Orders Professionals
The development of ordinal structures for nurses, chiropodists, physiotherapists and in addition to those of the older Doctors and Midwives, arrives in time to implement the many reforms Government:
- Law Hospital Patients Territory Health undermines the public health system. Continued pricing activity led to the asphyxiation of the public hospital that will offload a maximum of paramedical staff for equilibrium budgétaire. Déjà des milliers de suppressions d’emplois sont annoncés dans les hôpitaux. Selon ses possibilités de financement, l’hôpital fera appel à des libéraux « intervenant à l’acte ». Derrière la mise en cause du statut, c’est celle de la conception du soin de prise en charge globale. Par ailleurs, le gouvernement a fait intégrer dans cette loi un amendement qui stipule une inscription automatique à l’Ordre Infirmier pour les professionnels en exercice, tirant les enseignements des multiples conflits chez les MK dans leur refus de s’inscrire au tableau de l’Ordre.
- La refonte de tous les programmes de formation des paramédicaux s’appuie the need to improve "cooperation between health professionals" and recognize the actual skill levels. Ultimately it is the professional content that will be redesigned to limit the number of professionals "eligible" at the License and / or Master to take down all wages.
- The transfer of public tasks to private bodies organized by the General Review of Public Policy. It will not be the general taxpayer funding that supports the missions of the decentralized services of the State for the professional respect of the exercise but the only professionals par le biais de leur cotisation à l’ordre. Ainsi ce ne sont plus les DDASS ou DRASS qui effectueront gratuitement l’enregistrement du Diplôme, la vérification des Diplômes des professionnels non formés en France, le respect des règles professionnelles….. Concernant le montant des cotisations aux ordres : Pour les infirmières, c’est 75 Euros de cotisation. Même multipliés par les 500 000 infirmières salariées et libérales, ces 37 millions d’Euros de budget ne suffiront pas à terme à indemniser les infirmiers élus à l’ordre et à rétribuer les personnels de secrétariat et de comptabilité, sans compter les frais de fonctionnement courant (Rent, office, computer, training, etc. ..) The price of the premium will only increase! Even free, the order I want it! I demand the repeal of laws establishing the structures of ordinal Doctors, midwives, chiropodists, physiotherapists and nurses, I claim means the decentralized services of the state to fulfill the public service missions.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
How To Unlock Channels For Usb Tv Card
CGT decided to denounce the media and through a demonstration Thursday on 24/09/2009 à 10h au CH d’Erstein, les injustices et le harcèlement subis par de nombreux collègues.
Malgré nos multiples interventions pour des faits similaires, la CGT constate que des employés travaillant dans nos murs, subissent toujours et encore des pressions de la part de leurs supérieurs hiérarchiques.
De basses méthodes utilisées par certains « nombrilistes »par exemple, pour tacher la future carrière d’une éducatrice de jeunes enfants à Sélestat, en s’opposant purement et simplement à sa titularisation ayant eu un avis favorable lors de la CAPL de décembre 2008.
La CGT, depuis des années, mène un combat sans relâche pour que practices and especially some strategies of debasement of the staff are banned from the hotel.
harassment, intimidation, blackmail, slander, moral pressure and threats are still part of a heritage inherited and imposed by some mafia hospital.
Many people still bear the scars of such processes, because these criminal practices known to all, are not new to UF CHE especially in some, but too long trivialized by our leaders. This organization
very authoritarian, to which everyone must comply, (we stress the word everyone) marginalizes those qui n’acceptent pas la soumission et favorise de façon pérenne et spectaculaire les bourreaux.
Aujourd’hui, à l’ère du droit et de la reconnaissance de nos compétences, ceux-ci sont quotidiennement bafoués par le devoir d’exécuter avec obligation de se soumettre.
La CGT a décidé de dénoncer ces déviances et ces manœuvres d’intimidation et de les étaler au grand jour.
Ces manœuvres provoquent une totale inversion des pratiques réelles de soins ainsi que la finalité de notre travail auprès de personnes en souffrance.
Ainsi, au gré et par décision de certains membres de cette pègre, des documents compromettants sont erased while others are fabricated to satisfy the appetite of the octopus.
Responding to a system, which for several years, sowing terror with impunity in our business?
What are the reasons for the "unspoken"?
Our union refuses to submit to such injustice, and staff called to testify without fear and without shame experiences. The number of depressions (identified by our occupational physician) related to burnout is on the increase and those related to harassment?
Remember, "silence is leaving the door open to abuse"
Together fight for recognition of our rights, denouncing the abuses of power that are harmful to us and throughout our careers.
By: Danielle Decroix
Secretary General of the CGT CH ERSTEIN
CGT decided to denounce the media and through a demonstration Thursday on 24/09/2009 à 10h au CH d’Erstein, les injustices et le harcèlement subis par de nombreux collègues.
Malgré nos multiples interventions pour des faits similaires, la CGT constate que des employés travaillant dans nos murs, subissent toujours et encore des pressions de la part de leurs supérieurs hiérarchiques.
De basses méthodes utilisées par certains « nombrilistes »par exemple, pour tacher la future carrière d’une éducatrice de jeunes enfants à Sélestat, en s’opposant purement et simplement à sa titularisation ayant eu un avis favorable lors de la CAPL de décembre 2008.
La CGT, depuis des années, mène un combat sans relâche pour que practices and especially some strategies of debasement of the staff are banned from the hotel.
harassment, intimidation, blackmail, slander, moral pressure and threats are still part of a heritage inherited and imposed by some mafia hospital.
Many people still bear the scars of such processes, because these criminal practices known to all, are not new to UF CHE especially in some, but too long trivialized by our leaders. This organization
very authoritarian, to which everyone must comply, (we stress the word everyone) marginalizes those qui n’acceptent pas la soumission et favorise de façon pérenne et spectaculaire les bourreaux.
Aujourd’hui, à l’ère du droit et de la reconnaissance de nos compétences, ceux-ci sont quotidiennement bafoués par le devoir d’exécuter avec obligation de se soumettre.
La CGT a décidé de dénoncer ces déviances et ces manœuvres d’intimidation et de les étaler au grand jour.
Ces manœuvres provoquent une totale inversion des pratiques réelles de soins ainsi que la finalité de notre travail auprès de personnes en souffrance.
Ainsi, au gré et par décision de certains membres de cette pègre, des documents compromettants sont erased while others are fabricated to satisfy the appetite of the octopus.
Responding to a system, which for several years, sowing terror with impunity in our business?
What are the reasons for the "unspoken"?
Our union refuses to submit to such injustice, and staff called to testify without fear and without shame experiences. The number of depressions (identified by our occupational physician) related to burnout is on the increase and those related to harassment?
Remember, "silence is leaving the door open to abuse"
Together fight for recognition of our rights, denouncing the abuses of power that are harmful to us and throughout our careers.
By: Danielle Decroix
Secretary General of the CGT CH ERSTEIN
Brazillian Waxing Victoria, Bc
Boycott of nursing 0rdre:
Boycott of nursing 0rdre:
l4ode job!
T {e Ie not complete file and not pave nas! Lo
all representative trade unions in [e sector are launched this
slogan from the nursing profession.
Setting Ploce order nursing orrive donations lo phcse coiisation bidding. Personal
addresses of all nurses (s) of Fronce are sent via the ordra employers. This provision is scheduled
donations Act 20O9 lo-879 Hospital Potient Territory donations are his orticle
Foit 63 and following the demondede certoins employers Éire disengaged lo responsobilité empfoyer
of professionals who are not registered and therefore the order illegal practice.
€ 75 oour have droif of fravailler! For
nombredeprafessionnel (the) s, cadeou derentré, e esf far from their concerns.
For the CGT, the order is EVEN far from heolth INTEREST professionals and patients. This structure was
credit, é, e por meftre the government in the Ploce RGPP (general review of public politigues
) and LC HPST law which ultimately entrciîneront lc privotisation of public health services.
No Order, but the staff!
Orders of Doctors and Midwives existential t94Q and have since made pos lo? ROOF
their etficacitê or donations of the oméliorotion taken chorges nor control protigues professional.
Cependont, health professionals are giving a situotion dramctique dz mango means to assume
chorges of their trovail. fls travoillent commattre the specter of an error.
Paur cujourd'hui manage the shortage of professionals has been knowingly orgonisée refs
elms are put in place:
- tronsfert medical skills to paramedics (por lo encodré law HPST)
- education reform trades lo health (JCSP, nurse, MK, speech ...)
- grouping sdministratif Training Institutes (circular? AL /? 009).
Cesréformes are still more savings for the public service and private profits and octionnaires
or detriment of local reconnaisscnce guolifications professionals delcréponse
oux and needs are public. NO
cu 75 euros and NOT the inguisilion
(PAGASA and file I una dizoine of documentation requirements)
Together for the bovcoff of CAFIS!
fl be noted, gue DCNS trial of Toulouse on the refusal of registration and payment, Massage
Physiotherapists have gogna trial.
Boycott of nursing 0rdre:
l4ode job!
T {e Ie not complete file and not pave nas! Lo
all representative trade unions in [e sector are launched this
slogan from the nursing profession.
Setting Ploce order nursing orrive donations lo phcse coiisation bidding. Personal
addresses of all nurses (s) of Fronce are sent via the ordra employers. This provision is scheduled
donations Act 20O9 lo-879 Hospital Potient Territory donations are his orticle
Foit 63 and following the demondede certoins employers Éire disengaged lo responsobilité empfoyer
of professionals who are not registered and therefore the order illegal practice.
€ 75 oour have droif of fravailler! For
nombredeprafessionnel (the) s, cadeou derentré, e esf far from their concerns.
For the CGT, the order is EVEN far from heolth INTEREST professionals and patients. This structure was
credit, é, e por meftre the government in the Ploce RGPP (general review of public politigues
) and LC HPST law which ultimately entrciîneront lc privotisation of public health services.
No Order, but the staff!
Orders of Doctors and Midwives existential t94Q and have since made pos lo? ROOF
their etficacitê or donations of the oméliorotion taken chorges nor control protigues professional.
Cependont, health professionals are giving a situotion dramctique dz mango means to assume
chorges of their trovail. fls travoillent commattre the specter of an error.
Paur cujourd'hui manage the shortage of professionals has been knowingly orgonisée refs
elms are put in place:
- tronsfert medical skills to paramedics (por lo encodré law HPST)
- education reform trades lo health (JCSP, nurse, MK, speech ...)
- grouping sdministratif Training Institutes (circular? AL /? 009).
Cesréformes are still more savings for the public service and private profits and octionnaires
or detriment of local reconnaisscnce guolifications professionals delcréponse
oux and needs are public. NO
cu 75 euros and NOT the inguisilion
(PAGASA and file I una dizoine of documentation requirements)
Together for the bovcoff of CAFIS!
fl be noted, gue DCNS trial of Toulouse on the refusal of registration and payment, Massage
Physiotherapists have gogna trial.
Rash From Feminine Pad
the Selestat, October 15, 2009
CGT trade union motion on rules of procedure. We
, union represented to the Technical Committee on Establishment (CTE) of hospital Sélestat, have noted with plus vive inquiétude du nouveau règlement intérieur annoncé par la direction, et dénonçons la méthode concernant à mettre les partenaires sociaux devant le fait accompli.
Suite au dernier CTE du mois de mai 2009, le directeur modifie le règlement intérieur signé en 2003 pour l'application des 35 heures au centre hospitalier de Sélestat.
Notre organisation syndicale a toujours été opposée au remaniement de ce règlement intérieur.
Après un été difficile dû au manque d'effectif chronique, au manque de personnel de remplacement, à la fermeture des lits, nous apprenons la mise en place en catimini par les ressources humaines la diffusion de quatre notes de services modifiant le règlement intérieur.
Régression sociale et hold-up sur nos acquis!!
Déjà en 2008 nous avions pensé que la situation financière de l’établissement, aggravée par les nouveaux mécanismes budgétaires et tarifaires, ne pouvait se résoudre en faisant porter principalement par le personnel non-médical le poids des mesures de retour à l’équilibre.
(- 67 000 €)
L’année écoulée, marquée par le paiement des heures supplémentaires et l'absorption du personnel d'Obernai due à la fermeture de la maternité et de la chirurgie, a vu dans une spirale faisant s’enchaîner tensions sur les effectifs, recours aux heures supplémentaires, absentéisme, difficultés de remplacement, mobilité intempestive…Nous craignons une incidence évidente sur les dégradations de conditions de travail du personnel faisant de gros efforts pour maintenir un service de qualité. Nous regrettons que les différentes réunions de travail pour la révision du règlement intérieur fin 2008 n’ont pas abouti faute de dialogue social et d’un échange constructif et honnête de la part de la direction . Le vrai débat aurait dû être fait en inter-syndicale.
Aussi nous ne pouvons comprendre que les nouvelles mesures visent le personnel de manière aussi brutale :
Challenging non-negotiated the organization and scheduling of work is done indiscriminately, with the desire to standardize down various provisions (schedules, meals, vacation ...) which gave both the necessary flexibility to functioning of services and the minimum compensation for personnel required to undertake ever-increasing availability.
While the situation of the institution would need a good social dialogue, to find the cohesion needed to overcome the difficulties, it is increasingly limited to mere information. Subjects as crucial as les suppressions d’emploi et la remise en cause du temps de travail demanderaient la volonté d’analyser ensemble tous les aspects de l’organisation de l’hôpital, y compris l’organisation médicale au cœur de toutes les activités, de rapprocher les points de vues et d’écouter les propositions de tous les acteurs.
Nous avions déjà regretté à plusieurs reprises que les informations indispensables nous parvenaient tardivement. Cette fois-ci, tout en déplorant la communication tardive des documents, nous constatons de plus l’importance des décisions déjà prises dont le CTE ne pourrait faire que le simple enregistrement.
We expect that management gives us clear signals of recovery of true dialogue. On behalf of staff, we will not let them cut up than mere spectators of the slow demolition of public hospitals, jobs and working conditions. We will defend their health, balance their family life, and the attachment they are, simply, to do quality work in the interest of public service and its users.
Staff representatives of the CGT hospital Sélestat
Monday, October 5, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Red Hot Swollen Elbow Baby
nursing education trade union motion
the Selestat, September 14, 2009
Negotiating the September 10, 2009 for nurses: Recognition at LAC + 3?
move to Class A?
pay rise?
Monday, September 14, 2009 September 10, 2009, another meeting was held between unions and the Ministry, on the reshaping of Class B office for paramedics.
Once again, the Ministry turned a deaf ear, and does not intend to leave the boundary defined in international public service for the implementation of future grids in category B.
The Department's commitments on the integration of nurses en catégorie A avec revalorisation salariale ne sont qu’un affichage. La CGT a répété son refus de chantage entre le passage en catégorie A et la perte de la catégorie active pour un départ anticipé en retraite. La pénibilité des métiers hospitaliers, ainsi que les contraintes liées à l’exercice des missions des professionnels doivent prises en compte
Des engagements non tenus !
La Ministre en charge de la Santé avait annoncé au printemps 2009 le passage de tous les infirmier(e)s en catégorie A de la fonction publique avec des revalorisations salariales et l’attribution d’un diplôme universitaire, dans le cadre du schéma LMD (Licence Master PhD)!
recognition of the real skill level Bac +3 minimum is a claim brought by the entire industry and unions for 30 years!
UFMICT The CGT had welcomed this announcement but remained very vigilant about opening negotiations in particular as regards the corresponding salary increase.
The first proposals of the Ministry were held September 10, 2009 and they confirmed the fears of the CGT.
recognition at LAC + 3 (DML)?
Recognition of diploma nurse at a level LAC + 3 corresponding to a degree, does not involve integration into the university system. Thus, the formation of FDI would not give a true recognition of university degree.
The first proposals of the department are more provocative than the bargaining:
- the passage in category A would be effective only from 2012 for future graduates and practicing nurses that would last from 2012!
a pay rise? A move to Class A?
Loss of the active category for FDI?
CGT announced that the passage du grade d’infirmier(e) de la catégorie B en catégorie A devait se traduire par une augmentation significative de la grille de salaire.
Les premières propositions du ministère le 10 septembre sont là encore une véritable provocation. La grille intermédiaire en catégorie B serait mise en place en 2011 et ne comporterait pour toute revalorisation qu’un gain moyen de 3 ou 4 points d’indice, soit 15 € de plus par mois sur tous les échelons de la classe normale !
La grille intermédiaire proposée pour les infirmier(e)s de classe normale serait :
- 2ème échelon, indice 324 passerait à 332 (+ 8 pts)
- 3ème échelon, 343 index would rise to 346 (+3 pts)
- 4th grade, 367 index would rise to 370 (+3 pts)
- 5th level, an index would rise to 390 394 (+4 pts)
- 6th grade, 416 index would rise to 420 (+ 4 pts)
- 7th level, an index would rise to 446 450 (+4 pts)
- 8th grade, 481 index would rise to 483 (+2 pts)
and the creation of a 9th level, the index 515 .
Moreover, the move to Class A could also result in a change of status for FDI, which would disappear from the "active group" with a right to retire at age 55 to switch to the "sedentary category" with a right to retire at age 60. A real negotiation
forgetting anyone!
federation CGT has called for real negotiations to open all the gates of the Public Hospital. The CGT has reiterated its demand to upgrade all career paths and to recognize the actual skill levels for all 3 channels, the agent of hospital (ASH) to the Director, with overall a real career linear no quota or ratio, and this, in 2009.
Indeed, the Federation for Social Action Health CGT, there can be no question of dividing the professionals.
In reference to giving / giving the President of the Republic, the questioning of departure to 55 years in retirement for public hospital as part of the recognition of the hardship, blackmail is in-conceivable to the CGT.
It should not only be preserved for caregivers, but extended to other professionals who are prematurely worn out by work and whose life expectancy is well below average.
the Selestat, September 14, 2009
Negotiating the September 10, 2009 for nurses: Recognition at LAC + 3?
move to Class A?
pay rise?
Monday, September 14, 2009 September 10, 2009, another meeting was held between unions and the Ministry, on the reshaping of Class B office for paramedics.
Once again, the Ministry turned a deaf ear, and does not intend to leave the boundary defined in international public service for the implementation of future grids in category B.
The Department's commitments on the integration of nurses en catégorie A avec revalorisation salariale ne sont qu’un affichage. La CGT a répété son refus de chantage entre le passage en catégorie A et la perte de la catégorie active pour un départ anticipé en retraite. La pénibilité des métiers hospitaliers, ainsi que les contraintes liées à l’exercice des missions des professionnels doivent prises en compte
Des engagements non tenus !
La Ministre en charge de la Santé avait annoncé au printemps 2009 le passage de tous les infirmier(e)s en catégorie A de la fonction publique avec des revalorisations salariales et l’attribution d’un diplôme universitaire, dans le cadre du schéma LMD (Licence Master PhD)!
recognition of the real skill level Bac +3 minimum is a claim brought by the entire industry and unions for 30 years!
UFMICT The CGT had welcomed this announcement but remained very vigilant about opening negotiations in particular as regards the corresponding salary increase.
The first proposals of the Ministry were held September 10, 2009 and they confirmed the fears of the CGT.
recognition at LAC + 3 (DML)?
Recognition of diploma nurse at a level LAC + 3 corresponding to a degree, does not involve integration into the university system. Thus, the formation of FDI would not give a true recognition of university degree.
The first proposals of the department are more provocative than the bargaining:
- the passage in category A would be effective only from 2012 for future graduates and practicing nurses that would last from 2012!
a pay rise? A move to Class A?
Loss of the active category for FDI?
CGT announced that the passage du grade d’infirmier(e) de la catégorie B en catégorie A devait se traduire par une augmentation significative de la grille de salaire.
Les premières propositions du ministère le 10 septembre sont là encore une véritable provocation. La grille intermédiaire en catégorie B serait mise en place en 2011 et ne comporterait pour toute revalorisation qu’un gain moyen de 3 ou 4 points d’indice, soit 15 € de plus par mois sur tous les échelons de la classe normale !
La grille intermédiaire proposée pour les infirmier(e)s de classe normale serait :
- 2ème échelon, indice 324 passerait à 332 (+ 8 pts)
- 3ème échelon, 343 index would rise to 346 (+3 pts)
- 4th grade, 367 index would rise to 370 (+3 pts)
- 5th level, an index would rise to 390 394 (+4 pts)
- 6th grade, 416 index would rise to 420 (+ 4 pts)
- 7th level, an index would rise to 446 450 (+4 pts)
- 8th grade, 481 index would rise to 483 (+2 pts)
and the creation of a 9th level, the index 515 .
Moreover, the move to Class A could also result in a change of status for FDI, which would disappear from the "active group" with a right to retire at age 55 to switch to the "sedentary category" with a right to retire at age 60. A real negotiation
forgetting anyone!
federation CGT has called for real negotiations to open all the gates of the Public Hospital. The CGT has reiterated its demand to upgrade all career paths and to recognize the actual skill levels for all 3 channels, the agent of hospital (ASH) to the Director, with overall a real career linear no quota or ratio, and this, in 2009.
Indeed, the Federation for Social Action Health CGT, there can be no question of dividing the professionals.
In reference to giving / giving the President of the Republic, the questioning of departure to 55 years in retirement for public hospital as part of the recognition of the hardship, blackmail is in-conceivable to the CGT.
It should not only be preserved for caregivers, but extended to other professionals who are prematurely worn out by work and whose life expectancy is well below average.
Friday, September 11, 2009
White Discharge Before Getting Period
file H1N1
Pandemic Influenza H1N1: Meeting at the Ministry of Health with the CGT
July 24, 2009, the Ministry of Health has convened a meeting of professional nurses, to discuss the arrangements for dealing with risk of influenza H1N1.
The CGT was surprised that this restriction to one profession, knowing that the risk of pandemic concerns all professionals of health facilities.
Previously, CGT has indicated that the mobilization on pandemic flu could stop the debate and actions that will not fail after the publication HPST the statute.
The government can not avoid the debate about the means available to hospitals to fulfill their mission of public service, whether in exceptional circumstances, or in everyday life.
the meeting was headed by the Deputy Director of Cabinet of Minister, who has long striven to demonstrate that the government and the president of the republic were mobilized to address the pandemic threat. The Ministry representative gave a speech
professionals present, less alarmist than that delivered to the general public, but said it had to be ready at all scenarios, even the worst.
During the meeting, the CGT has intervened in three chapters: • Means
given to health facilities in major budgetary difficulties and ways of functioning
• Human and consequences for employees of care facilities
• Financing measures taken to deal with H1N1
On these issues, we asked a number of issues which had no immediate response, arguing that the department could not have all the answers today ' Today, some points are still under discussion or arbitration. Regarding vaccination
announced with a lot of communication by the government, it provides financial support under the drug and then taken by the insured through the social security and their mutual.
We asked that the confederal unions, representative of all employees are met. It seems important that the social and economic issues related to the risk of a pandemic is the subject of wide consultation at the highest level. By late August, we will be together again Department to report the progress of the situation.
Influenza A H1N1: definition - Symptoms and Prevention
Influenza A H1N1 is a contagious acute respiratory illness caused by one of the few influenza virus A, Influenzavirus A subtype H1N1 re-emerged in 2009 as a new genetic form transmissible from human to human.
This new influenza virus contains genes of several known viruses from swine, avian and human.
This is a flu that had not previously circulated in humans. This virus is related to any previous virus or current seasonal influenza.
Since June 11, 2009, WHO has decided to move to Stage 6 and the flu is considered a pandemic.
Read our article on the achievements of WHO
People with symptoms of influenza A were treated with paracetamol and for more severe cases with antivirals. The first batches of new vaccines against the flu will be available for the month of September 2009.
Contamination and symptoms
The virus usually spreads through coughing and sneezing. Globally, mortality remains low and only covers those already weakened. In most cases, patients showed only mild symptoms and their recovery was rapid and complete.
This new strain of influenza causes the same symptoms as seasonal flu.
It may be noted:
- an incubation period of 24 to 72 hours,
- a sudden and high fever, exceeding 38 ° C,
- muscle pain and / or joint
- severe fatigue,
- of sore throat and possibly headaches,
- a deep and rather dry cough,
- congestion and a runny nose,
- une perte d’appétit,
Dans certains cas, des vomissements et diarrhées.
Les symptômes disparaissent généralement de une semaine à dix jours après leur apparition, mais la fatigue et la toux peuvent parfois persister deux à trois semaines. Le sujet infecté peut être contagieux un jour avant l’apparition des symptômes et le rester pendant sept jours environ.
La prévention de la grippe A : Les masques chirurgicaux et l’hygiène
Le port de masques chirurgicaux est un moyen de limiter l’expansion d’une pandémie de grippe A. Ils doivent être portés par les personnes contaminées car ils limitent la diffusion du virus dans l’air par la toux et les éternuements.
En cas de déclenchement du plan d’urgence, ces masques seront disponibles en très grand nombre dans les hôpitaux et centres de soins. Les masques de protection FFP permettent de protéger les personnes qui les portent. Seuls les masques de type FFP2 ou FFP3 sont suffisamment efficaces contre le virus de la grippe A.
Toutefois, ces masques peuvent devenir un vecteur de contamination lorsqu’ils ont été contaminés par le virus. Il faut donc changer de masque à chaque exposition potentielle au virus sans toucher la partie filtrante avec les mains.
La meilleure prévention contre la grippe A reste l’hygiène. Ainsi, to prevent contagion during epidemics, it is necessary to wash hands with soap several times a day or use alcohol-based solutions to disinfect their hands, especially after any physical contact with a potentially infected person, or surfaces potentially contaminated by the virus
A vaccination plan in September-October 2009
The vaccine against the H1N1 virus is being produced and a circular dated 21 August 2009 the Department of Health and the Interior informs the organization of a system of vaccination against seasonal influenza, which could be activated by Prefects from September 28, 2009.
To make this immunization plan, nearly 94 million doses of vaccine have been ordered from four laboratories.
This plan falls under the plan against pandemic influenza.
Pandemic flu: a vaccination plan
September 28, 2009 As part of the risk of pandemic flu, the vaccine against seasonal flu will be available from the second fortnight of September. This responds to one measure of vaccination plan decided by the Government in the context of a circular face a health threat exceptionally scalable.
Indeed, a circular of 21 August 2009 the Department of Health and the Interior informed the organization of a system of vaccination that could be activated by the prefects as of September 28, 2009.
The vaccination plan will be offered free for four months in centers created for this purpose in each department. The cost of vaccination will be covered by Medicare, which will issue warrants vaccination.
The circular does not address the definition of those priority for vaccination, but the High Council of Public Health should give its opinion on 3 September 2009. Each prefect
department will organize a departmental plan of vaccination with at least three vaccination centers, 1 per 100 000 inhabitants, located outside of health facilities (gym or multipurpose room).
Mobile teams provide immunization in schools, prisons, ..
Health professionals working in the private or public hospital system will be vaccinated as part of an organized system in their establishment.
Swine Flu - Please read before getting vaccinated
Printable version Email
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 by zef
(Source: Ivorian connection)
VIRUS This virus continues to be an enigma to virologists. In the journal Nature 30 April 2009, there is a quote from a virologist saying: "Where the devil did he have got back all these genes that we do not know"? A thorough analysis of the virus showed that it contained the original virus H1NI of 1918, the avian influenza virus, and two new genes of H3N2 viruses from Eurasia. Discussions continue on the fact that the swine influenza virus could be a genetically engineered virus.
main competitors are Baxter Pharmaceuticals and Novartis Pharmaceuticals. These two multinational companies have entered into agreements with the WHO (World Health Organization) to produce a vaccine against the pandemic.
The Baxter vaccine, called Celvapan, quickly obtained a certificate of authorization for sale. It is based on a new viral cell technology, which uses cultured cells from African green monkeys. The tissues of the same animal forward a number of viruses contaminating vaccines, including HIV. The
Baxter was associated with two scandals murderers. The first happened in 2006 when components hemophiliacs were infected with the HIV virus and were injected into tens of thousands of people, including thousands of children. Baxter continued to bring to market vaccines contaminated with HIV even after the contamination was known.
The second event occurred recently when it was discovered that Baxter had put on the market a vaccine against seasonal influenza, which contained the virus of bird flu, which could produce a pandemic in 18 countries. Fortunately, laboratory technicians alerts Czech Republic discovered the deadly combination and fanned the case before the disaster from spreading globally. Despite these two events
fatal, WHO has maintained its agreement with Baxter Pharmaceuticals to produce vaccine against the global pandemic.
Novartis, the second competitor, also has an agreement with WHO for a vaccine against the pandemic. Novartis appears to have won the contract because the vaccine is ready soon. What is terrifying is that these vaccines contain a component, called the immune adjuvant is causing devastating autoimmune disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and lupus, as demonstrated by a number of studies. So what is this component? Called squalene is an oil component. Chiron Corporation, which manufactures the vaccine against the deadly anthrax, produces an adjuvant MF-59 which contains two main components disturbing - squalene and gp120. A number of studies have shown that squalene can trigger, if injected, all autoimmune diseases mentioned above.
The MF-59 was used in several vaccines. These vaccines, including one against tetanus and diphtheria vaccines are very frequently associated negative reactions.
It is important to understand that these vaccines are provided on an experimental basis, have not been tested, are toxic and extremely dangerous to the human immune system. They contain additives made from squalene which cause a number of autoimmune diseases involving fatal or serious consequences. The
squalene in vaccines has been strongly linked to the syndrome of the Gulf War. In August 1991, Anthony Principi, Secretary for Veterans Affairs, admitted that soldiers vaccinated with the vaccine against anthrax in 1990-1991 had an increased risk 200% of developing ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), a fatal disease, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. Soldiers also suffered from a number of debilitating diseases and reducing their life expectancy, such as arthritis nodosa, multiple sclerosis or multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus, transverse myelitis (a neurological disorder caused by inflammation épiniaire marrow), the endardite (inflammation of the lining of the heart), optic neuritis with blindness and glomerulonephritis (kidney disease).
Because squalene, the major component in MF-59 can induce hyper immune system and cause an autoimmune reaction, a real danger exists of a prolonged activation of immune cells in the brain, microglial cells (microglial cells). This kind of prolonged activation was strongly associated with diseases like multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and encephalitis may also be related to vaccination. It has been demonstrated that activation of the systemic immune system, as happens during an immunization rapidly activates microglia along the brain and that brain inflammation can persist for long periods.
Similarly, gp120 how it happen to the brain? Studies of other immune adjuvants using tracers have shown specific techniques they usually enter the brain after vaccination. What most people do not know, even doctors who recommend the vaccine is that most studies of these pharmaceutical companies observe patients for only one or two weeks after vaccination. This type of reaction can take months or even years to manifest. You should keep in mind that Once the vaccine is injected, you can not do much to protect you - at least with conventional medicine. This may mean a life affected by a disabling disease and premature death. Dr. Russell Blaylock
According to investigative journalist Matsumoto:
"Matsumoto said that squalene may be regarded as the trigger for an authentic biological weapon. Soviet scientists have called" biological time bomb ! ... "Matsumoto and Dr. Pam Asa must conclude that" these types of adjuvants (oil) are the chemical weapons more insidious ever designed. "This also includes squalene. Since the '80s, the Soviets knew that the products could be used as chemical weapons. see his article on the Belgian site + physician expovaccins.over-blog.com/article-33523595.html
Sarah Connor
pressure groups concerned with the U.S. authorities for possible side effects of the vaccine against swine flu that must be administered in the fall.
Members of the Food and Drug Administration met last week to discuss du nouveau vaccin contre la grippe porcine, appelée officiellement A/H1N1. De vives critiques se sont élevées contre la vaccination, non seulement pendant la conférence, mais surtout pendant le déjeuner.
La même histoire s’est produite mercredi lors d’une réunion des experts en charge de décider quel laboratoire aura la faveur de l’administration des États-Unis, alors que les laboratoires pharmaceutiques sont dans la dernière ligne droite pour produire un vaccin, le contrôler et distribuer toutes les doses en l’espace de quelques semaines.
Vicky Debold, infirmière certifiée du National Vaccine Information Center, remet en cause la sécurité apportée the new vaccine, and is also a member of the Advisory Committee on prevention against infectious diseases. The group's founder, Barbara Loe Fisher, asked very disturbing at this meeting.
Lyn Redwood, president of SafeMinds, a coterie of experts to explore a potential link between mercury and neurological disorders, has also expressed its reservations over the meeting. The federal government of the United States appears also more inclined than it has ever been to listen to questions, criticisms and prejudices against vaccinations, after an evolution over 30 years in the practice of mass vaccination.
"We know that some are reluctant to vaccinate and have listened to relevant information," says Dr. Anne Schuchat, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told reporters in the U.S. late Wednesday. The problems addressed are:
A vaccine against a virus like pork Will it cause more adverse reactions than the seasonal flu vaccine?
Its specific additives, presented as adjuvants, they cause reactions? Its formula includes
she thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative, which critics claim it is causing problems?
Is it safe to vaccinate simultaneously against seasonal flu and the new H1N1?
swine flu H1N1 has spread worldwide within a few weeks, infecting millions of people and killed more than 800 of them, according to official statistics. For now considered a pandemic "moderate" by the standards of the World Health Organization, the condition may worsen in the northern hemisphere with the return of cool weather, more propitious the spread of the virus.
5 laboratories are competing for the U.S. market the vaccine against the H1N1 influenza: the Australian subsidiary of CSL Ltd., MedImmune, AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline Plc, Novartis AG and Sanofi-Aventis SA. CSL began testing the vaccine on human specimens and will continue next month in the United States. The NIH will compare vaccines with and without adjuvants, ingredients that boost the immune system response to the vaccine.
Adjuvants are used in vaccines for influenza in Europe, but not the United States. Although it is possible to obtain a permit in cases of absolute necessity, U.S. officials prefer to use the moment of vaccines without adjuvants. Laboratories, such as Glaxo say they are ready to begin vaccination in Europe as soon as test results begin to emerge in late September. Others are not so far and challenging times.
At the FDA, Dr. Hector Izurieta said the agency has established an extensive network especially for post-marketing evaluation. "If something occurs after vaccination, they will accuse the vaccine," he said during the meeting last week. "There will be lots and lots of analysis about what this happen, or not related to vaccination! Experts and health professionals remember the last vaccination campaign against influenza in 1976, the disease had finally been found elsewhere in the compound of a military base.
Hundreds of cases of a rare neurological disorder and paralytic illness Guillain-Barre, and then were reported although no formal link has ever been found with the vaccine. The problem has made many people wary regarding immunizations. More Recently, the fears focus on thimerosal, cause autism charged, and the implicated product was removed from most vaccines in the United States.
Instead of fighting the prejudices, Dr. Anne Schuchat CDC proposes that take them into account. "There will be thimerosal-free formulations for these people interested in this sort of preparation," she said.
Pandemic Influenza H1N1: Meeting at the Ministry of Health with the CGT
July 24, 2009, the Ministry of Health has convened a meeting of professional nurses, to discuss the arrangements for dealing with risk of influenza H1N1.
The CGT was surprised that this restriction to one profession, knowing that the risk of pandemic concerns all professionals of health facilities.
Previously, CGT has indicated that the mobilization on pandemic flu could stop the debate and actions that will not fail after the publication HPST the statute.
The government can not avoid the debate about the means available to hospitals to fulfill their mission of public service, whether in exceptional circumstances, or in everyday life.
the meeting was headed by the Deputy Director of Cabinet of Minister, who has long striven to demonstrate that the government and the president of the republic were mobilized to address the pandemic threat. The Ministry representative gave a speech
professionals present, less alarmist than that delivered to the general public, but said it had to be ready at all scenarios, even the worst.
During the meeting, the CGT has intervened in three chapters: • Means
given to health facilities in major budgetary difficulties and ways of functioning
• Human and consequences for employees of care facilities
• Financing measures taken to deal with H1N1
On these issues, we asked a number of issues which had no immediate response, arguing that the department could not have all the answers today ' Today, some points are still under discussion or arbitration. Regarding vaccination
announced with a lot of communication by the government, it provides financial support under the drug and then taken by the insured through the social security and their mutual.
We asked that the confederal unions, representative of all employees are met. It seems important that the social and economic issues related to the risk of a pandemic is the subject of wide consultation at the highest level. By late August, we will be together again Department to report the progress of the situation.
Influenza A H1N1: definition - Symptoms and Prevention
Influenza A H1N1 is a contagious acute respiratory illness caused by one of the few influenza virus A, Influenzavirus A subtype H1N1 re-emerged in 2009 as a new genetic form transmissible from human to human.
This new influenza virus contains genes of several known viruses from swine, avian and human.
This is a flu that had not previously circulated in humans. This virus is related to any previous virus or current seasonal influenza.
Since June 11, 2009, WHO has decided to move to Stage 6 and the flu is considered a pandemic.
Read our article on the achievements of WHO
People with symptoms of influenza A were treated with paracetamol and for more severe cases with antivirals. The first batches of new vaccines against the flu will be available for the month of September 2009.
Contamination and symptoms
The virus usually spreads through coughing and sneezing. Globally, mortality remains low and only covers those already weakened. In most cases, patients showed only mild symptoms and their recovery was rapid and complete.
This new strain of influenza causes the same symptoms as seasonal flu.
It may be noted:
- an incubation period of 24 to 72 hours,
- a sudden and high fever, exceeding 38 ° C,
- muscle pain and / or joint
- severe fatigue,
- of sore throat and possibly headaches,
- a deep and rather dry cough,
- congestion and a runny nose,
- une perte d’appétit,
Dans certains cas, des vomissements et diarrhées.
Les symptômes disparaissent généralement de une semaine à dix jours après leur apparition, mais la fatigue et la toux peuvent parfois persister deux à trois semaines. Le sujet infecté peut être contagieux un jour avant l’apparition des symptômes et le rester pendant sept jours environ.
La prévention de la grippe A : Les masques chirurgicaux et l’hygiène
Le port de masques chirurgicaux est un moyen de limiter l’expansion d’une pandémie de grippe A. Ils doivent être portés par les personnes contaminées car ils limitent la diffusion du virus dans l’air par la toux et les éternuements.
En cas de déclenchement du plan d’urgence, ces masques seront disponibles en très grand nombre dans les hôpitaux et centres de soins. Les masques de protection FFP permettent de protéger les personnes qui les portent. Seuls les masques de type FFP2 ou FFP3 sont suffisamment efficaces contre le virus de la grippe A.
Toutefois, ces masques peuvent devenir un vecteur de contamination lorsqu’ils ont été contaminés par le virus. Il faut donc changer de masque à chaque exposition potentielle au virus sans toucher la partie filtrante avec les mains.
La meilleure prévention contre la grippe A reste l’hygiène. Ainsi, to prevent contagion during epidemics, it is necessary to wash hands with soap several times a day or use alcohol-based solutions to disinfect their hands, especially after any physical contact with a potentially infected person, or surfaces potentially contaminated by the virus
A vaccination plan in September-October 2009
The vaccine against the H1N1 virus is being produced and a circular dated 21 August 2009 the Department of Health and the Interior informs the organization of a system of vaccination against seasonal influenza, which could be activated by Prefects from September 28, 2009.
To make this immunization plan, nearly 94 million doses of vaccine have been ordered from four laboratories.
This plan falls under the plan against pandemic influenza.
Pandemic flu: a vaccination plan
September 28, 2009 As part of the risk of pandemic flu, the vaccine against seasonal flu will be available from the second fortnight of September. This responds to one measure of vaccination plan decided by the Government in the context of a circular face a health threat exceptionally scalable.
Indeed, a circular of 21 August 2009 the Department of Health and the Interior informed the organization of a system of vaccination that could be activated by the prefects as of September 28, 2009.
The vaccination plan will be offered free for four months in centers created for this purpose in each department. The cost of vaccination will be covered by Medicare, which will issue warrants vaccination.
The circular does not address the definition of those priority for vaccination, but the High Council of Public Health should give its opinion on 3 September 2009. Each prefect
department will organize a departmental plan of vaccination with at least three vaccination centers, 1 per 100 000 inhabitants, located outside of health facilities (gym or multipurpose room).
Mobile teams provide immunization in schools, prisons, ..
Health professionals working in the private or public hospital system will be vaccinated as part of an organized system in their establishment.
Swine Flu - Please read before getting vaccinated
Printable version Email
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 by zef
(Source: Ivorian connection)
VIRUS This virus continues to be an enigma to virologists. In the journal Nature 30 April 2009, there is a quote from a virologist saying: "Where the devil did he have got back all these genes that we do not know"? A thorough analysis of the virus showed that it contained the original virus H1NI of 1918, the avian influenza virus, and two new genes of H3N2 viruses from Eurasia. Discussions continue on the fact that the swine influenza virus could be a genetically engineered virus.
main competitors are Baxter Pharmaceuticals and Novartis Pharmaceuticals. These two multinational companies have entered into agreements with the WHO (World Health Organization) to produce a vaccine against the pandemic.
The Baxter vaccine, called Celvapan, quickly obtained a certificate of authorization for sale. It is based on a new viral cell technology, which uses cultured cells from African green monkeys. The tissues of the same animal forward a number of viruses contaminating vaccines, including HIV. The
Baxter was associated with two scandals murderers. The first happened in 2006 when components hemophiliacs were infected with the HIV virus and were injected into tens of thousands of people, including thousands of children. Baxter continued to bring to market vaccines contaminated with HIV even after the contamination was known.
The second event occurred recently when it was discovered that Baxter had put on the market a vaccine against seasonal influenza, which contained the virus of bird flu, which could produce a pandemic in 18 countries. Fortunately, laboratory technicians alerts Czech Republic discovered the deadly combination and fanned the case before the disaster from spreading globally. Despite these two events
fatal, WHO has maintained its agreement with Baxter Pharmaceuticals to produce vaccine against the global pandemic.
Novartis, the second competitor, also has an agreement with WHO for a vaccine against the pandemic. Novartis appears to have won the contract because the vaccine is ready soon. What is terrifying is that these vaccines contain a component, called the immune adjuvant is causing devastating autoimmune disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and lupus, as demonstrated by a number of studies. So what is this component? Called squalene is an oil component. Chiron Corporation, which manufactures the vaccine against the deadly anthrax, produces an adjuvant MF-59 which contains two main components disturbing - squalene and gp120. A number of studies have shown that squalene can trigger, if injected, all autoimmune diseases mentioned above.
The MF-59 was used in several vaccines. These vaccines, including one against tetanus and diphtheria vaccines are very frequently associated negative reactions.
It is important to understand that these vaccines are provided on an experimental basis, have not been tested, are toxic and extremely dangerous to the human immune system. They contain additives made from squalene which cause a number of autoimmune diseases involving fatal or serious consequences. The
squalene in vaccines has been strongly linked to the syndrome of the Gulf War. In August 1991, Anthony Principi, Secretary for Veterans Affairs, admitted that soldiers vaccinated with the vaccine against anthrax in 1990-1991 had an increased risk 200% of developing ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), a fatal disease, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. Soldiers also suffered from a number of debilitating diseases and reducing their life expectancy, such as arthritis nodosa, multiple sclerosis or multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus, transverse myelitis (a neurological disorder caused by inflammation épiniaire marrow), the endardite (inflammation of the lining of the heart), optic neuritis with blindness and glomerulonephritis (kidney disease).
Because squalene, the major component in MF-59 can induce hyper immune system and cause an autoimmune reaction, a real danger exists of a prolonged activation of immune cells in the brain, microglial cells (microglial cells). This kind of prolonged activation was strongly associated with diseases like multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and encephalitis may also be related to vaccination. It has been demonstrated that activation of the systemic immune system, as happens during an immunization rapidly activates microglia along the brain and that brain inflammation can persist for long periods.
Similarly, gp120 how it happen to the brain? Studies of other immune adjuvants using tracers have shown specific techniques they usually enter the brain after vaccination. What most people do not know, even doctors who recommend the vaccine is that most studies of these pharmaceutical companies observe patients for only one or two weeks after vaccination. This type of reaction can take months or even years to manifest. You should keep in mind that Once the vaccine is injected, you can not do much to protect you - at least with conventional medicine. This may mean a life affected by a disabling disease and premature death. Dr. Russell Blaylock
According to investigative journalist Matsumoto:
"Matsumoto said that squalene may be regarded as the trigger for an authentic biological weapon. Soviet scientists have called" biological time bomb ! ... "Matsumoto and Dr. Pam Asa must conclude that" these types of adjuvants (oil) are the chemical weapons more insidious ever designed. "This also includes squalene. Since the '80s, the Soviets knew that the products could be used as chemical weapons. see his article on the Belgian site + physician expovaccins.over-blog.com/article-33523595.html
Sarah Connor
pressure groups concerned with the U.S. authorities for possible side effects of the vaccine against swine flu that must be administered in the fall.
Members of the Food and Drug Administration met last week to discuss du nouveau vaccin contre la grippe porcine, appelée officiellement A/H1N1. De vives critiques se sont élevées contre la vaccination, non seulement pendant la conférence, mais surtout pendant le déjeuner.
La même histoire s’est produite mercredi lors d’une réunion des experts en charge de décider quel laboratoire aura la faveur de l’administration des États-Unis, alors que les laboratoires pharmaceutiques sont dans la dernière ligne droite pour produire un vaccin, le contrôler et distribuer toutes les doses en l’espace de quelques semaines.
Vicky Debold, infirmière certifiée du National Vaccine Information Center, remet en cause la sécurité apportée the new vaccine, and is also a member of the Advisory Committee on prevention against infectious diseases. The group's founder, Barbara Loe Fisher, asked very disturbing at this meeting.
Lyn Redwood, president of SafeMinds, a coterie of experts to explore a potential link between mercury and neurological disorders, has also expressed its reservations over the meeting. The federal government of the United States appears also more inclined than it has ever been to listen to questions, criticisms and prejudices against vaccinations, after an evolution over 30 years in the practice of mass vaccination.
"We know that some are reluctant to vaccinate and have listened to relevant information," says Dr. Anne Schuchat, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told reporters in the U.S. late Wednesday. The problems addressed are:
A vaccine against a virus like pork Will it cause more adverse reactions than the seasonal flu vaccine?
Its specific additives, presented as adjuvants, they cause reactions? Its formula includes
she thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative, which critics claim it is causing problems?
Is it safe to vaccinate simultaneously against seasonal flu and the new H1N1?
swine flu H1N1 has spread worldwide within a few weeks, infecting millions of people and killed more than 800 of them, according to official statistics. For now considered a pandemic "moderate" by the standards of the World Health Organization, the condition may worsen in the northern hemisphere with the return of cool weather, more propitious the spread of the virus.
5 laboratories are competing for the U.S. market the vaccine against the H1N1 influenza: the Australian subsidiary of CSL Ltd., MedImmune, AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline Plc, Novartis AG and Sanofi-Aventis SA. CSL began testing the vaccine on human specimens and will continue next month in the United States. The NIH will compare vaccines with and without adjuvants, ingredients that boost the immune system response to the vaccine.
Adjuvants are used in vaccines for influenza in Europe, but not the United States. Although it is possible to obtain a permit in cases of absolute necessity, U.S. officials prefer to use the moment of vaccines without adjuvants. Laboratories, such as Glaxo say they are ready to begin vaccination in Europe as soon as test results begin to emerge in late September. Others are not so far and challenging times.
At the FDA, Dr. Hector Izurieta said the agency has established an extensive network especially for post-marketing evaluation. "If something occurs after vaccination, they will accuse the vaccine," he said during the meeting last week. "There will be lots and lots of analysis about what this happen, or not related to vaccination! Experts and health professionals remember the last vaccination campaign against influenza in 1976, the disease had finally been found elsewhere in the compound of a military base.
Hundreds of cases of a rare neurological disorder and paralytic illness Guillain-Barre, and then were reported although no formal link has ever been found with the vaccine. The problem has made many people wary regarding immunizations. More Recently, the fears focus on thimerosal, cause autism charged, and the implicated product was removed from most vaccines in the United States.
Instead of fighting the prejudices, Dr. Anne Schuchat CDC proposes that take them into account. "There will be thimerosal-free formulations for these people interested in this sort of preparation," she said.
Network Share Canoscan
Annual Leave: The Director changes the game! Following the last
CTE of May 2009, the director shall amend the rules signed in 2003 for the purposes of the 35 hours of hospital Selestat.
Our organization has always been opposed to the realignment of these Bylaws.
After a difficult summer due to chronic staff shortages, lack of replacement staff, closing beds, we learn the set up in secret by the so-called human resources of a malicious counting the hours worked on Sundays and Holidays for the award of two additional days under the CA awarded to officers rest variable!
agents are variable at rest, the officers who work at least 10 Sundays or holidays during the year Preparedness.
What does the regulation?
Order 2002-8 dated January 4, 2002
Annual leave:
The duration shall be calculated from first to last day, net of weekly rest and holidays.
An officer whose annual leave ends on the eve of his weekly rest period may claim the benefit of the latter.
The appointing authority for appointment allows each agent to have three consecutive weeks of vacation during the summer period, except binding constraint operating the service. The officers
families enjoy Priority for choice of vacation leave.
No fractional annual leave must have a duration exceeding 31 consecutive days.
officer entering or leaving during the year is entitled to two days off per month of attendance.
Any agent present from January 1 to December 31 has a right to annual leave:
From 25 days,
of 1 or 2 days leave taken off season
From one day to split into 3 periods of 5 days.
As a simplification of management and it is considered that each agent present throughout the year entitled to 28 days off. (Agent told rest fixed)
officer to rest variable entitled to 28 days and 2 additional days if he performs at least 20 Sundays and holidays in the year. (Before it was enough to 10 Sundays and holidays holidays)
hope that this is done in proportion to the time worked on Sundays and public holidays, otherwise there are few elected! This action
no memo is a total lack of respect and openness towards employees.
social regression unacceptable!
Various working meetings to review the rules of procedure end of 2008 were unsuccessful due to lack of social dialogue and exchange constructive and honest on the part of management. The real debate should be done by inter-union.
Once again, for the deficit, the Department asked staff to pay. This note is even saltier than jobs are eliminated or frozen annual leave are deleted, as contractors lose their job, that working conditions are deteriorating a little more time when many health care teams are suffering and great difficulty, not having adequate staffing, management challenges the rules of procedure
No, we, the staff representatives of the CGT union, we firmly say no to these measures which contribute to de-motivate staff, to degrade a little more each day the quality of care and public service which we are strongly attached.
who sows misery, harvests anger!
the Selestat, September 7, 2009
Annual Leave: The Director changes the game! Following the last
CTE of May 2009, the director shall amend the rules signed in 2003 for the purposes of the 35 hours of hospital Selestat.
Our organization has always been opposed to the realignment of these Bylaws.
After a difficult summer due to chronic staff shortages, lack of replacement staff, closing beds, we learn the set up in secret by the so-called human resources of a malicious counting the hours worked on Sundays and Holidays for the award of two additional days under the CA awarded to officers rest variable!
agents are variable at rest, the officers who work at least 10 Sundays or holidays during the year Preparedness.
What does the regulation?
Order 2002-8 dated January 4, 2002
Annual leave:
The duration shall be calculated from first to last day, net of weekly rest and holidays.
An officer whose annual leave ends on the eve of his weekly rest period may claim the benefit of the latter.
The appointing authority for appointment allows each agent to have three consecutive weeks of vacation during the summer period, except binding constraint operating the service. The officers
families enjoy Priority for choice of vacation leave.
No fractional annual leave must have a duration exceeding 31 consecutive days.
officer entering or leaving during the year is entitled to two days off per month of attendance.
Any agent present from January 1 to December 31 has a right to annual leave:
From 25 days,
of 1 or 2 days leave taken off season
From one day to split into 3 periods of 5 days.
As a simplification of management and it is considered that each agent present throughout the year entitled to 28 days off. (Agent told rest fixed)
officer to rest variable entitled to 28 days and 2 additional days if he performs at least 20 Sundays and holidays in the year. (Before it was enough to 10 Sundays and holidays holidays)
hope that this is done in proportion to the time worked on Sundays and public holidays, otherwise there are few elected! This action
no memo is a total lack of respect and openness towards employees.
social regression unacceptable!
Various working meetings to review the rules of procedure end of 2008 were unsuccessful due to lack of social dialogue and exchange constructive and honest on the part of management. The real debate should be done by inter-union.
Once again, for the deficit, the Department asked staff to pay. This note is even saltier than jobs are eliminated or frozen annual leave are deleted, as contractors lose their job, that working conditions are deteriorating a little more time when many health care teams are suffering and great difficulty, not having adequate staffing, management challenges the rules of procedure
No, we, the staff representatives of the CGT union, we firmly say no to these measures which contribute to de-motivate staff, to degrade a little more each day the quality of care and public service which we are strongly attached.
who sows misery, harvests anger!
the Selestat, September 7, 2009
People Postinf Numbers On Facebook
order nursing and assessment
the Selestat, September 11, 2009
When the National Council of the College Nurse (CNOI ) address an appeal to professionals Registration and contribution to the ordinal structure, unions CFTC, CFDT, FOR, FSU-snice, SOUTHERN Health, UNSA and CGT collected Sept. 8, 2009, recall their firm opposition and unconditional implementation of the nursing order.
Therefore, the Inter-called nurse (s) refuse to order a boycott of registration and a boycott of the subscription!
With the experience of denial of registration of physiotherapists and chiropodists facing the introduction of ordinal structures for their professions, the National Council of the College Nurse asked Government to incorporate a section to the Act HPST to organize automatic enrollment. What he got in Article 63 which stipulates that "The National Society of Nursing has a right of access to lists of registered nurses employed by public and private structures and can get through. "These include lists of names used to perform under conditions established by decree, with the automatic registration of nurses in the table required by the order" A decree will apply this effective procedure. Mail addressed to professionals being precipitated inappropriate or unjustified: We call
employees not to return this file intrusive and inquisitive 8 pages, or parts and claimed that all the treatment information collected will be outsourced to a company outside the CNOI. This appeal to the non referral, is complemented by a boycott of the membership! The Inter
- Organize a press conference next week
- Proposes structures the construction of a national initiative with a local version, departmental or regional in the month of September to allow employees to express collectively their opposition to this structure!
- On this occasion the blank records collected by local inter-union and county may be filed or DDASS ARH!
- need ways to fulfill their tasks in their daily professional
- require additional staff to improve working conditions and terms of care for patients;
- calling for a salary increase that recognizes their qualifications and responsibilities!
the Selestat, September 11, 2009
When the National Council of the College Nurse (CNOI ) address an appeal to professionals Registration and contribution to the ordinal structure, unions CFTC, CFDT, FOR, FSU-snice, SOUTHERN Health, UNSA and CGT collected Sept. 8, 2009, recall their firm opposition and unconditional implementation of the nursing order.
Therefore, the Inter-called nurse (s) refuse to order a boycott of registration and a boycott of the subscription!
With the experience of denial of registration of physiotherapists and chiropodists facing the introduction of ordinal structures for their professions, the National Council of the College Nurse asked Government to incorporate a section to the Act HPST to organize automatic enrollment. What he got in Article 63 which stipulates that "The National Society of Nursing has a right of access to lists of registered nurses employed by public and private structures and can get through. "These include lists of names used to perform under conditions established by decree, with the automatic registration of nurses in the table required by the order" A decree will apply this effective procedure. Mail addressed to professionals being precipitated inappropriate or unjustified: We call
employees not to return this file intrusive and inquisitive 8 pages, or parts and claimed that all the treatment information collected will be outsourced to a company outside the CNOI. This appeal to the non referral, is complemented by a boycott of the membership! The Inter
- Organize a press conference next week
- Proposes structures the construction of a national initiative with a local version, departmental or regional in the month of September to allow employees to express collectively their opposition to this structure!
- On this occasion the blank records collected by local inter-union and county may be filed or DDASS ARH!
- need ways to fulfill their tasks in their daily professional
- require additional staff to improve working conditions and terms of care for patients;
- calling for a salary increase that recognizes their qualifications and responsibilities!
Leisure Center Calgary Ne Quote
holdup and social regression
Rules: the director changes the game !
the Selestat, September 10, 2009
We, union represented to the Technical Committee on Establishment (CTE) of hospital Sélestat, have noted with extreme concern the new rules announced by management, and denounce the method for social partners to put a fait accompli. Following the final ETC
May 2009, the director shall amend the rules signed in 2003 for the purposes of the 35 hours of hospital Selestat.
Our organization has always been opposed to the realignment of these Bylaws.
After a difficult summer due to chronic staff shortages, lack of replacement staff, closing beds, we learn the set up in secret by the so-called human resources to new rules of procedure. Regression
social and robbery on our laurels!
Already in 2008 we thought that the institution's financial situation, compounded by new budgetary mechanisms and tariff could not be resolved by focusing primarily by non-medical weight measures of return to equilibrium .
(- € 67 000)
past year, marked by the payment of overtime and the absorption of staff from Obernai due to the closure of maternity and surgery, saw the situation of many services deteriorate gradually being linked together in a spiraling tension on staff , overtime, absenteeism, difficulties in replacing unwanted mobility ... We affirm that the obvious consequence on the working conditions of staff has itself led to a weakening of the conditions of reception and care of patients. And for many administrative and technical staff, the situation is equally worrying.
The various working meetings to revise the rules in late 2008 were unsuccessful due to lack of social dialogue and exchange constructive and honest on the part of management. The real debate should be done by inter-union.
So we can understand that the new measures aimed at staff of such a brutal manner:
Challenging non-negotiated the organization and scheduling of work is done indiscriminately, with a desire to unify the different drop provisions (schedules, meals, vacation ...) which gave both the flexibility necessary for functioning services and the minimum compensation for personnel required to undertake ever-increasing availability.
While the situation of the institution would need a good social dialogue, to find the cohesion needed to overcome the difficulties, it is increasingly limited to mere information. Subjects as crucial as the redundancies and the questioning of working time would require a willingness to jointly analyze all aspects of the organization of the hospital, including medical organization in the heart of all activities , to approximate the views and listen to propositions de tous les acteurs.
Nous avions déjà regretté à plusieurs reprises que les informations indispensables nous parvenaient tardivement. Cette fois-ci, tout en déplorant la communication tardive des documents, nous constatons de plus l’importance des décisions déjà prises dont le CTE ne pourrait faire que le simple enregistrement.
Nous attendons que la direction nous donne des signaux clairs de la reprise d’un vrai dialogue. Au nom des personnels, nous ne laisserons pas réduire leur place à celle de simples spectateurs de la lente démolition de l’hôpital public, des emplois et des conditions de travail. Nous défendrons leur santé, l’équilibre with their family life and the attachment they are, simply, to do quality work in the interest of public service and its users.
Staff representatives of the CGT hospital Sélestat
The CGT called staff to strike from 7 October 2009, to demonstrate their opposition to massive cost cutting plan.
Rules: the director changes the game !
the Selestat, September 10, 2009
We, union represented to the Technical Committee on Establishment (CTE) of hospital Sélestat, have noted with extreme concern the new rules announced by management, and denounce the method for social partners to put a fait accompli. Following the final ETC
May 2009, the director shall amend the rules signed in 2003 for the purposes of the 35 hours of hospital Selestat.
Our organization has always been opposed to the realignment of these Bylaws.
After a difficult summer due to chronic staff shortages, lack of replacement staff, closing beds, we learn the set up in secret by the so-called human resources to new rules of procedure. Regression
social and robbery on our laurels!
Already in 2008 we thought that the institution's financial situation, compounded by new budgetary mechanisms and tariff could not be resolved by focusing primarily by non-medical weight measures of return to equilibrium .
(- € 67 000)
past year, marked by the payment of overtime and the absorption of staff from Obernai due to the closure of maternity and surgery, saw the situation of many services deteriorate gradually being linked together in a spiraling tension on staff , overtime, absenteeism, difficulties in replacing unwanted mobility ... We affirm that the obvious consequence on the working conditions of staff has itself led to a weakening of the conditions of reception and care of patients. And for many administrative and technical staff, the situation is equally worrying.
The various working meetings to revise the rules in late 2008 were unsuccessful due to lack of social dialogue and exchange constructive and honest on the part of management. The real debate should be done by inter-union.
So we can understand that the new measures aimed at staff of such a brutal manner:
Challenging non-negotiated the organization and scheduling of work is done indiscriminately, with a desire to unify the different drop provisions (schedules, meals, vacation ...) which gave both the flexibility necessary for functioning services and the minimum compensation for personnel required to undertake ever-increasing availability.
While the situation of the institution would need a good social dialogue, to find the cohesion needed to overcome the difficulties, it is increasingly limited to mere information. Subjects as crucial as the redundancies and the questioning of working time would require a willingness to jointly analyze all aspects of the organization of the hospital, including medical organization in the heart of all activities , to approximate the views and listen to propositions de tous les acteurs.
Nous avions déjà regretté à plusieurs reprises que les informations indispensables nous parvenaient tardivement. Cette fois-ci, tout en déplorant la communication tardive des documents, nous constatons de plus l’importance des décisions déjà prises dont le CTE ne pourrait faire que le simple enregistrement.
Nous attendons que la direction nous donne des signaux clairs de la reprise d’un vrai dialogue. Au nom des personnels, nous ne laisserons pas réduire leur place à celle de simples spectateurs de la lente démolition de l’hôpital public, des emplois et des conditions de travail. Nous défendrons leur santé, l’équilibre with their family life and the attachment they are, simply, to do quality work in the interest of public service and its users.
Staff representatives of the CGT hospital Sélestat
The CGT called staff to strike from 7 October 2009, to demonstrate their opposition to massive cost cutting plan.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
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That's over. After 3 years in Thailand, live and discover this country and its neighbors, we're back in France with lots of new projects.
Pending further adventures in other places, so we say goodbye ... Finally you soon!
Pending further adventures in other places, so we say goodbye ... Finally you soon!
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