh, I also bought a dozen lamps. Can anybody think?

Mui Ne

We are in Florida or what?


Ho Chi Min, industrielle et beaucoup plus americaine, tu me plais bien malgre tout. On a decouvert un resto bar tres sympa a Saigon. On a bien aime, mais on a rencontre un touriste qui n'aimait pas du tout cette place. Pourquoi? Argh, they are too friendly, its annoying! Oui, croyez le ou pas, il trouvait que les serveurs etaient trop gentils!!!!!

Yen a des bizarres des fois.

Cu Chi Tunnels

Visitez l'impressionnant reseau de tunnels qui ont heberges des dizaines de personnes pendant la guerre du vietnam. Comprenez leurs souffrances, les conditions de vie atroces, les consequences of war ... And then buy bullets to shoot the gun. When buying 5 balls and receive a gift. And shoot, shoot at a target. Feel masculine and virile . Yes, have eyes that shine. A slight smile incrontrolable. Go ahead, shoot! Everything you just visited, it's okay, it's happening in history, who cares. Pull ...

Insensitive. Or too sensitive?


Hellllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooo! Oh, it's nice this lil guy in the belly looks running in the direction of our boat! We pass several villages in Cambodia through the Mekong the river which crosses the South East Asia.


I vote for Vietnam:

- The beer is 20 cents.
- Fish in a banana leaf
- Beach Jungle Beach Resort
- My imaginary suitcases

Do I really need to explain?

Friday, November 24, 2006

Dental Hygienist Name Tage S

Korea - End provisional and predictable.

I left the heart as heavy that slight . While I was hopeful when I arrived in South Korea, I came away confused and lost. I still have trouble has put the words on my experience, no conclusion can be drawn is known by itself, and I am not yet ready to pull them all alone. I let the dust rest in my head and who knows, maybe I worry too much about just anything ... finally

short, the days in Korea were precipitated, voluntarily. A little anxious to leave, I escaped to Japan before leaving for Southeast Asia. I visited friends of the boat (yes, the boat:), visited Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Nara, Tenri, Ibaraki ken, and I had the chance to revisit the Nippon Maru.

I saw friends, despite the two years of separation, the life that passes, months that have succeeded each other, it is remains the same, it is remains the same.

So I said, a sudden departure voluntary? Yes, well, I had a little ral'bol, it was getting a little heavy on emotions, you know, departures, goodbyes, farewell, preparations .. Even if I go back after my trip to Southeast Asia for a week or two, I still feel that it was a departure official. A mark on the heart, a second scratch on the heart, goodbye Korea. I

performs temporary farewell, in good and due form, with all those who backed me on this journey. I intend to revive them when I returned to Korea in March. I anticipate this week in Seoul, with joy and anguish, wishing she also defile
quickly as possible. In short, I may just be even more anxious to get back Montreal !

Hola, do not worry about my little tooth, I am in perfect control of the situation is simply an amalgam of emotions and events that revolve never unravel that takes me by
surprise .. I still have my homeopathic remedies at hand, such as smoking and imaginary giraffe roses.

Full Length Robes Zipper

The blog is back!

After several weeks of absence following a few posts without consistency, here I am flesh and letter mailed to my office, ready to tell those few slices of life. I shared my bread, I bring you into my world Québon, long live the banana shakes and protein.

There are already nearly three months I travel Southeast Asia with my friend Jeremy. The latter returning home too soon, I realize that time is running on my side too. I defile my experiences in STATEMENTS or top 3 and I collect the messy emotions in the pages of my diary.

To share my experiences of last three months, a brief portraits of each country visits.

My itinerary is as follows, I invite you to read messages in the order matching:

End Korea and Japan (2 weeks)

Vietnam (4 weeks)

Cambodia (2 weeks)

Thailand (4 weeks)

Laos (4 weeks )

Malaisie ( 3 semaines prevues )

Monday, October 9, 2006

Romantic Slideshow Template

Paparazzi! In

Hiking at Gwanaksan.

Hosted on Fotki

Jeong Pyo on left, Matt Campagna on right, Mike in the back &
Nathan Murray taking the pic

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Sasusaku School Fic Lemon

sandwich on inside. Beijing

In the thesaurus, " low " is associated with " moron." I'll opt for a term mentally more stable anyway.

So, I'm suddenly so "stingy". We admire how often I'm strong, but in truth, so I shake the within. Even worse,
I do not feel anything . I'm dry as a yellow bean abandoned on the edge of the countertop. Once washed by the warm light of sun, I am now the trace of leftovers of life, and I crack any side of any edge.

It fails to find the good old Manu, you know, the one with the smile on the ears, tooth tite good wind, with its little eyes so small but so alert, with his words of comfort, encouragement and thoughts positive unbounded. No, we find it more ... I looked everywhere in Chinatown, New Zealand, on cruise ships, the SAQ, the Canal Evasion and my dirty jeans pockets, but in vain, I have not found. Maybe she went into hiding the old slipper she loses all the time ...

I even bothered to ask his friends! The seller of bagels, the old waitress Rapido, Jesus, Gandhi, Buddha, the Dalai Lama, but no, nobody saw

... I know she can not find it easy these days and I I confess that a little afraid of not finding the innocence of my Manu - because it is still a child - always ready to turn over a piece of 50 Won, to boost morale any moron
on the corner of the street at the top of his dream 5'1 et 3/4 avec ambitionS et passionS, à rire, faire rire et faire rire d’elle, à chercher justice et vérité et combattre le mal et le tarte…

Je pense qu’elle se cache quelque part entre la terre et la mer, un peu dispersée dans chacun de ses souvenirs, éparpillée dans les hauts et les bas de la vie. Mais quand même, j’insiste, si jamais vous avez aperçu un bout de ma Manu heureusement contagieuse d’être si heureuse dans un de vos joyeux souvenirs,
faites moi signe, peut-être que ça m’aidera à la retrouver plus rapidement…

Amen .

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Why Kind Of Underwear Hurts The Most

the bottom of an aquarium

Nous avons participé a un tour guidé (nb: a eviter a tout prix) a Beijing . Accompagnés de Coreens, nous avons visité ce fameux Pekin, ce fameux Beijing 2008.

Palais apres palais, nous avons traversé les rues de Beijing. Voyeuse, j'absorbais les images et je captais les moments a travers les vitres de notre gros autobus climatisé. Ca y est, je faisais maintenant partie de ces touristes qui prennent des photos a travers les vitres de leur autobus. Je captais le regard ahuri, surpris ou questionneur de ces Chinois violés par mon appareil. Je me sentais sale, si lointaine de la realité. Quelqu'un, sortez moi de ce bocal et laissez I breathe the fresh air pollution in Beijing, I want to see Beijing, true! One I will not be afraid to touch, eat, smell. One that surprised me with its tasty grilled cockroaches
(no, I did not eat, nobody was quite game to accompany me ...), who get on my nerves with its vendors more riders than each other, one that I will enjoy its authentic food in the corner of a shabby restaurant ...

I really want to complain to the tour guide in Korean, but we still had a chance to spend some special experiences, such as hiking aboard rickshaws, eating Beijing Duck, Chinese see a circus, relax on a gondola or a young Beijing was gliding his fingers over a gentle Citara, enjoy a cruise on top of a mountain and also see the little pile of stone, as it calls it already ... Ah yes, the Great Wall of China ... ;)

These four days in Beijing when I was even left on a special feeling, that of having to come back at any cost to discover the true
Beijing, one hiding behind the tourist traps and luxury stores that we take for fish wedged at the bottom of an aquarium.

Force On Trailer By Car

Where to start ...

I wanted to share with you the experience of my last three weeks, but I lack energy. I would love to find the appropriate words to describe the beauty and excitement discover Korea. I would have liked to capture those precious moments and share them with you in their integrity. I wish you to experience these emotions, but I lack energy.

So I ask you just close your eyes and imagine a field of green tea that is lost in the skyline. You'll also see this dense forest of bamboo
? Snake the path, a sun umbrella in hand. What is it that tickles your toes? Waves on a beach in Busan, a blazing sun that envelops your skin and the feeling of being on vacation.

Keep your eyes closed and listen to the murmur of Buddhist monks praying at the temple of Songgwangsa. The sound of drums, chanting prayers, sleeping next to a creek that
embrace your ears . The freshness of a new morning dew on your sandals and feel at peace.

I wish I knew the right words to describe the excitement shared by my mother and me, but words are not enough. In addition, I'm selfish and I want to keep those precious memories for me and me alone.

Maybe one day I will find enough energy and courage to tell you individually adventures Korean land, but for now you must settle for my words of Jeanette.

J. that the scarf game with shoes.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Office Space Donate To Nonprofit Writeoff

VaCanCesSsssss !!!!!


After three months of training, I take three weeks vacation to accommodate my mother (Canadian) in my homeland . In 20 days we have the challenge to visit Seoul, discover the province of Jeollanam, meet the parents of my biological mother (so theoretically, my grandparents), relax on the famous beaches of Busan,
s' marvel at the unique charm of Jeju Island, admire the historic sites of the east coast (Gyeongju and Andong), enjoy the hot springs in the suburbs of Seoul and also visit China for a few days!

I do not need to tell you that I am terribly excited and very anxious that I visit around Korea. My bio mother joined us, making it easy a little easier to transport, language, reservations and everything else.

So I'm going to travel, not with my mother, but my two mothers! is strange, sometimes I feel we were of great friends in another life, and we thought we would end later in the next life . That, it was found. But hey, I'll talk after 20 days 24 / 7 with them ... ^ ^;

I'll try to keep you informed on a regular basis (I ah cramps in writing these words ..)

