I'd leave the day after my arrival in Cao Bang town in the (small) mountains ...
I've already spent there, I think, five nights. I do not know what day I too will go ...
February 27, 2011, Cao Bang
"Weight of the bag Forgot
rank onion knives!
Reason lost"
MonetteThis morning, I spent a few hours to make portraits (4 films) was very pleasant. You have to walk very slowly and do a lot of roundtrips to attract curiosity. I'm used to it now, and always passes at least 4 times in the same place ...
I'm glad this often warm welcome. There are good waves in the area.
I know there is an ethnic minority in the mountainous area, but where? I think sometimes women, very small (one head shorter than me!), Very typical, and dressed in colorful robes.
we see here
At noon I eat at the same place as yesterday, this time for 20 000vnd always, I chose rice, pork sauteed duck gizzards and blood, and beansprouts. I buy a 2nd smaller bowl to complete my range book Culinary!
the afternoon we are entitled to the sun! The opportunity to eat ice cream in a glacier ...
And leaving in late afternoon shots (4 movies). I visit the plantations along the river: cabbage, tomatoes, leafy vegetables, squash, carrots ... a little of everything, actually.
Often doors are symbolic of the gardens!
It is impressive to see all these vegetables wherever there is space, we plant the same in polystyrene coolers, pots ... I'm glad to see people let go to seed some vegetables separately, which means that they will perpetuate the Kokopelli Seed ...
this shrub pretty eh?
Between these plantations and the city, the river there.
This city is both large, "modern", and both rural. Level atmosphere, it looks like a village, but level area, the city and its surroundings are 50 000 inhabitants ...
The day passed quickly, I feast on sugar cane count 6000vnd (20c) for cane sugar 2 meters! Is a variety with thick skin comes off easily with the teeth. In addition, it cleans you as an African giant toothbrush and if you do not really chew you are bleeding gums. Everyone eats in the street. Dalat is surprising because since the cane juice has disappeared and only a few days that I see (chewing, not in juice) again.
Since I am in the north, there is no such hyperactivity around the ice, you can not see, For example, all traffic blocks of ice as in the delta. For the moment I see no "regional drink" as elsewhere (eg delta = cane juice and smoothies, soy milk dalat = center = CHE).
As it is cooler than in the south, there is no stand vendors of beverages. But it does not cold enough to justify the boiling soy milk every street corner like in Dalat.
Tonight, I buy a wing duck, two stuffed tofu, two spring rolls (nem truths are actually quite difficult to find, sometimes they are stuffed with wood instead of thinking meat! You can find the recipe here http://recettes-en-fete.blogspot.com/2009/10/nems-de-moon-ultimate-recipe.html Recipes festival), garlic (of course, the heads of garlic are small here, I eat one a day), mangoes and pineapples.
of longan. These are the most expensive fruit.
I feel like in the movies, the hero lives in a hotel, to make my grub, to dry my laundry with the laundry family, make my tea, my coffee, my dishes .. .
February 28, 2011, Cao Bang
wicker baskets for poultry
This morning, after making a film, mamiya the sudden I have in hand ; heart attack. this is one of the strap attachments that a coward, and it's a chance I took a long time used to always keep the box in one hand, if I could say goodbye! After verification, it is the screws holding the clip that came out in force because of stress (this box has 30 or 40 years) and because of the weight, the thread ended up having too much of the game .. I 'm worried because the screw no longer holds, and a case without belt is as if he was already down!
By chance, and as otherwise there is no chance, this unfortunate incident occurred while I'm at a garage that has metal lathes and a lot of hardware ...! This is my chance! We can not find suitable screws, so the mechanic began to re-draw another step towards wider with a special tool. Then the fastener is screwed back with a puck to block it.
At the hotel, I screwed back home with the handle of a spoon ...
He would not let me pay for it. Phew, that was least, I can not imagine my reaction if the case was dropped ... for my six friends who have a Mamiya C, although check this clip (which is determined differently depending on model)! It is true that these boxes pro TLR, heavy and quite fragile, were primarily designed for the studio tripod, not a trip report!
So, enough emotions for this morning, I returned to the hotel clean and do a checkup of my equipment!
At noon I choose fried cauliflower and mushrooms (I saw super! market and was frustrated at not being able to cook!) And I like to cook add the ginger chicken. I also bought stuffed cabbage on the neighboring stand (here is never a problem buying something from the stand beside to add it to your plate): it's the same joke as the spring rolls, and c is rolled in a cabbage leaf and then steamed.
I am surprised at the size of plates: usual accompaniment for this price is not very consistent ... while there are almost as meat and vegetables than rice. With broth and tea will it really makes you a complete meal. In general it is the night that I eat at the hotel.
the afternoon I was tempted by a nap which will leave me completely inactive for the rest of the day! There are days like that!
Sometimes we wait until something happens ...
and something happens!
These are fleeting moments ... For 10 situations you anticipate, you managed to catch one or two ...
This type of vehicle is very aware tinkering
And it is the first time I see it here: small electric bikes, very slow but effective, apparently from China. There are a whole lot. Female students have adopted.
So I take this opportunity to make my accounts. I'm surprised and pleased to see that my calculations were correct departure: I spent just under 10 euros a day since my parents left me in the delta, and this includes all daily expenses, ie hotels Two or three meals + snacks, cyber shopping and various travel (26 buses, 2 trains, taxi motorcycles, taxis Hcm)!
course there have been six days at Dong Ha and Hcm or three days I have not slept in hotel, but this was compensated with the races I did for them.
I walk a little late afternoon to compose my meal, I asked my cook of record if it has pasta "bun", it has only pasta "pho", never mind, it leaves a note and her daughter goes to buy some stands further. I take soup to go, burning with duck and pork. She laughs when I told him I already chopsticks (s) bowl (s) and spoon ...
seeds to plant
I also comes with a piece of cassava grilled on the embers
2m cane sugar and a mini "gio" (kind of bologna, I'm not a fan) that I bought because I thought it was a banh nam giant to 15 cents ... (banana leaves, to paraphrase Forrest Gump, is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you're gonna fall!).
March 1, 2011, Cao Bang
this picture to remember my house smoked duck breast ... see here http://une-vie-bo-vinh.blogspot.com/2010/04/fumoir-magrets-biltong.html
March 2, 2011, Cao Bang
"Tomorrow I go, Meeting unexpected Tomorrow, I am! "
Today was a beautiful day (this is the case to say) meetings. After two days not to do anything this morning I am motivated to explore a side of the city that I have not seen.
I tell myself that I probably will leave tomorrow if I do not do more pictures today because I must think of the rest of my trip.
More and more I understand why photographers have vests pocket in my pants pockets, 4 film 120, a compact digital camera, a cell hand, a notebook, my laptop to show your photos, wads Tickets (here it is very common out dozens of tickets. I have no portfolio so I do like the locals: I put all my notes in order, and I tie them all together with a rubber band! ), all this is quickly cumbersome.
Both explored the opposite quarter yesterday was dead, as it is particularly lively. And this, unfortunately, due to a somewhat depressing.
In fact, widen the road on a stretch of 500m all houses that go beyond simply bulldozed sout ...
specifically, it gives half of the houses destroyed ... terrifying vision, especially that activities continue: the vendors set up on the rubble at the roadside in the dust of the work,
those keeping their store open even if they are to 3m from the ground,
and people rush to rebuild what has to be rebuilt.
is quite disturbing to cross this neighborhood reconstruction, some images are quite apocalyptic ...
four films and I'm about to turn back because I'm running out of film. Then I found some scrap.
The daughter of one of them comes to me and invites me to drink the tea family. Her name Vui and 27 years. Let's be clear, this is the best Vietnamese that I've met! Of its kind, the ones you only see from afar on their bikes.
His family welcomed me as if they were waiting for me. Soon they offer me to stay and eat (it is 11am, I walked a lot). I accept with pleasure and explains that I must go back for movies at hotel. As I am far enough, Vui takes me on a bike (too bad that this kind of ride well together is rare).
Not knowing what to expect, I get 4 movies. I do not have time to buy something to offer (Vui waiting at the bottom), fortunately I bought a large package of sugar cane this morning, and I picked two bags of seeds Kokopelli.
Vui The house was built in the warehouse rather than focusing on living rooms. The dusty warehouse at various possible large steel cables also serves dining room and lounge. In one corner, there is cooking over a wood fire.
The single small room with two beds welcomes parents, Vui and his brother, and also serves as a pantry. Finally, the bathroom, 6m2, serves as a shower, toilet and laundry. It's very austere, and once again I am moved and grateful to be welcomed in this context as well as in Dong Ha.
Offered seeds and sugar cane to the mother, she appreciates gesture.
Besides, when I accepted the invitation she was eager to go buy Peking duck, and I know very well that in my honor ...
We share the meal with three other ironworkers: Peking duck, fried pork simply nuoc mam, leafy vegetables broth, boiled cabbage, wood slats dream in vinegar and hot pepper (surprisingly), in large shallot pickles, tofu. And the usual alcohol (this time, alcohol banana, not bad). I always accept a single glass of politeness.
The mother sat beside me, I smell a trap full nose it strives to fill my bowl with as and when I'm trying desperately to empty . A step forward, two steps back! For each piece that I'll eat it adds two. In the end, to deter, I am obliged to use the broth in my bowl!
I take the family photo, hoping to surprise them for tomorrow.
After the meal, she will explain Vui make banh chung. Super! I propose to accompany him. We go to his sister, 300m away. Their house is in a mill (again, we see that the living rooms are clearly placed after business sawmill). Here, too, cooking over a wood fire ... in the same room as the mill, with mountains de sciure et de bois prtout autour.
De plus, cette pièce sert également de bar. On y sert de l'alcool de banane, que l'on boit en mangeant des navets au vinaigre (étrange association).
Nous prenons des feuilles pour emballer les banh chung. Je ne suis pas sur que ce soient des feuilles de bananier. Il faut les assouplir en enlevant la moitié de l'épaisseur de la nervure centrale avec les dents.
Mais si vous faites des trous dans la feuille vous pouvez la jeter. Les feuilles qui seront en contact avec le riz sont apparemment trempées dans l'eau de lavage du riz.
La viande de porc est marinée dans du nuoc mam and pepper (among others), whereas species of yellow lentils (my aunt or my father tell me, but I do not think either yellow soybeans) are cooked and mashed.
Then you have to make complex origami enough leaves to make a square pan. Then a layer of sticky rice raw, a layer of "lenses", meat, lentils, rice, and then packs everything carefully. It takes a lot of technique, finally!
It takes about eight or ten sheets per cake.
These lovely cakes will be cooked 24 to steam, wood fired. Towards 16h
I decided to return, not to disturb this family more and also because I fear they will invite me to eat tonight. Like all Vietnamese Vui is very restricted (there is one thing clear with these girls is that you never know ... clearly what they want and they tell you more via SMS that face to face!) but I could get her number and maybe another meeting?
I cross Vui's mother, who invites me to sleep, but I do not know if it speaks of the siesta (there is 16h, it is very late for a nap Vietnamese) or tonight. I told him I must go back to the hotel.
walking to the hotel, smiling, I am hailing a stranger on the street who invited me to a drink (tea?). I go, I served two glasses of alcohol (rice this time). Well, two but no more eh! I am holding a packet of nem chua, I just bought. I moved him but he laughs, leads me to a room behind his kitchen, shows me his pigs and a giant pin, and said he prefers painted!
I stay low, I must make two or three races before the night. I still
1h30 day and a lot of things to do. I check my email quickly in the street-Fi, and falls on what I was looking for: a digital lab! This is the first time I have time to print photos taken. I selected five of Vui and his family (including one 20x25, they'll appreciate it), a barber (to whom I say hello six times a day because it is at the foot of the hotel) and two sellers of market. A man
LAL retrieves images on my compact, works with Photoshop, reframes the marmoset as a and saturates all possible (youhou a green cast). I
viens récupérer les tirages une heure plus tard, ils sont plastifiés des deux cotés par défaut, ce qui est tant mieux car dans ce pays un tirage brut n'aurait que peu d'espérance de vie. les 8 tirages 10x15 et le 20x25 plastifiés m'ont couté 40 000vnd (1,40eur), c'est tellement peu par rapport à ce que tous ces gens ont à m'offrir!
Je fais mes courses pour ce soir : légumes sautés (brocoli,chou fleur, celeri, pleurotes) et tofu farci ; et légumes crus (mini chou fleur, mini carottes, navets au vinaigre) que je mangerai à la croque au sel/piment.
J'achète également de la canne à sucre to give the woman with whom I eat every day, she is surprised and delighted. Often I give thus nem chua, mangoes, bananas ... people I like. (Everybody knows me in the market of view - even if it is the largest in this province of 500,000 inhabitants). It's my way of thanking them.
Yesterday I made a trip to the city at night, the streets were deserted market, the stands are in place, covered with tarpaulins. The shops or stalls are closed symbolic objects with fragile fences.
the signs for dentists are always scary
way back I gave the photo to the hairdresser and the opportunity to re-negotiate the umpteenth time my haircut, it's a game! This will be 0.50 usd for me mow the head + finishes (should be good!).
The thing is not to tremble when I open the cheeks, mustache, chin (do not forget to breathe) ... and not to laugh when I cut nose hair with scissors!
The last time there was almost a month and a half, Sa Dec, topo same, same price.
He is delighted with the strength of a picture ... see me around with my cameras! I think it is important that when we can, to show We know that people give and receive not only (as c is often unfortunately the case with tourists) ...
the evening, like every night, writing books and sorting digital photos (I know only too well the job monster of my friends to be editing their digital photos in return trip, so I'm always each evening). Vui sends me a message inviting me to the house tomorrow 8am for breakfast. I'll go buy fruit and other market for his family.
I arrive, with the English-Vietnamese dictionary of Tam, and my notebook and write simple messages to Thao (s), Tam Anh Vui, but still to understand leurs messages c'est un casse-tete car elles écrivent en abrégé et sans accent! Comme si ce n'était pas assez compliqué comme ça. Cest un peu comme si vous receviez un texto en francais disant "ok pr dm1, vi1 a 8h, on djne a la mes" Seule la communication avec Phuong ma cousine et Lanh Anh de Hai Phong est facile car en anglais.
vendeur d oiseaux d ornements, tres apprecies.
3 février 2011, Cao Bang
Le viseur dans le viseur...
Aujourdhui , apres cinq ou six jours de temps plutot beau (et surtout tres sec : mes vetements sechent en moins de 24h, ca change! j ai meme pu secher my shoes after a month of constant moisture from Hue), it pleuviote a little ...
So, you can not take the mamiya, fortunately the case of emergency, ultra slim and lightweight (a little over 1kg with the grip I guess) is:
"time morose hay mamiya, Bessa under the jacket "
Yesterday javais discovered by chance a kind of pictures funniest:
all started by trying to include my photo on the mamiya digital
Then I realized that I could take the picture inside the viewfinder!
I've found interested, to have two images on a same image.
that you think?
Image square, rectangle
a new look '
(sort of metal)
Obviously the picture is reversed with no prism
and admit that it made an interesting diptych!
I do not think these poor monkeys were to be eaten in their cage because there were hoops to play ...
finally I do not know which is worse!
This morning at 7am I went to the market to buy dragon fruit for the mother of Vui. I realize my
at 8am, as expected, and we eat a soup family. Like usual (now I understood how they work) Vui m totally ignored for an hour (actually I do not even know if she notices that I am) and c is only when the whole family went to work that it m address a few words!
Beyond the language barrier, I think its rather the barrier between our two cultures to communicate a problem! M
she explains that she left for work Lang Son and Hanoi for an internship, and that she hoped to see me m the low (but c is decided, unless required nor I will not spend).
In any case his family is thrilled for prints! I am very happy to have bothered to do it ...
I do not linger too m home, I think that she should prepare to leave this after noon.
On returning, I go to walk to the two prints that I have printed yesterday, and take three other people in photo illico j move to the lab (I will copy all L hour). A small run digital is better than a thousand promises of printing black and white! (Who knows how many years I will return to Vietnam).
This part 19 has been particularly difficult to lay out (lots of pics)!
I do not know the day of my departure, Actually I didn t even look at the map, I do not even know what is the next city on my route. In the genus
image totally out of context and unrelated
here is a picture of my third best friend, manufactures customized by artist Fabrice steel forging 90mcv8, customized by me and m which accompanies all the galleys, Vietnam , in Reunion in catching barracuda and Africa, have called
j, my knife tanto!
(j admit, is totally out of context c)
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