Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dxm And Maoi Side Effects

Pénestin, splendid weather of April 2010

Vídeos D Famosa Tv Cojiendo


Resetting A Number Lock

The boat book Penestia (High!)

Created A Wrester Oline

Anes Pénestin

" Finds Thistles cottony
which ten asses in the eyes of embers
work spinning the knots!
Finds Flowers that are chairs !
Rimbaud, What we said to the poet about flowers

In fact, Pénestin, buy books in the town (I found the Complete Poems of Arthur) and also Boat book


How To On Cute Volleyball Hair Ribbons

Fricassee Breton, a newcomer to the market Pénestin

Stopping A Kidde From Beeping

The tear of the The elephant

The blog about a book written by a pénestinois, Thierry FERIOT

I have not read it yet.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cooler Master V8 Evga X58 3

Doen, the Visnonia the Vicenonia the Visnaine the Visnogne the Visnègne the Visnaine the Vilaigne, Vilaine

The Vilaine rises to Juvigné in the hills of Mayenne. It traverses some 225 km, crossing Vitre, Rennes, Redon, La Roche-Bernard, before emptying into the Atlantic Ocean between the Morbihan Gulf and Peninsula guérandaise. The first known name of the river is "Doen" in Celtic means "River Deep". Later, the Romans Batise "the Visnonia" Vicenonia est le nom employé par Grégoire de Tours, qui francisé deviendra « Visnogne », "Visnègne" , « la Visnaine », puis « la Vilaigne » et enfin « la Vilaine ».

Read Dragon Ball Kamehasutra Online

site on the estuary of the Vilaine

Benifits Of Eating Dry Mango

Printemps Assérac

Which Is Best Cetaphil Or Neutrogena


What Type Of Hair Does Andy Sixx

The Maresclé, Pénestin, April 17, 2010 Fishers Association

Troubleshooting Prostart Remote Car Starter

off the coast of Jade

Apoemoncellular Respiration

Toxins amnésiantes.Interdiction fishing and consumption of shellfish from

"April 16, 2010
The tests are performed by the laboratory Latrinité-sur-Mer "revealed the presence of Amnesic Groix sector", said the prefecture said in a statement. This type of toxin causes foodborne illness resulting in more or less serious disorders ( vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, or loss of memory) within hours after consuming contaminated shellfish. Consequently, fishing, gathering, marketing and consumption of shellfish from Groix, Belle-Ile, Houat Hoëdic, and the stretch of coastline between LePouldu, west of Lorient, and Quiberon peninsula, is forbidden. "
The telegram from Brest
More details here:
http://www.comitedespeches-guilvinec .com / spip.php? article446 & lang = en

And if you cook?
ASP toxins consist of domoic acid (DA) and its isomers. These toxins have an amnesic action and they cause the consumer of shellfish contaminated with poisoning symptoms appear within 2 to 24 hours, those are kind of gastrointestinal (vomiting, diarrhea). Then, between 24 and 48 hours, are neurological symptoms that are observed (persistent headache, impaired balance or vision). In severe cases, it is memory loss, alterations of consciousness and sometimes convulsions and coma. ASP toxins are stable to heat, cooking the shellfish does not reduce their toxicity.

The detection method and the threshold of safety used are those described in European regulations: 20 mg domoic acid per g of shellfish flesh for chemical analysis. The shells are dangerous for consumption, when exceeding the safety threshold is effective. Below this threshold, the presence of toxins in small amounts, for example during the decontamination of shellfish is safe for consumers.

The relationship between concentration in water Pseudo-nitzschia ASP and toxicity levels in shellfish is known to be variable depending on the species involved: for example, P. multiseries would be much more toxic than P. pseudodelicatissima . For the moment it is not possible to say more episodes for French, because the presence in shellfish dangerous concentrations of ASP toxins was observed only very recently
  • in spring 2000, Britain (Iroise Sea and Bay of Douarnenez)
  • in spring 2002, on part de la côte méditerranéenne (littoral de l'Hérault, du Gard et des Bouches du Rhône)
Dans les deux cas, la présence de ces toxines a fait suite à des proliférations de P. pseudodelicatissima . Etant donné les proportions respectives actuellement observées pour les différentes espèces de Pseudo-nitzschia , toxiques ou non, la concentration minimale pour que les coquillages soient toxiques est de l'ordre de plusieurs centaines de milliers de cellules par litre.

La toxicité peut aussi varier selon l'espèce de coquillage : certains coquillages se contaminent plus que d'autres, avec des rates of contamination and decontamination different depending on the species of shellfish. During the episode of ASP toxicity in Britain, mussels and Donaci were contaminated. A priori, all shellfish species may be affected by these toxins, including St. Jacques shells that are not for the moment, monitored under the REPHY. "