1, 2 and 3rd attempt to transfer the laundry!
Law "Bachelot" or HPST (Hospital Patient Health Planning) voted July 28, 2009 implements these tentacles.
ARS (Regional Agency for Health) introduced on 1 April 2010 requires national policy, the hospital became a public company with on board a super CEO (Director) accounting logic is set up, the hospital finances itself through
T2A (DRG's) and Aju quji care becomes a commodity
savings will be on the back of the person:
- hiring of contractors
- advancements grade reduced
- wages not upgraded (- 10% from 200) a small 0, 5% in July 2010!
- creation of CHAS (Community Health Hospital Alsace)
combination of kitchen, laundry, school .....
On this last point that the CGT has led the fight and said no to the proposed creation of CHAS
We learn that the director Mr. Bigot waives his directorship of the four common sites namely Sélestat HIVA, Erstein and Obernai, presents the 'baby' to his successor!
Thursday, May 20, 2010, an event took place at the entrance of the hospital or the CGT union Locale de Sélestat et L"Union départementale 67, la CGT du Centre hospitalier de Sélestat et des agents hospitaliers solidaires de l'HIVA et de la blanchisserie de Sélestat ont réaffirmé leur opposition au transfert de la blanchisserie de Sélesta sur le site d'Erstein.
Une pétition avec 400 signatures provenant de tout horizons hospitaliers,patients, chômeurs, retraités élus renforce et soutienne l'action de la CGT du Centre Hospitalier de Sélestat !
La CGT remercie tout ceux qui l'on soutenu et reste vigilante !
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