Singapore, a city, an island country, located south of Malaysia just above the Equator. Almost utopian. Judge for yourself: a melting pot of people who live in harmony, Indian, Chinese, Malay, Western, not pollution, no traffic jams, no insecurity, everything is clean and regulations ...
Besides panels outlining the various fines for offending popping up everywhere (SG knowing that 2 dollars equivalent to one euro, it comes soon dear!). It can even be fined for chewing of gum because chewing gum is banned in Singapore or not to draw flush in public toilets! but they are few.
The following are derived from the metro corridors and passages under ground.
Besides panels outlining the various fines for offending popping up everywhere (SG knowing that 2 dollars equivalent to one euro, it comes soon dear!). It can even be fined for chewing of gum because chewing gum is banned in Singapore or not to draw flush in public toilets! but they are few.
The following are derived from the metro corridors and passages under ground.

few crimes but a little paranoid room: everywhere in the subway are streaming movies and attack large posters remind us that "Few crime does not mean no crime". In short, a little climate of Minority Report! Go I exaggerate a bit anyway!
More reasonably Singapore is a very pleasant modern city far from the chaotic Bangkok. Here we find the quiet luxury of being able to wander around town and in gardens (visit the beautiful zoo in particular), visiting museums (Museum of Arts and Asian Civilisation, superb) and sip a beer or an iced tea, the choice has a sidewalk cafe.
Few photos because Singapore is primarily a city that appreciates that looks more. Among building even when there are many beautiful colonial homes remarkably well preserved.
Few photos because Singapore is primarily a city that appreciates that looks more. Among building even when there are many beautiful colonial homes remarkably well preserved.

Some pictures of Singapore at night when modern architecture is most likely to reveal its beauty enhanced by the street lighting. The theater shaped Durian (smelly tropical fruit), but Clarke Quay and its covered street air-conditioned!
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