After a month of tranquility and serenity in Laos, Kuala Lumpur has made me quite a shock .
is the total cacaphony. People jostle through the middle of the street between two buses, taxis honking and three food booths, written ca, ca spitting, talking loudly. The smell of durian (which coincides with the smell of garbage noseabonde), Chinese noodles, curry indian malay chicken and compete in my nostrils and mount directly to the brain.
It's hot, humid, sticky. The gray sky released a few drops of rain here and there. I am stunned by the skyscrapers, the mosques, Chinese temples, waste, women quetent, trains flying over the city.
I'm suffocating. I hurt the heart. And I start flu due to moisture and air conditioned.
Kuala Lumpur is rich in culture, multiculturalism should I say. But it's just a little too intense for me right time. I want tranquility, endless beaches and sky blue.
I feel more alone than ever, I can not find my place in the madness of Kuala Lumpur.

that I visit a mosque.
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