While my adventures in Asia will be completed in one month to the day I begin, often in spite of myself, an invoice as of all possible data compilable on that famous trip to Asia .
Here's what comes to mind, as ca, suddenly, swiftly as a horse on the soup; ( I specify that I fly this turn of phrase has Jeremie, who himself was also steals his friend .. . I will send 20 cents in the mail for copyright)
I eat ...
- Scorpio , cockroach and to fried. It tastes like popcorn.
- bee larvae dipped in honey all their expenses. (I get chills to rethink their texture)
- Red Ants still alive. Amer.
- Shark . Yummy.
- Morning glories Morning glories after. Nothing glorious , just delicious.
- The best rice is undoubtedly the one found in Laos. The bamboo basket makes it even more exciting.
I drank ...
Beer - Beer
- Whiskey a $ 2 per bottle.
- The Indian mmmmmh.
Beer - Tap water in brushing my teeth. And I have not been sick (knock on wood).
Oops, the countdown does not stop there. But I take a bus !!!!! I'm late ~
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Good Warm Up Songs For Basketball 2010
... It Can Be If You dancefloor was really insist ...
I just realized that:
- I am a piss minute.
- I'ma kleptomaniac edition limited to toilet paper.
- I'm afraid of lack (which explains my obsession with toilet paper free).
- Sometimes I gripe .
- KL is not so bad .. It is rather I who distorts reality with my mood swings.
- I just started reading The Kite Flying in Kabul and I love so far. It changes the ideas of space.
Here are some news about my well being physically, mentally, spiritually and mentally.
- I got a haircut. butting leads scissors. Chop chop.
- Ma tite tooth motion. I think she will fall in coming months.
- I ambition to lose weight. Note the term ambition or incur any obligation or which does not specify the depth of my current intention to proceed has seriously any attempt to lose weight. Phew. I lose 10 grams of sweat just to think about all this.
- I try to be less questions about existence and life, allowing me to relax and enjoy my last week vacation.
- Talking to enjoy the holidays, I work very hard on my perception of these last moments on Asian soil. I push the bottom Positivism:)
- To ensure complete relaxation, I was escaping Palau Tioman southeast of the Malaysian peninsula for a few days. I intend to have both feet planted in the sand at the same time tomorrow. And at the same hour the day after, I intend to wade fish among the joyous National Park Tioman. And the same time the next day, I intend to be extended to all my long sandbar that isolate or the sun and gentle breeze reminds me that I am very happy to be on vacation.
... It Can Be If You dancefloor was really insist ...
I just realized that:
- I am a piss minute.
- I'ma kleptomaniac edition limited to toilet paper.
- I'm afraid of lack (which explains my obsession with toilet paper free).
- Sometimes I gripe .
- KL is not so bad .. It is rather I who distorts reality with my mood swings.
- I just started reading The Kite Flying in Kabul and I love so far. It changes the ideas of space.
Here are some news about my well being physically, mentally, spiritually and mentally.
- I got a haircut. butting leads scissors. Chop chop.
- Ma tite tooth motion. I think she will fall in coming months.
- I ambition to lose weight. Note the term ambition or incur any obligation or which does not specify the depth of my current intention to proceed has seriously any attempt to lose weight. Phew. I lose 10 grams of sweat just to think about all this.
- I try to be less questions about existence and life, allowing me to relax and enjoy my last week vacation.
- Talking to enjoy the holidays, I work very hard on my perception of these last moments on Asian soil. I push the bottom Positivism:)
- To ensure complete relaxation, I was escaping Palau Tioman southeast of the Malaysian peninsula for a few days. I intend to have both feet planted in the sand at the same time tomorrow. And at the same hour the day after, I intend to wade fish among the joyous National Park Tioman. And the same time the next day, I intend to be extended to all my long sandbar that isolate or the sun and gentle breeze reminds me that I am very happy to be on vacation.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Scabs In Scalp 2 Year Old
Kuala Lumpur - Calming & Gravol please!
After a month of tranquility and serenity in Laos, Kuala Lumpur has made me quite a shock .
After a month of tranquility and serenity in Laos, Kuala Lumpur has made me quite a shock .
is the total cacaphony. People jostle through the middle of the street between two buses, taxis honking and three food booths, written ca, ca spitting, talking loudly. The smell of durian (which coincides with the smell of garbage noseabonde), Chinese noodles, curry indian malay chicken and compete in my nostrils and mount directly to the brain.
It's hot, humid, sticky. The gray sky released a few drops of rain here and there. I am stunned by the skyscrapers, the mosques, Chinese temples, waste, women quetent, trains flying over the city.
I'm suffocating. I hurt the heart. And I start flu due to moisture and air conditioned.
Kuala Lumpur is rich in culture, multiculturalism should I say. But it's just a little too intense for me right time. I want tranquility, endless beaches and sky blue.
I feel more alone than ever, I can not find my place in the madness of Kuala Lumpur.

that I visit a mosque.
Friday, February 16, 2007
White Suits For Juniors
My friend Jeremie - another story
Who is this guy with big eyebrows on many of my photos?
No, it's not my porter.
Neither a guy who does not care in my pictures at the last minute.
This guy is my friend Jeremie . Meeting on the benches of university, or probably rather on the benches of the bar uqam, Jeremy and I have traveled together for three months.
However, back in Canada. I like to delude people that we had arguments and Jer decided to return to Montreal. I love to watch the puzzled look of my interlocutors. But seems that I am not able to lie so I always start to laugh.
To see some pictures or read the story more diligent in our adventures together, here l'adresse de son blog.
At dawn on the dunes of white sand.
Who is this guy with big eyebrows on many of my photos?
No, it's not my porter.
Neither a guy who does not care in my pictures at the last minute.
This guy is my friend Jeremie . Meeting on the benches of university, or probably rather on the benches of the bar uqam, Jeremy and I have traveled together for three months.
However, back in Canada. I like to delude people that we had arguments and Jer decided to return to Montreal. I love to watch the puzzled look of my interlocutors. But seems that I am not able to lie so I always start to laugh.
To see some pictures or read the story more diligent in our adventures together, here l'adresse de son blog.
How To Hang Curtains On Holdbacks
Laos, you got me!
Good luck! Temple Thinking
Arret a tous les 20 km. Bananes frites :)
Suite well soon.
For now, I'm exhausted.
I will also try to add photos. Otherwise, visit

Good luck! Temple Thinking

Arret a tous les 20 km. Bananes frites :)
I do not lie to you pl us, Laos is my favorite country in Southeast Asia so far. Soooo different, rural, peaceful, friendly!
Suite well soon.
For now, I'm exhausted.
I will also try to add photos. Otherwise, visit
How To Find Camera On Oovoo
Time is short, we choose our destinations.
We went to Bangkok just after the bombs . We pay attention. Who knows. The famous Khao San Road is under surveillance. But life goes on. Japanese are making dreads the street, Americans are grafted braids, a seller of pad thai fled with his stand when the police arrived, a man gets a tattoo shop topless, we see its huge tribal in back.
Some Lady boys (read: difficult to recognize disguised) attempt to attract the attention of young Europeans. Amuse, they laugh a bit and stall their beers they just bought on the street. The explosive music, it's dirty, it stinks, it's a little debauchery what.
On part pour Chiang Mai, au nord de la Thailande. Apres 12 heures de bus de nuit, congeles, frigorifies, sans aucune sensation dans les orteils, on arrive dans cette deuxieme plus grande ville de la Thailande. On rencontre un Belge et une Luxembourgeoises, qu'ils sont sympa!
On fait un trek, on assiste a un match de boxe thai. Plaisir mais un peu decevant. C'est un spectacle quoi. Des enfants combattent. Un plus grand vomit. Nous on boit de la biere.
On se rend ensuite tranquillement vers la frontiere plus au sud du Laos. Les quelques villes visitees sont tranquilles et peu touristiques, on relaxe et on vit a la Thai.
Bref , la Thailande...
Oui, je reviendrais. J'ai peu vu vous savez. Je ne veux pas juger la Thailande trop rapidement, je veux lui laisser une seconde chance . Vous sentez surement dans mes mots le manque d'enthousiasme, mais detrompez-vous, j'ai beaucoup apprecie ce pays aux milles sourires. De bons souvenirs :)
Crown Royal Gift Sets
Thailand Thailand still my birthday and the day of the year
Celebrer ses 23 ans sur une ile exotique en Thailande.
Un peu lendemain de veille mais quand meme de bonne humeur, nous avons fait le tour de l'ile en moto. Grimper pour admirer une chute. Savourer l'air un peu salee. Sentir ma peau brunir sous le soleil de midi. Padthai devour it at 50 under. Enjoy this coconut juice and sugar.
is the day of the year, I am with my good friend Jeremy, Thailand. It allows them tonight, we gate and eat for $ 6 for! After a delight, it went on the beach at the back of our bungalow.
were planted our plastic chairs and three candles. We open this bottle of wine (wine, true, can you imagine?) And savored the moment. At least, I savor the moment: P
Right now, I tell myself I'm good. I do not think of anything, I'm just fine.
Thank you Life!
Celebrer ses 23 ans sur une ile exotique en Thailande.
Un peu lendemain de veille mais quand meme de bonne humeur, nous avons fait le tour de l'ile en moto. Grimper pour admirer une chute. Savourer l'air un peu salee. Sentir ma peau brunir sous le soleil de midi. Padthai devour it at 50 under. Enjoy this coconut juice and sugar.
is the day of the year, I am with my good friend Jeremy, Thailand. It allows them tonight, we gate and eat for $ 6 for! After a delight, it went on the beach at the back of our bungalow.
were planted our plastic chairs and three candles. We open this bottle of wine (wine, true, can you imagine?) And savored the moment. At least, I savor the moment: P
Right now, I tell myself I'm good. I do not think of anything, I'm just fine.
Thank you Life!
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