Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
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No to job cuts, no to privatization!
No to job cuts, no to privatization!
Under the leadership of the Regional Agency of Hospitalization, is executive director of health cooperation of Alsace Centre (Hospitals Sélestat, Erstein, Obernai and Sainte Marie aux Mines) has undertaken a major restructuring scale. The goal is perfectly clear: remove a maximum number of jobs and why not privatize anything that can be.
After closing the maternity service chirurgie1 Hospital Obernai, after deciding to transfer from the laboratory of the Centre Hospitalier de Sélestat to Colmar, management is now attacking the logistics of these 4 schools. Thus, Erstein, management has launched a tender to privatize the parks and now she is working on a project Logipole common to different institutions.
kitchens are grouped in Selestat (in the framework of the public or private management). Laundries would be consolidated on a persistent rumor Erstein private management by a German operator. The workshops of technical services, pooling is also envisaged. This "pooling" of resources could also cover administrative services.
CGT demands with the 4 hospital establishments concerned that all logistical and administrative services remain in public hospital management. It also requires that existing services already privatized are returning to the bosom of the public service (kitchen and green spaces Erstein, kitchen managed subcontracting Sélestat).
other hand, the CGT will never accept that so many jobs will be sacrificed, when many employees find themselves on the street because of the current economic crisis. There is no question of putting a simple cross on positions in public hospitals on behalf of the financial profitability! We
hospital workers of Hospitals Sélestat, Erstein, Obernai and Sainte Marie aux Mines, asking:
maintaining all logistical and administrative services in the public hospital service;
return to the public service activities already privatized
of clear direction on maintaining jobs and future careers of the officers concerned.
hospital workers of Hospitals Sélestat, Erstein, Obernai and Sainte Marie aux Mines, asking:
maintaining all logistical and administrative services in the public hospital service;
back in public service activities already privatized
of clear direction on keeping jobs and future professional staff concerned.
No to job cuts, no to privatization!
Under the leadership of the Regional Agency of Hospitalization, is executive director of health cooperation of Alsace Centre (Hospitals Sélestat, Erstein, Obernai and Sainte Marie aux Mines) has undertaken a major restructuring scale. The goal is perfectly clear: remove a maximum number of jobs and why not privatize anything that can be.
After closing the maternity service chirurgie1 Hospital Obernai, after deciding to transfer from the laboratory of the Centre Hospitalier de Sélestat to Colmar, management is now attacking the logistics of these 4 schools. Thus, Erstein, management has launched a tender to privatize the parks and now she is working on a project Logipole common to different institutions.
kitchens are grouped in Selestat (in the framework of the public or private management). Laundries would be consolidated on a persistent rumor Erstein private management by a German operator. The workshops of technical services, pooling is also envisaged. This "pooling" of resources could also cover administrative services.
CGT demands with the 4 hospital establishments concerned that all logistical and administrative services remain in public hospital management. It also requires that existing services already privatized are returning to the bosom of the public service (kitchen and green spaces Erstein, kitchen managed subcontracting Sélestat).
other hand, the CGT will never accept that so many jobs will be sacrificed, when many employees find themselves on the street because of the current economic crisis. There is no question of putting a simple cross on positions in public hospitals on behalf of the financial profitability! We
hospital workers of Hospitals Sélestat, Erstein, Obernai and Sainte Marie aux Mines, asking:
maintaining all logistical and administrative services in the public hospital service;
return to the public service activities already privatized
of clear direction on maintaining jobs and future careers of the officers concerned.
hospital workers of Hospitals Sélestat, Erstein, Obernai and Sainte Marie aux Mines, asking:
maintaining all logistical and administrative services in the public hospital service;
back in public service activities already privatized
of clear direction on keeping jobs and future professional staff concerned.
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September 10, 2010 Open Letter Addressed by the unions.
open letter 10 September 2010
Addressed by the unions.
President of the Republic, Mr. Prime Minister
Ladies and gentlemen of the government,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Distinguished Senators,
employees rallied on an exceptional scale September 7, 2010 to the appeal of unions. The unfairness and inefficient pension reform under consideration at this time in parliament despite our protests is causing the conflict. This reform will exacerbate inequalities without addressing the long-term challenges. The method used has consisted mainly receive the unions never really hear them contributed to increased tensions.
ads of September 8, 2010 which are in response to the mobilizations does not alter the overall logic of the proposed reform. Inequities remain. The calendar does not precipitate to be heard.
The rising age of eligibility for retirement from 60 years to 62 years, combined with the simultaneous increase in the contribution period will strongly penalize employees, especially those who began working Young, who will have to contribute more than others to finance the system without acquiring any additional right.
The rising age of the full rate of 65 to 67 years will seriously aggravate the situation of employees who had fragmented careers, especially women and nearly 30% now argue their right to retire at age 65 to avoid a penalty on their pension and those who are driven to enter late in the labor market.
This postponement will result in legal ages an extension of unemployment for many workers who are most active when they retire which will affect financially while deferring the financial burden on other accounts.
The drudgery is not recognized in its impact on life expectancy of employees who have been exposed.
officials incur a drastic increase in their rate of contribution, during the wage freeze, leading to a significant decline and unfair their purchasing power.
The total bill for pension reform is based largely on the efforts of employees, does not respond to questions of employment, particularly youth and seniors, or the reversal of inequalities or the borrowing. Employees should be willing to pay the bill for the financial and economic crisis they are not responsible. This reform is therefore unacceptable.
For all these reasons, the behalf of the employees we solemnly ask you to hear the views of trade unions in the context of a set of fair and effective measures to ensure the sustainability of the PAYG system. In this context
vote on this project in its current approach is not valid.
Bernard Thibault of the CGT Secretary-General Francois Chereque
Secretary general of the CFDT
President Jacques Voisin of the CFTC
Bernard Van Craeynest
President of the CFE-CGC
Secretary general of the UNSA
Bernadette Groison
Secretary General of the FSU
Annick CUP
Spokesman Trade Union INTEGRAL
open letter 10 September 2010
Addressed by the unions.
President of the Republic, Mr. Prime Minister
Ladies and gentlemen of the government,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Distinguished Senators,
employees rallied on an exceptional scale September 7, 2010 to the appeal of unions. The unfairness and inefficient pension reform under consideration at this time in parliament despite our protests is causing the conflict. This reform will exacerbate inequalities without addressing the long-term challenges. The method used has consisted mainly receive the unions never really hear them contributed to increased tensions.
ads of September 8, 2010 which are in response to the mobilizations does not alter the overall logic of the proposed reform. Inequities remain. The calendar does not precipitate to be heard.
The rising age of eligibility for retirement from 60 years to 62 years, combined with the simultaneous increase in the contribution period will strongly penalize employees, especially those who began working Young, who will have to contribute more than others to finance the system without acquiring any additional right.
The rising age of the full rate of 65 to 67 years will seriously aggravate the situation of employees who had fragmented careers, especially women and nearly 30% now argue their right to retire at age 65 to avoid a penalty on their pension and those who are driven to enter late in the labor market.
This postponement will result in legal ages an extension of unemployment for many workers who are most active when they retire which will affect financially while deferring the financial burden on other accounts.
The drudgery is not recognized in its impact on life expectancy of employees who have been exposed.
officials incur a drastic increase in their rate of contribution, during the wage freeze, leading to a significant decline and unfair their purchasing power.
The total bill for pension reform is based largely on the efforts of employees, does not respond to questions of employment, particularly youth and seniors, or the reversal of inequalities or the borrowing. Employees should be willing to pay the bill for the financial and economic crisis they are not responsible. This reform is therefore unacceptable.
For all these reasons, the behalf of the employees we solemnly ask you to hear the views of trade unions in the context of a set of fair and effective measures to ensure the sustainability of the PAYG system. In this context
vote on this project in its current approach is not valid.
Bernard Thibault of the CGT Secretary-General Francois Chereque
Secretary general of the CFDT
President Jacques Voisin of the CFTC
Bernard Van Craeynest
President of the CFE-CGC
Secretary general of the UNSA
Bernadette Groison
Secretary General of the FSU
Annick CUP
Spokesman Trade Union INTEGRAL
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SODEXO THE BAG HAS THE! No tears, no regrets!
Neither tears nor regrets!
Indeed, on 1 August 2010, the Sodexo has his suitcase, a departure in discretion!
For Staff Service, nor tears, nor regret, but a feeling of joy and deliverance has illuminated the faces!.
So, following a tender that the direction for Economic Services in consultation with the Hospital Hygiene Unit has designated a new service provider. The Company and INS
STES under the management of Mr. Anthony Demonte we salute, took over the full range of tasks performed by Sodexo namely
- cleaning and technical assistance to local
CGT, outsourcing and cleaning could be a return to the bosom of public hospital services with the establishment of a (e) advise (AD) in the social economy and family together with the health unit and make Thus substantial savings
Today the public service is expensive, but
this is nothing compared to what lies ahead if we Bradon private groups!
Do not believe it?
Then put yourself in the context of our dear French motorways that our parents and grandparents have paid their taxes and have been sold and sold off to large private groups ..
This benefits who?
And the price to pay to travel?
Is not this outrageous?
But it's too late, because this road does not belong entirely to the state!
And for the rest it will be the same!
CGT Welcome to the Company and INS STES!
August 11, 2010
Neither tears nor regrets!
Indeed, on 1 August 2010, the Sodexo has his suitcase, a departure in discretion!
For Staff Service, nor tears, nor regret, but a feeling of joy and deliverance has illuminated the faces!.
So, following a tender that the direction for Economic Services in consultation with the Hospital Hygiene Unit has designated a new service provider. The Company and INS
STES under the management of Mr. Anthony Demonte we salute, took over the full range of tasks performed by Sodexo namely
- cleaning and technical assistance to local
CGT, outsourcing and cleaning could be a return to the bosom of public hospital services with the establishment of a (e) advise (AD) in the social economy and family together with the health unit and make Thus substantial savings
Today the public service is expensive, but
this is nothing compared to what lies ahead if we Bradon private groups!
Do not believe it?
Then put yourself in the context of our dear French motorways that our parents and grandparents have paid their taxes and have been sold and sold off to large private groups ..
This benefits who?
And the price to pay to travel?
Is not this outrageous?
But it's too late, because this road does not belong entirely to the state!
And for the rest it will be the same!
CGT Welcome to the Company and INS STES!
August 11, 2010
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1, 2 and 3rd attempt to transfer the laundry!
Law "Bachelot" or HPST (Hospital Patient Health Planning) voted July 28, 2009 implements these tentacles.
ARS (Regional Agency for Health) introduced on 1 April 2010 requires national policy, the hospital became a public company with on board a super CEO (Director) accounting logic is set up, the hospital finances itself through
T2A (DRG's) and Aju quji care becomes a commodity
savings will be on the back of the person:
- hiring of contractors
- advancements grade reduced
- wages not upgraded (- 10% from 200) a small 0, 5% in July 2010!
- creation of CHAS (Community Health Hospital Alsace)
combination of kitchen, laundry, school .....
On this last point that the CGT has led the fight and said no to the proposed creation of CHAS
We learn that the director Mr. Bigot waives his directorship of the four common sites namely Sélestat HIVA, Erstein and Obernai, presents the 'baby' to his successor!
Thursday, May 20, 2010, an event took place at the entrance of the hospital or the CGT union Locale de Sélestat et L"Union départementale 67, la CGT du Centre hospitalier de Sélestat et des agents hospitaliers solidaires de l'HIVA et de la blanchisserie de Sélestat ont réaffirmé leur opposition au transfert de la blanchisserie de Sélesta sur le site d'Erstein.
Une pétition avec 400 signatures provenant de tout horizons hospitaliers,patients, chômeurs, retraités élus renforce et soutienne l'action de la CGT du Centre Hospitalier de Sélestat !
La CGT remercie tout ceux qui l'on soutenu et reste vigilante !
1, 2 and 3rd attempt to transfer the laundry!
Law "Bachelot" or HPST (Hospital Patient Health Planning) voted July 28, 2009 implements these tentacles.
ARS (Regional Agency for Health) introduced on 1 April 2010 requires national policy, the hospital became a public company with on board a super CEO (Director) accounting logic is set up, the hospital finances itself through
T2A (DRG's) and Aju quji care becomes a commodity
savings will be on the back of the person:
- hiring of contractors
- advancements grade reduced
- wages not upgraded (- 10% from 200) a small 0, 5% in July 2010!
- creation of CHAS (Community Health Hospital Alsace)
combination of kitchen, laundry, school .....
On this last point that the CGT has led the fight and said no to the proposed creation of CHAS
We learn that the director Mr. Bigot waives his directorship of the four common sites namely Sélestat HIVA, Erstein and Obernai, presents the 'baby' to his successor!
Thursday, May 20, 2010, an event took place at the entrance of the hospital or the CGT union Locale de Sélestat et L"Union départementale 67, la CGT du Centre hospitalier de Sélestat et des agents hospitaliers solidaires de l'HIVA et de la blanchisserie de Sélestat ont réaffirmé leur opposition au transfert de la blanchisserie de Sélesta sur le site d'Erstein.
Une pétition avec 400 signatures provenant de tout horizons hospitaliers,patients, chômeurs, retraités élus renforce et soutienne l'action de la CGT du Centre Hospitalier de Sélestat !
La CGT remercie tout ceux qui l'on soutenu et reste vigilante !
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ranking officers in the active category
Classement des agents de la blanchisserie en catégorie active
Aujourd’hui, grâce à l’action menée by the CGT, since October 2009, Laundry service officers will retire from the age of 55 years and are well recognized in active category.
Since a number of years, the Administration has notified more than agents of the laundry service employment as a "laundry workers," according to the decree of November 12, 1969 on the classification of jobs Agents in Category A and B, and Circular No DH/8D/88/266 17 October 1988 - 88.50 Official Bulletin.
So they, they formally held this activity constantly, could not be classified in category B active entitles them to retire at age 55, after fifteen years of active service.
This misclassification and reporting dates back to January 1994. Since only agents with the dirty laundry had the word "laundry-laundry workers' paychecks on the other agents were classified as" lingerie - Laundry. "
On August 5, 2010, Management of Hospital recognizes the "laundry-laundry workers" to all staff except the frame and the staff working at sewing.
Our intervention was intended to obtain the update decisions of appointment orders to integrate it formally refers to the use of laundry workers. It is not a secondary issue for those employees whose working conditions fully justify the active category, record on which we have taken a particular interest.
The CGT calls the Branch to liaise with his counterpart of the Centre Hospitalier du Haut-Anjou, who has reclassified workers in the laundry "laundry workers" in December 2008!
CGT, has kept its commitments to the laundry service officers.
CGT defends the folder "hardship", it should apply other public servants such as laboratory technicians, technical services that make hotlines, the kitchen workers who suffer from heat, cut hours and working weekends, which are not recognized active category.
Classement des agents de la blanchisserie en catégorie active
Aujourd’hui, grâce à l’action menée by the CGT, since October 2009, Laundry service officers will retire from the age of 55 years and are well recognized in active category.
Since a number of years, the Administration has notified more than agents of the laundry service employment as a "laundry workers," according to the decree of November 12, 1969 on the classification of jobs Agents in Category A and B, and Circular No DH/8D/88/266 17 October 1988 - 88.50 Official Bulletin.
So they, they formally held this activity constantly, could not be classified in category B active entitles them to retire at age 55, after fifteen years of active service.
This misclassification and reporting dates back to January 1994. Since only agents with the dirty laundry had the word "laundry-laundry workers' paychecks on the other agents were classified as" lingerie - Laundry. "
On August 5, 2010, Management of Hospital recognizes the "laundry-laundry workers" to all staff except the frame and the staff working at sewing.
Our intervention was intended to obtain the update decisions of appointment orders to integrate it formally refers to the use of laundry workers. It is not a secondary issue for those employees whose working conditions fully justify the active category, record on which we have taken a particular interest.
The CGT calls the Branch to liaise with his counterpart of the Centre Hospitalier du Haut-Anjou, who has reclassified workers in the laundry "laundry workers" in December 2008!
CGT, has kept its commitments to the laundry service officers.
CGT defends the folder "hardship", it should apply other public servants such as laboratory technicians, technical services that make hotlines, the kitchen workers who suffer from heat, cut hours and working weekends, which are not recognized active category.
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laundry training plan and training cell
Training Plan and Training Cell:
a mere rubber stamp!
Selestat, October 14, 2010
Last night I slept very badly. And as always, it's because my brain CGT continued to operate without my permission.
What's this? Yesterday morning
cell formation met (one member representing managers, HRD Mr. Spiess, two administrative assistants, labor organizations were missing except the CGT), HRD (Human Resources Director) led the session and we moved briskly, documents on the table, the specific actions planned and to validate at the Centre Hospitalier de Selestat.
Director General Mr. Bigot requires training to his colleague the Director of Economic Services: a period of four days October 20, 2010 (in Annecy?) "Management and control of the team" for an amount of € 10,370 (massage and even golf?) is over 2 500 € day! The
members present could only see the recording of this training!
At the last meeting, we learned that a benefit of training master coaching for executives, "validated outside of the cell downstream of training by the former CIO (Director of Care) and non-party to Colmar replaced. In addition, the framework envisages a start to the private clinic Schweitzer Colmar! (Well done, congratulations!)
Meanwhile ...
In the various departments, staff short, short ... to lose the breath to find staff, equipment ... Over here, there is a lack ASH by a secretary there, and everything there, the tires of a wheelchair ....! What a mess!
But what this radio will loop tubes already known as "no sub to replace, to move to 80%", "no money to buy equipment," "deficit," "savings "" efforts "," Farewell rtt "," flexibility "," mobility "
... What is the author and interpreter of these songs? Quickly turn off
me that, I can not stand most of these tunes, dating back several months!
But in fact, agents of the hospital also wanted to do training: the real, to better care for patients ... The cell formation refuse them: it's too expensive!
Training Plan and Training Cell:
a mere rubber stamp!
Selestat, October 14, 2010
Last night I slept very badly. And as always, it's because my brain CGT continued to operate without my permission.
What's this? Yesterday morning
cell formation met (one member representing managers, HRD Mr. Spiess, two administrative assistants, labor organizations were missing except the CGT), HRD (Human Resources Director) led the session and we moved briskly, documents on the table, the specific actions planned and to validate at the Centre Hospitalier de Selestat.
Director General Mr. Bigot requires training to his colleague the Director of Economic Services: a period of four days October 20, 2010 (in Annecy?) "Management and control of the team" for an amount of € 10,370 (massage and even golf?) is over 2 500 € day! The
members present could only see the recording of this training!
At the last meeting, we learned that a benefit of training master coaching for executives, "validated outside of the cell downstream of training by the former CIO (Director of Care) and non-party to Colmar replaced. In addition, the framework envisages a start to the private clinic Schweitzer Colmar! (Well done, congratulations!)
Meanwhile ...
In the various departments, staff short, short ... to lose the breath to find staff, equipment ... Over here, there is a lack ASH by a secretary there, and everything there, the tires of a wheelchair ....! What a mess!
But what this radio will loop tubes already known as "no sub to replace, to move to 80%", "no money to buy equipment," "deficit," "savings "" efforts "," Farewell rtt "," flexibility "," mobility "
... What is the author and interpreter of these songs? Quickly turn off
me that, I can not stand most of these tunes, dating back several months!
But in fact, agents of the hospital also wanted to do training: the real, to better care for patients ... The cell formation refuse them: it's too expensive!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
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Thursday, September 23, 2010
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Personalities Pénestin
- John N. Gribbel, American
- Victor Marie Joseph Aime Tallendeau of Montrut journalist
- Ernest Pezet, journalist, MP, Vice-President of the Senate
- Ladmirault Paul, musician
- Derrey Jacques, painter, art teacher at the Polytechnic
- Emile Labourer, painter and engraver
- Lucien Mazan, "said Petit-Breton , 3 times winner of the Tour de France
- Hipolite Jean Charles Géniaux , journalist, writer, photographer
- John N. Gribbel, American
- Victor Marie Joseph Aime Tallendeau of Montrut journalist
- Ernest Pezet, journalist, MP, Vice-President of the Senate
- Ladmirault Paul, musician
- Derrey Jacques, painter, art teacher at the Polytechnic
- Emile Labourer, painter and engraver
- Lucien Mazan, "said Petit-Breton , 3 times winner of the Tour de France
- Hipolite Jean Charles Géniaux , journalist, writer, photographer
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The estuary of the Vilaine by Bruno Philipp
Editions Sutton, 19.90 euros
This book consists of old photos with commentary. We recommend it.
We learned that there was a laundry on the beach at the source. There was washing clothes with kaolin of the cliff. It reminded us that this is the woman who used Darnet kaolin to wash clothes in St Yrieix and thus was born the Limoges porcelain.
Editions Sutton, 19.90 euros
This book consists of old photos with commentary. We recommend it.
We learned that there was a laundry on the beach at the source. There was washing clothes with kaolin of the cliff. It reminded us that this is the woman who used Darnet kaolin to wash clothes in St Yrieix and thus was born the Limoges porcelain.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
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professional elections in 2011 not to
July 7, 2010
word from Secretary-General to candidates for professional lists for the elections of May 20 211 professional. Dear
(eras) colleagues!
In October 2011, will be the renewal of members of the ETC, the CAPL and CAPD in our institution. (Technical Committee Established , Joint Administrative Committee on Local and Departmental)
Yep, three years have passed since the last election! Meanwhile, the CGT Centre Hospitalier de Selestat has been busy, she's wet shirt in various files and actions including:
- maintaining the laboratory's website Sélestat
- maintenance of laundry on site Sélestat (two actions)
- 4 press conferences (question the future mayor, two for the laundry work for ASH)
- 4 written questions submitted in the official gazette (travel expenses, free health care, premium service to contractors , 80% to employees on job arranged)
- 16 strike notice
- leaflets and information (a document every 15 days)
- two contentious appeal to the Administrative Tribunal of Strasbourg (premium service to contractors and Bylaws)
- Order folder Nurse: inquiry of all members Alsatian (File defended by Deputy Emile Blessig)
- two letters to Madam Health Minister Roselyne Bachelot (AS and record premium for CAPL)
short, as several thousand employees you did or you will make the choice to join the CGT.
Whatever your motivation, you express and the desire not to remain isolated, to be involved in your future, take control of your business!
CGT invite you to take your place in the action, you invest, you will flourish because the CGT is not "them" whoever they are, officials or delegates are elected or appointed. The real strength of the CGT, is the coherent and united more than 700 of its 000 members to improve the situation for all!
CGT, you trust them to help you defend your claims, make social progress! She also trusts you! It is you who build it. Its future is your hands!
I offer by registering on our lists, participate in hospital life to defend the collective interest and individual and public service. In the elections
professional, vote and make voting for the CGT!
Thank you for your trust.
Cheers CGT!
July 7, 2010
word from Secretary-General to candidates for professional lists for the elections of May 20 211 professional. Dear
(eras) colleagues!
In October 2011, will be the renewal of members of the ETC, the CAPL and CAPD in our institution. (Technical Committee Established , Joint Administrative Committee on Local and Departmental)
Yep, three years have passed since the last election! Meanwhile, the CGT Centre Hospitalier de Selestat has been busy, she's wet shirt in various files and actions including:
- maintaining the laboratory's website Sélestat
- maintenance of laundry on site Sélestat (two actions)
- 4 press conferences (question the future mayor, two for the laundry work for ASH)
- 4 written questions submitted in the official gazette (travel expenses, free health care, premium service to contractors , 80% to employees on job arranged)
- 16 strike notice
- leaflets and information (a document every 15 days)
- two contentious appeal to the Administrative Tribunal of Strasbourg (premium service to contractors and Bylaws)
- Order folder Nurse: inquiry of all members Alsatian (File defended by Deputy Emile Blessig)
- two letters to Madam Health Minister Roselyne Bachelot (AS and record premium for CAPL)
short, as several thousand employees you did or you will make the choice to join the CGT.
Whatever your motivation, you express and the desire not to remain isolated, to be involved in your future, take control of your business!
CGT invite you to take your place in the action, you invest, you will flourish because the CGT is not "them" whoever they are, officials or delegates are elected or appointed. The real strength of the CGT, is the coherent and united more than 700 of its 000 members to improve the situation for all!
CGT, you trust them to help you defend your claims, make social progress! She also trusts you! It is you who build it. Its future is your hands!
I offer by registering on our lists, participate in hospital life to defend the collective interest and individual and public service. In the elections
professional, vote and make voting for the CGT!
Thank you for your trust.
Cheers CGT!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
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