Saturday, September 16, 2006

Why Kind Of Underwear Hurts The Most

the bottom of an aquarium

Nous avons participé a un tour guidé (nb: a eviter a tout prix) a Beijing . Accompagnés de Coreens, nous avons visité ce fameux Pekin, ce fameux Beijing 2008.

Palais apres palais, nous avons traversé les rues de Beijing. Voyeuse, j'absorbais les images et je captais les moments a travers les vitres de notre gros autobus climatisé. Ca y est, je faisais maintenant partie de ces touristes qui prennent des photos a travers les vitres de leur autobus. Je captais le regard ahuri, surpris ou questionneur de ces Chinois violés par mon appareil. Je me sentais sale, si lointaine de la realité. Quelqu'un, sortez moi de ce bocal et laissez I breathe the fresh air pollution in Beijing, I want to see Beijing, true! One I will not be afraid to touch, eat, smell. One that surprised me with its tasty grilled cockroaches
(no, I did not eat, nobody was quite game to accompany me ...), who get on my nerves with its vendors more riders than each other, one that I will enjoy its authentic food in the corner of a shabby restaurant ...

I really want to complain to the tour guide in Korean, but we still had a chance to spend some special experiences, such as hiking aboard rickshaws, eating Beijing Duck, Chinese see a circus, relax on a gondola or a young Beijing was gliding his fingers over a gentle Citara, enjoy a cruise on top of a mountain and also see the little pile of stone, as it calls it already ... Ah yes, the Great Wall of China ... ;)

These four days in Beijing when I was even left on a special feeling, that of having to come back at any cost to discover the true
Beijing, one hiding behind the tourist traps and luxury stores that we take for fish wedged at the bottom of an aquarium.


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