Saturday, October 10, 2009

Brazillian Waxing Victoria, Bc

Boycott of nursing 0rdre:

Boycott of nursing 0rdre:
l4ode job!
T {e Ie not complete file and not pave nas! Lo
all representative trade unions in [e sector are launched this
slogan from the nursing profession.
Setting Ploce order nursing orrive donations lo phcse coiisation bidding. Personal
addresses of all nurses (s) of Fronce are sent via the ordra employers. This provision is scheduled
donations Act 20O9 lo-879 Hospital Potient Territory donations are his orticle
Foit 63 and following the demondede certoins employers Éire disengaged lo responsobilité empfoyer
of professionals who are not registered and therefore the order illegal practice.
€ 75 oour have droif of fravailler! For
nombredeprafessionnel (the) s, cadeou derentré, e esf far from their concerns.
For the CGT, the order is EVEN far from heolth INTEREST professionals and patients. This structure was
credit, é, e por meftre the government in the Ploce RGPP (general review of public politigues
) and LC HPST law which ultimately entrciîneront lc privotisation of public health services.
No Order, but the staff!
Orders of Doctors and Midwives existential t94Q and have since made pos lo? ROOF
their etficacitê or donations of the oméliorotion taken chorges nor control protigues professional.
Cependont, health professionals are giving a situotion dramctique dz mango means to assume
chorges of their trovail. fls travoillent commattre the specter of an error.
Paur cujourd'hui manage the shortage of professionals has been knowingly orgonisée refs
elms are put in place:
- tronsfert medical skills to paramedics (por lo encodré law HPST)
- education reform trades lo health (JCSP, nurse, MK, speech ...)
- grouping sdministratif Training Institutes (circular? AL /? 009).
Cesréformes are still more savings for the public service and private profits and octionnaires
or detriment of local reconnaisscnce guolifications professionals delcréponse
oux and needs are public. NO
cu 75 euros and NOT the inguisilion
(PAGASA and file I una dizoine of documentation requirements)
Together for the bovcoff of CAFIS!
fl be noted, gue DCNS trial of Toulouse on the refusal of registration and payment, Massage
Physiotherapists have gogna trial.


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