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September 10, 2010 Open Letter Addressed by the unions.

open letter 10 September 2010

Addressed by the unions.

President of the Republic, Mr. Prime Minister
Ladies and gentlemen of the government,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Distinguished Senators,

employees rallied on an exceptional scale September 7, 2010 to the appeal of unions. The unfairness and inefficient pension reform under consideration at this time in parliament despite our protests is causing the conflict. This reform will exacerbate inequalities without addressing the long-term challenges. The method used has consisted mainly receive the unions never really hear them contributed to increased tensions.
ads of September 8, 2010 which are in response to the mobilizations does not alter the overall logic of the proposed reform. Inequities remain. The calendar does not precipitate to be heard.
The rising age of eligibility for retirement from 60 years to 62 years, combined with the simultaneous increase in the contribution period will strongly penalize employees, especially those who began working Young, who will have to contribute more than others to finance the system without acquiring any additional right.
The rising age of the full rate of 65 to 67 years will seriously aggravate the situation of employees who had fragmented careers, especially women and nearly 30% now argue their right to retire at age 65 to avoid a penalty on their pension and those who are driven to enter late in the labor market.
This postponement will result in legal ages an extension of unemployment for many workers who are most active when they retire which will affect financially while deferring the financial burden on other accounts.
The drudgery is not recognized in its impact on life expectancy of employees who have been exposed.
officials incur a drastic increase in their rate of contribution, during the wage freeze, leading to a significant decline and unfair their purchasing power.
The total bill for pension reform is based largely on the efforts of employees, does not respond to questions of employment, particularly youth and seniors, or the reversal of inequalities or the borrowing. Employees should be willing to pay the bill for the financial and economic crisis they are not responsible. This reform is therefore unacceptable.
For all these reasons, the behalf of the employees we solemnly ask you to hear the views of trade unions in the context of a set of fair and effective measures to ensure the sustainability of the PAYG system. In this context
vote on this project in its current approach is not valid.

Bernard Thibault of the CGT Secretary-General Francois Chereque

Secretary general of the CFDT

President Jacques Voisin of the CFTC
Bernard Van Craeynest
President of the CFE-CGC

Secretary general of the UNSA
Bernadette Groison
Secretary General of the FSU

Annick CUP
Spokesman Trade Union INTEGRAL


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