Reflection on the man and his humanity and humanity and its people.
After the episode of shooting range at Cu Chi Tunnels, the genocide of the Khmer Rouge.
I am shaken. disturbed. I dare not look at myself in the mirror. I see I see how a human can be terrible and atrocious. Group effect, pressure from authority, submission to the force, common sense or survival.
I do not blame anyone. If I were in that situation, who would I be? I would save my skin? And if I have to kill to save my skin? I let myself die? It takes courage to die as well, right?
S-21 The museum, formerly a primary school converted into a prison. Prisoners in 3000, only 7 survived the S-21.
I philosopher. I burst. I am human, too? What a shame.
This feeling haunts me during des jours. Je n'y peux rien. Une chance que Jer est la.
Sur une autre note, voici quelques autres experiences au Cambodge:
- Un spectacle magique de danse aspara.
- Une ride de moto dans le parc national de Bokkor. Voir le site a Jer. Quelle experience. On est tombes deux fois. Jer avait toute la responsabilite de conduire dans ce 'chemin' (lire terre, roche, caillou, sable, boue, etc) pendant que moi, je m'accrochais a la moto en recitant mon chapelet.
J'ai eu un peu peur, mais ca compte pas, parce que j'ai tout le temps peur. Jer n'a pas eu peur lui, he is a man (you can read between the lines?).
- A walk in the countryside with local guides. Hidden temples, fields of wheat, dust in his hair, a big smile on his face.
- Angkor Wat. Must . Me the old buildings, it makes me say anything, but nothing vraiemnt. But Angkor Wat? Without a word, stunned. The surrounding temples are more impressive than each other. You remember Lara Croft? Yes, a temple of Angkor.
trunks even bigger than a tree, the roots growing on the ruins, singing birds, green leaves, le mystere, l'Histoire, le royaume, ... cliquez sur Cambodia - Angkor Wat

- Traverser en Thailande. 10 heures dans un bus merdique sans AC. Si poussiereux qu'on doit porter un masque a l'interieur du bus. Mon chandail gris est orange. Mes pantalons roses sont oranges. Mes cheveux sont oranges. J'ai mal aux fesses.
Bref, le Cambodge?
Quel plaisir apres le Vietnam! Developing, Cambodia remains a less touristy destination (apart from Angkor Wat). Leave more to ourselves, we discover the country at our own pace. The people are friendly, but true. I will return, yes, I will return.