January 26, 2010: National strike against the professional!
In the suites of various stages of mobilization against professional bodies, the Inter-CGT-CFDT-CFTC-FO-FSU, UNSA offers a new level mobilization of 26 January 2010 by proposing nine venues for special events throughout the country. The Inter
comes ahead of a movement of more and louder, gathering more and more professionals to express their refusal of orders. This power struggle is under construction.
Within this framework, calls for inter-day strike and demonstration Tuesday, January 26, 2010 in nine cities:
and Strasbourg
We invite all professionals to come together in working clothes, to express their rejection of professional bodies.
We continue to ask politicians of the nation asking them to submit a bill to repeal the ordinal structures. The events will also be in the direction of prefectures, DRASS or DASS, wherever possible.
For personal requisitioned under the permanent care and opposed to professional: we recommend wearing the badge against the orders and declarations of solidarity for the movement. The Inter
reaffirms its desire to see the repeal of all laws ordinal voted against the advice of professionals (87% of the nurses did not participate in elections ordinal, thus expressing their rejection.)
More than ever, professionals need a real recognition and certainly not a development or to ORDER ORDER! The Inter
reaffirms that personal:
- need ways to fulfill their tasks in their daily professional
- asking for additional staff to improve working conditions and terms of management of patients
- calling for a revaluation wage that recognizes their skills.
The CGT has given notice of a local strike.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Urine Smell In Underwear After Pregnancy
The 2010 rates of advancement and promotion in the public hospital
Tuesday, February 2, 2010 No. 9
The public servants belong to a body which brings together officials subject to the same career.
An agent has the opportunity to move from one grade to another. This can be done, as provided by the special status by:
- passing a professional exam,
- passing a professional examination,
- registration with annual progress.
This entry is made by the administration after consultation with the local joint administrative committee.
Promotion rates in 2010
A decree of January 19, 2010 was published in the Official Gazette 27 January 2010 and sets the promotion rate for 2010 in certain bodies of the Public Hospital.
Thus, the rates in 2010 remain unchanged from those set forth in the decree of October 11, 2007.
Promotion rates for determining the maximum number of rank advancements can be made in certain bodies of the public hospital by the local or departmental CAP.
Die administrative
- Senior Associate: 20%
- Assistant hospital executives top class: 6%
- Deputy Executive exceptional class of hospital: 7%
- Medical Secretary upper class: 6%
- Medical Secretary exceptional class: 7%
- Administrative Assistant 1st class: 12%
- Deputy Chief Administrative Officer 2nd Class: 6%
- Deputy Chief Administrative Officer 1st Class: 5%
- Permanenciers assistant chief medical regulation 13%
chain and technical workers
- Cartoonist Group Leader: 5%
- Senior Designer: 13%
- Ambulance Driver Category 1: 6%
- Ambulance Driver out of category: 3%
- Skilled worker: 6%
- Master workman 9%
- Senior Master worker: 12%
- Agents upper class leaders: 10%
- Outstanding Agents Heads Class: 20%
- Senior Foreman: 4%
Psychologists - Psychologist Senior: 6%
care sector
- Caregiver upper class: 15%
- Caregiver exceptional class: 20%
The 2010 rates of advancement and promotion in the public hospital
Tuesday, February 2, 2010 No. 9
The public servants belong to a body which brings together officials subject to the same career.
An agent has the opportunity to move from one grade to another. This can be done, as provided by the special status by:
- passing a professional exam,
- passing a professional examination,
- registration with annual progress.
This entry is made by the administration after consultation with the local joint administrative committee.
Promotion rates in 2010
A decree of January 19, 2010 was published in the Official Gazette 27 January 2010 and sets the promotion rate for 2010 in certain bodies of the Public Hospital.
Thus, the rates in 2010 remain unchanged from those set forth in the decree of October 11, 2007.
Promotion rates for determining the maximum number of rank advancements can be made in certain bodies of the public hospital by the local or departmental CAP.
Die administrative
- Senior Associate: 20%
- Assistant hospital executives top class: 6%
- Deputy Executive exceptional class of hospital: 7%
- Medical Secretary upper class: 6%
- Medical Secretary exceptional class: 7%
- Administrative Assistant 1st class: 12%
- Deputy Chief Administrative Officer 2nd Class: 6%
- Deputy Chief Administrative Officer 1st Class: 5%
- Permanenciers assistant chief medical regulation 13%
chain and technical workers
- Cartoonist Group Leader: 5%
- Senior Designer: 13%
- Ambulance Driver Category 1: 6%
- Ambulance Driver out of category: 3%
- Skilled worker: 6%
- Master workman 9%
- Senior Master worker: 12%
- Agents upper class leaders: 10%
- Outstanding Agents Heads Class: 20%
- Senior Foreman: 4%
Psychologists - Psychologist Senior: 6%
care sector
- Caregiver upper class: 15%
- Caregiver exceptional class: 20%
Will A Rubbermaid Cooler Keep Something Hot?
CH DE SELESTAT: Friday, March 5, 2010
Demonstration outside the administrative building of the hospital between 13 am to
My mission becomes impossible because every year the direction removes posts. Yet, alongside AS (caregivers) AP (nursing assistants) and FDI (nurses (ages)) themselves suffering because of chronic staff shortages, I perform a vital job:
- for
hospital hygiene - the fight against nosocomial infections
But I'm broke, tired, tired of coupes, Weekends in sequence, is the galley!
I claim as my colleagues AS, AP, IDE, better working conditions thanks to an increase in staffing!
Overtime, I did too, but my salary is paltry. And retirement? I'm afraid!
CH DE SELESTAT: Friday, March 5, 2010
Demonstration outside the administrative building of the hospital between 13 am to
My mission becomes impossible because every year the direction removes posts. Yet, alongside AS (caregivers) AP (nursing assistants) and FDI (nurses (ages)) themselves suffering because of chronic staff shortages, I perform a vital job:
- for
hospital hygiene - the fight against nosocomial infections
But I'm broke, tired, tired of coupes, Weekends in sequence, is the galley!
I claim as my colleagues AS, AP, IDE, better working conditions thanks to an increase in staffing!
Overtime, I did too, but my salary is paltry. And retirement? I'm afraid!
Oxygen Blender Patient
Project 2010 reform of retirement: The disastrous consequences! Refuse
Projet de réforme 2010 de la retraite :
Des conséquences désastreuses !
jeudi 25 mars 2010
Le gouvernement a annoncé un projet de loi de réforme sur les retraites dès septembre 2010.
Les organisations syndicales affirment leur volonté d’agir pour que le débat sur les retraites prenne en compte l’ensemble des questions tant au niveau du privé que du public, notamment le niveau des pensions, l’emploi, le financement, la pénibilité, le code des pensions et la réduction des inégalités.
Le président de la république and the government have also announced their clear commitment to reforming the pension system in the public service by lengthening the contribution period, the decline in the age of retirement and the removal of calculus in the last 6 months the public service.
These measures, if implemented, would have considerable impact on the pensions of public servants.
Lengthening the contribution
Before 2003, an agent of the public hospital was entitled to a full pension of 75% of salary contributed when he was 37.5 years.
Law 2003 Fillon has degraded the pension rights of public servants by reducing the assessed value of the year.
Thus, an agent who is retiring:
- in 2010 will contribute 40.5 years to qualify for full retirement, or 1.852% per year assessed
- in 2011 will contribute 40.75 years to qualify for full retirement, or 1.84% per year assessed
- in 2012 will contribute 41 years to qualify for full retirement, or 1.829% per annum paid
Furthermore, this reform had also introduced the system of the discount for officers who were retiring without having reached the legal number of years of contributions.
Over the years, this provision continues to worsen.
- In 2010, for each missing quarter, the officer was stripped of 0.625% of his retirement (or - 2.5% per year missing).
- In 2015, for each missing quarter, the agent will be 1.25% out of retirement (or - 5% a year missing).
The rising age of retirement
Today, all employees can retire at age 60. Hospital officials in the category "active" can go 55. But the government has questioned this possibility with the LMD protocol for nurse (s) by requiring that they renounce the active category and lose the right to leave at 55. The government already
advance its ambition to delay the age of 61, 62, 67 ...
CGT struggle that nursing remains active category because the hardship is real for these agents: shift work, night , weekends, holidays, staff shortages, deteriorating working conditions, ...
It is urgent to realize that 33% of the aides go on disability with an average age of 48 and 20% of nurses leave the public service before age 55 on disability. Remove
calculation of retirement on the last 6 months
The government's announcement as the elimination of the calculation of retirement on the last 6 months to bring it to the last 25 years.
This cancellation would represent a loss of 30% on the amounts of pensions for public servants.
The Government wants to remove the term CNRACL and special diets and we do live with a pension reduced by 30%.
Despite all the arguments advanced by the government, agents should know that our pension fund, CNRACL, is not in deficit! In 2007 she showed
465 million surplus, while also funding the pensions of people who have nothing to do with the public. The
CNRACL not be endangered by the thousands of job cuts in hospitals, the use of casual workers and the massive use of contract staff who do not contribute to the CNRACL. Currently, nothing justifies the government's willingness to break our retirement system.
Only the mobilization of the entire Public Service will defend itself on the clear demands.
The distribution of wealth must go a general increase of wages, pensions and sustainable funding of our collective funds (pensions, social security, unemployment ,...)
CNRACL not touch, do not touch our pensions!
The CGT refused the extension of the contributions and claims:
- maintaining the category of Active CNRACL
- maintaining the calculation in the last 6 months!
- maintaining retirement "mother" (15 years - 3 children).
- the removal of discounts
- the return to 37.5 for all, taking into account in computing the years of study and professional learning
Projet de réforme 2010 de la retraite :
Des conséquences désastreuses !
jeudi 25 mars 2010
Le gouvernement a annoncé un projet de loi de réforme sur les retraites dès septembre 2010.
Les organisations syndicales affirment leur volonté d’agir pour que le débat sur les retraites prenne en compte l’ensemble des questions tant au niveau du privé que du public, notamment le niveau des pensions, l’emploi, le financement, la pénibilité, le code des pensions et la réduction des inégalités.
Le président de la république and the government have also announced their clear commitment to reforming the pension system in the public service by lengthening the contribution period, the decline in the age of retirement and the removal of calculus in the last 6 months the public service.
These measures, if implemented, would have considerable impact on the pensions of public servants.
Lengthening the contribution
Before 2003, an agent of the public hospital was entitled to a full pension of 75% of salary contributed when he was 37.5 years.
Law 2003 Fillon has degraded the pension rights of public servants by reducing the assessed value of the year.
Thus, an agent who is retiring:
- in 2010 will contribute 40.5 years to qualify for full retirement, or 1.852% per year assessed
- in 2011 will contribute 40.75 years to qualify for full retirement, or 1.84% per year assessed
- in 2012 will contribute 41 years to qualify for full retirement, or 1.829% per annum paid
Furthermore, this reform had also introduced the system of the discount for officers who were retiring without having reached the legal number of years of contributions.
Over the years, this provision continues to worsen.
- In 2010, for each missing quarter, the officer was stripped of 0.625% of his retirement (or - 2.5% per year missing).
- In 2015, for each missing quarter, the agent will be 1.25% out of retirement (or - 5% a year missing).
The rising age of retirement
Today, all employees can retire at age 60. Hospital officials in the category "active" can go 55. But the government has questioned this possibility with the LMD protocol for nurse (s) by requiring that they renounce the active category and lose the right to leave at 55. The government already
advance its ambition to delay the age of 61, 62, 67 ...
CGT struggle that nursing remains active category because the hardship is real for these agents: shift work, night , weekends, holidays, staff shortages, deteriorating working conditions, ...
It is urgent to realize that 33% of the aides go on disability with an average age of 48 and 20% of nurses leave the public service before age 55 on disability. Remove
calculation of retirement on the last 6 months
The government's announcement as the elimination of the calculation of retirement on the last 6 months to bring it to the last 25 years.
This cancellation would represent a loss of 30% on the amounts of pensions for public servants.
The Government wants to remove the term CNRACL and special diets and we do live with a pension reduced by 30%.
Despite all the arguments advanced by the government, agents should know that our pension fund, CNRACL, is not in deficit! In 2007 she showed
465 million surplus, while also funding the pensions of people who have nothing to do with the public. The
CNRACL not be endangered by the thousands of job cuts in hospitals, the use of casual workers and the massive use of contract staff who do not contribute to the CNRACL. Currently, nothing justifies the government's willingness to break our retirement system.
Only the mobilization of the entire Public Service will defend itself on the clear demands.
The distribution of wealth must go a general increase of wages, pensions and sustainable funding of our collective funds (pensions, social security, unemployment ,...)
CNRACL not touch, do not touch our pensions!
The CGT refused the extension of the contributions and claims:
- maintaining the category of Active CNRACL
- maintaining the calculation in the last 6 months!
- maintaining retirement "mother" (15 years - 3 children).
- the removal of discounts
- the return to 37.5 for all, taking into account in computing the years of study and professional learning
Weaves With Chinnes Banges
unacceptable blackmail on retirement!
Nursing - Nursing Specialty - Senior Health: Refuse
unacceptable blackmail on retirement!
Monday, March 29, 2010 For several months now, the government plays a "con game" with health professionals!
The "statutory negotiations," at least the discussions held and displayed as such, were the scene of utter contempt on the part of government.
Ms Bachelot was announced substantial wage increases, but in fact the gates are well below the real level of our skills and our mission accomplished.
Worse, it benefits from this announcement to call into question the recognition of the harshness of our skilled occupations. This recognition opened right to retire early retirement at age 55 with a process of improvement of 1 year every 10 years.
Bachelot announced recognition of qualifications of our professional expertise in the CDD process, but she refuses to give us the master level. In parallel is a transfer of medical skills to the body without the necessary means paramedics to a positive adaptation.
The government does not hesitate to walk the walk of social dialogue based on agreements tiny minority to advance the
reduction of labor costs in force. And here we can see the futility of Orders.
Trades NOT painful: who mocks you one? From
employee or user?
On behalf of the compensation that we claim of "recognitions"
- Recognition of the drudgery associated with the requirements and working conditions: hours, physical strain, mental workload, work intensification associated with deletions Position dans nos établissements, prise de risques professionnels aggravés par cette situation de sous effectifs et de manque de moyens matériels, contact avec des produits toxiques, manipulation et port de patients…si on peut considérer que certains aspects de la pénibilité peuvent être réduits avec la mise en place de plans de formation sur la manipulation et le port de patients accompagnés d’effectifs pour la mise en oeuvre de ces processus… il n’en est rien sur les conséquences liées aux horaires alternatifs, au travail de nuit… les professionnels soumis à ces contraintes ont une espérance de vie de 6 à 8 ans moins élevée que les professionnels ayant des horaires de travail regular!
- REMINDER: 1 / 5 nurses hand on disability before age 55
- Recognition of qualifications: it is a fair return on the investments required for graduation, when we had the "chance" access to training. (Reminder: in 1980 began an IDE to 1.5 times the SMIC and ended his career at 2.3x in 2008 this ratio fall from 1.1 to 1.9 or less than 500 euro per month)
- Recognition work done: the salary is a way to offset the time and energy supplied to fulfill its missions. It must take into account the need for an individual to have to provide for a balanced life to be the most productive and effective and should therefore help to meet the needs of individuals and take into account the cost of living.
We alert the staff and users, lack of dialogue and taking into account the needs that exist in the health sector (public and private).
We call on employees to not let question the group benefits. We call, professionals from all sectors to demand more collateral and collective justice.
Let's work together to change the present and the future!
Nursing - Nursing Specialty - Senior Health: Refuse
unacceptable blackmail on retirement!
Monday, March 29, 2010 For several months now, the government plays a "con game" with health professionals!
The "statutory negotiations," at least the discussions held and displayed as such, were the scene of utter contempt on the part of government.
Ms Bachelot was announced substantial wage increases, but in fact the gates are well below the real level of our skills and our mission accomplished.
Worse, it benefits from this announcement to call into question the recognition of the harshness of our skilled occupations. This recognition opened right to retire early retirement at age 55 with a process of improvement of 1 year every 10 years.
Bachelot announced recognition of qualifications of our professional expertise in the CDD process, but she refuses to give us the master level. In parallel is a transfer of medical skills to the body without the necessary means paramedics to a positive adaptation.
The government does not hesitate to walk the walk of social dialogue based on agreements tiny minority to advance the
reduction of labor costs in force. And here we can see the futility of Orders.
Trades NOT painful: who mocks you one? From
employee or user?
On behalf of the compensation that we claim of "recognitions"
- Recognition of the drudgery associated with the requirements and working conditions: hours, physical strain, mental workload, work intensification associated with deletions Position dans nos établissements, prise de risques professionnels aggravés par cette situation de sous effectifs et de manque de moyens matériels, contact avec des produits toxiques, manipulation et port de patients…si on peut considérer que certains aspects de la pénibilité peuvent être réduits avec la mise en place de plans de formation sur la manipulation et le port de patients accompagnés d’effectifs pour la mise en oeuvre de ces processus… il n’en est rien sur les conséquences liées aux horaires alternatifs, au travail de nuit… les professionnels soumis à ces contraintes ont une espérance de vie de 6 à 8 ans moins élevée que les professionnels ayant des horaires de travail regular!
- REMINDER: 1 / 5 nurses hand on disability before age 55
- Recognition of qualifications: it is a fair return on the investments required for graduation, when we had the "chance" access to training. (Reminder: in 1980 began an IDE to 1.5 times the SMIC and ended his career at 2.3x in 2008 this ratio fall from 1.1 to 1.9 or less than 500 euro per month)
- Recognition work done: the salary is a way to offset the time and energy supplied to fulfill its missions. It must take into account the need for an individual to have to provide for a balanced life to be the most productive and effective and should therefore help to meet the needs of individuals and take into account the cost of living.
We alert the staff and users, lack of dialogue and taking into account the needs that exist in the health sector (public and private).
We call on employees to not let question the group benefits. We call, professionals from all sectors to demand more collateral and collective justice.
Let's work together to change the present and the future!
How To Pick Drapery Color
why destroy the public hospital?
Shock Treatment to kill the public hospital!
the Selestat, 16 March 2010-15 Chronic Sick
, France, began a strike to protest against the treatment of lump sum payment for drugs, transport to hospitals and medical visits. Perilous mode of action recalls that health can not be a market "like the others." Now financing reforms of Social Security and public hospitals are jeopardizing access to care for the sick, the work of professionals involved and the quality of medicine. By André
Grimaldi, Thomas Papo and Jean-Paul Vernant
The crisis in hospitals and the French health system owes nothing to chance. It is primarily due to the resulting shortage of medical policy followed for twenty years, continuously, by all governments. During this period, there has been the formation of 8500-3500 doctors per year (1). This Malthusian policy was advocated both by some economists and health experts from unions doctors.
For economists in question, the supply determines demand. By decreasing the first, they were going to reduce the second. This position seems all the more astonishing that she did not understand, in parallel, no adaptation of the health care system. A less naive, liberal unions of doctors felt that reducing the number of practitioners would allow them to be in a strong position in the market. In fact, this practice helps decrease excess fees, including experts, which is largely acknowledged by the social security reform introduced by M. Philippe Douste-Blazy. The philosophy behind this practice is well summarized by the statement Dr. Guy-Marie Cousin, president of the Union of Gynecologists and Obstetricians of France if the fees exceeded clinically "not suitable for patients, he believes, they have to go to hospital to be by practitioners to treat foreign degree (2) "! Consequence of this logic, the medical desertification affects not only some rural areas but also some specialties inaccessible to those who can not afford the higher fees.
Needs rising health
Against this background of scarcity, at least relative's place the recurring debate about the "hole Safely." In part, this is a false debate because the accounts for Social Security depends not only on outputs, as well as financial returns. But the deficit of the disease - 6 billion euros this year - largely due to the lack of income, unemployment leading to a decrease of those from social security contributions. This fact leads to consider new options that are less random and more egalitarian. In fact, identical sales, businesses employing many staff are affected by compared to those employing little. In addition, the government largely practical exemptions of employer contributions, without fully repay the Social Security debt induced.
Finally, many outside contributions revenue. President of the Court of Auditors, Mr Philippe Séguin has calculated that if stock options were normally subject to payroll taxes, they would provide 3 billion euros, or half the deficit of the health of Social Security in 2007 (3). Indeed, the budget of the latter does not obey the laws of the market. Dependent deficit spending but also receipts, that is to say, resources allocated by the state budget eventually results from a political decision (4).
The real question is actually one of increased health needs - faster than the gross domestic product (GDP) - and it involves social choices. Despite the assertions of some statisticians reasoning relative increase in costs, increased health needs (and therefore their cost in absolute value) explained by five major developments: the aging and diseases related thereto; the increasing obesity and its complications (in the U.S. for the first time, the life expectancy of the population has declined for this reason), the development of anxiety and depression and addictive behaviors, medical advances, more or less important but still more expensive it is incomplete, which increases the number of chronic diseases is not known cure, but treatable at costs higher and higher (AIDS, diabetes, renal failure, rheumatoid arthritis, heart failure, coronary heart disease, osteoporosis, etc.)..
France spends 11% of its GDP Health - a rate similar to that of Germany, Canada and Switzerland, less important than the U.S. (16%) than that of the United Kingdom (9%). It seems realistic to assume that the output share of national wealth devoted to health should continue to increase, reaching, France, 15% in 2025.
This is a societal choice. The proponents of liberalism were also no objection to this increase in the share of GDP devoted to this area. What they deny is that these sums are beyond the law of profit. It is from this point sight very striking that economists and politicians who criticize the waste caused by unnecessary prescriptions or abusive work stoppages have nothing to say on three important areas of spending.
First, the waste of the pharmaceutical industry, which spends about 25% of its turnover on marketing, while the health market is not a market like any other: it is largely socialized, because more than financed by Social Security. A report by the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs (IGAS) (5) estimated that the amount of pharmaceutical marketing is 3 billion euros per year, not to mention the cost incurred by the requirements of new drugs, more expensive, but not bringing any significant improvement of medical service rendered (per capita, France spends 50% more for drugs that Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain and Germany). IGAS calls for stopping the race and a promotional discount of 50% of the money allocated to the marketing industry.
Then, proponents of liberalization of services remain silent on the results of the partial privatization of care, already achieved in some areas, eg for nutritional and respiratory support at home or on insulin pump therapy. These benefits are provided by private companies belonging to large groups such as Air Liquide and Nestlé. But the cost of insulin pump therapy has been multiplied by three, and these providers tend to impinge on the care given by specialists, including hospital services.
Finally, France holds the European record of hospitalizations in private for-profit (23%). The clinics are no longer, in most cases, ownership of the surgeons who work there, as was the case in the past. They belong mostly to international companies that operate in other sectors than health. This is true of the general health (one hundred and eighty clinics), who just bought the hospital in the Red Cross in the thirteenth arrondissement of Paris. This is also the case of a newcomer, Vitalia, linked to U.S. investment fund Blackstone, whose shareholders are demanding rates of return on capital above 20%.
Vitalia, which has bought forty clinics, continues its offensive. Similarly, the investment fund 21 Centrale Partners, linked to the Benetton family, acquired Chanteclair clinic in Marseille, "based on a future hub of excellence made up of several clinics. The French health sector therefore attracts international capital waiting for a wave of privatizations.
is in this context has been implemented hospital funding called T2A (DRG's), whose declared aim is to reduce the cost of hospitals. And the objective, unacknowledged, to increase funding for clinics.
In fact, funding is not based on a "Activity" (or care) as advertised, but sensible grouping of codes like disease. But these codes are largely "biased" because there are about ten thousand seven hundred only pathologies codes defining "homogeneous" group of stays (6). Each group can actually be heterogeneous and includes several diseases. Coincidentally, within a single "homogeneous" group, simple diseases represent the main activity of private clinics, while more complex and more serious match for most of the activities of public hospitals.
Thus, chronic sinusitis is for the clinic, the tumor to the ENT hospital sciatica for the clinic, the fracture of the spine to the hospital, the pacemaker clinic, hospital for heart failure . Moreover, in the case of purely hospital, such as treatment of leukemia or resuscitation heavier, their funding has often been underestimated. Have
permanently empty beds
Just look reveals that the alleged public-private convergence set by the Government for 2012 to understand the objective réel de la réforme du financement des hôpitaux. En effet, cette notion est aberrante en raison d’une différence structurelle des coûts. Ainsi, l’hôpital doit assurer la permanence des soins vingt-quatre heures sur vingt-quatre. Cela signifie qu’il doit toujours avoir des lits vides prêts pour faire face à tout besoin aigu (épidémie de bronchiolite, canicule, etc.). Contrairement à une clinique, il ne peut donc pas viser une occupation à 100 %. Ne pas financer les 15 % à 20 % de places vides, ce serait comme payer les pompiers seulement quand il y a le feu !
Pour la même raison, une partie des hospitalisations ne sont pas prévisibles. Or, pour une pathologie identical, an unscheduled admission costs about 60% more expensive than a scheduled admission. Moreover, the habit of making private practice elsewhere complementary tests required prior to entry into clinical (blood tests, electrocardiogram, radio ...), thereby externalize their costs, contrary to the public hospital , which realizes itself exams (7).
The T2A is made to measure the quantity, not quality, standardized procedures, not the complexity, technical moves, not the intellectual act. It takes into account neither the seriousness nor the activity highly specialized hospital services, or insecurity, or psychological problems, or patient education ... In other words, it is almost appropriate or at least adaptable to the conditions relating to technical procedures and clear procedures such as radiology, but it may be irrelevant and probably unsuitable for most of the activity of health services ( internal medicine, infectious diseases, diabetes, rheumatology, geriatrics, neurology ...) public hospitals.
Moreover, even for a single disease clearly codified (intervention for varicose veins for a hip replacement), one can not compare the statement made at the hospital by a young surgeon assisted by a senior and one made in town by a senior experienced who learned his trade years ago, at the hospital, and practical actions addressed "in the chain." Finally, doctors' salaries are included in hospital costs, while the fees of doctors and surgeons as well as amounts paid by Social Security to pay part of their insurance does not belong to private clinics. Designed
clearly in favor of Clinical implementation of T2A resulted in an increase of 9% Coding activity of such establishments. Some also have a software to find the appropriate coding for billing maximum Social Security.
The imbalance is even more evident that, as regards the public service missions, it was an envelope corresponding to only 10% of total revenues provided by the T2A. As expected, therefore, 90% of public hospitals - which twenty-nine of the thirty-two university hospitals (CHU) - will be in deficit, or even bankruptcy. To teaching hospitals, the hole should be 400 million euros, including 200 for Public Assistance - Hospitals of Paris (AP-HP) and 35 for the Hospital de la Pitie-Salpetriere. This deficit will serve as an argument to try to further increase productivity.
Chief Hospices Civils de Lyon, President of the Conference of Directors General Hospital, Dr. Paul Castel recently called for a review of the administrative status of hospitals: "Only a shock treatment through a change in status will Hospital to acquire the flexibility necessary for their competitiveness in an environment competitive (8). To this end, it recommends changing to a status of public industrial and commercial (EPIC), rather than administrative (EPA), giving managers "more autonomy in hiring and personnel management" " directors pass into contracts with medical teams to assign a profit. "Clearly, this is done with the status of public service and to hire people under private law contracts, particularly in order to be able to fire more easily.
The deficit will also justify the abandonment of certain activities, other restructuring or outright closure of establishments or their transformation into retirement homes or care centers on. Some may be sold in private. If we can understand that surgical services have more activity or not providing enough security requirements must be closed, we must see that these closures will be in favor of private clinics. Surprisingly, these do not seem subject to the same requirements to maintain their activity, as was observed during the development of obesity surgery (after an investigation by the health insurance acts digestive surgery for obesity rose from sixteen thousand in 2002 to ten thousand in 2003!).
matter, can we think that patients are operated on in the clinic if the quality is sufficient, and even better if it costs less to Social Security and therefore to the community. They forget the cost to the patient himself, with higher fees become exorbitant - as IGAS they reach 2 billion euros per year (9). In Paris, it is common to have to pay for exceeding the range of 500 to 1 000 euros for a cataract to a hip, Euro 3000 pour le chirurgien et 1 000 euros pour l’anesthésiste.
Ces phénomènes ne touchent pas seulement les cliniques mais concernent également l’activité privée au sein des hôpitaux publics. Il s’y pratique des dépassements d’honoraires qui, bien souvent, ne correspondent plus à aucune règle éthique : le médecin ou le chirurgien compare ses revenus à ceux d’un grand patron, d’une star du show-business, d’un champion du ballon rond. De même, quand on a fait entrer dans les têtes que « l’hôpital est une entreprise », on ne doit pas s’étonner que les internes en grève trouvent normal de bloquer la production, that is to say to the "strike of care."
Finally, when you put your butt to the various measures - deductibles, higher fees, threats déconventionnement, development (with high rates of return) of the private sector for profit - we can see that coherence : limiting the share of funding Social Security in favor of a role more important left to supplementary insurance, and in particular to private insurers. Their participation in health financing is likely to lead not on a medicine to two speeds, but on a medicine to ten or twenty speeds. Each choose an insurance "a la carte, not according to his needs, but within its means. Who will pay for this privatization? Neither the wealthier classes or upper middle strata. But neither the poorest beneficiaries of universal health coverage (CMU). The lower middle classes, who earn between once and twice the monthly minimum wage, however, will be hit first and foremost. More than 50% of employees. Two avenues of reform
almost inexorable progression of a policy called in question a public service we envy other countries operate through a proper strategy. And its six instruments
1. "Common sense" accounting. It allows to hide the profit motive and to conceal the ideology behind the new health policy. This bible has a few key phrases: "Medicine is a commodity like others," "Only the market is effective in addressing the needs," "The employment guarantee is a luxury of another age."
2. The Trojan horse. Several administrators the highest level, as the director of the National Health Insurance (CNAM), Mr. Frederick Van Roekeghem behave as opponents of public service, and seem to militate in favor of privatization.
3. Defectors. Economists and managers from the left have joined liberal politics. This is the case of Mr. Gilles Johanet, former director of Social Security became medical director of the AGF insurance, which had offered medical insurance for excellence 12,000 euros per year for entrepreneurs. It is also the case of Mr. John Kervasdoué, director of hospitals from 1981 to 1986, now strongly supports the development of the private sector in public hospitals and change status of the latter - which would allow them to lay off for economic reasons (10).
4. Some unions. The reform benefited from the collaboration of many unions, particularly medical, attracted by the rattle of power games under the new governance.
5. Policymakers. They use the tactic of "foot in the door, hand on the arm" from the handbook of good seller. Then you push a bit to widen the crack, while victims to believe they act for their own good. It began with the excess of 1 euro on the consultation, before cover boxes of tablets and transportation. Then comes the price increase. Always, of course, on behalf of the sacred defense of Social Security, which, hand on heart, it undermines the foundations with application. Down the road, we will use private insurers to bring order into the system and stop the arbitrary excess fees ...
6. Splitting resistors. The rulers have so far been able to play categorical divisions, CHU cons non-academic regional hospitals, large hospitals cons small district hospitals, university professors, hospital doctors (PU-PH) against non-university hospital physicians (PH), internal cons elderly, patients cared for at 100% (under long-term illness) against patients not covered at 100%, etc..
To counter this policy, defenders of public service reform could oppose him based on the needs of the population and to ensure equal access to care. Solidarity, the system must be financed by social contributions and taxes. From this point of view, if we can accept, even desire, the coexistence of a public service and private non-profit, il n’y a aucune raison que le financement public continue à enrichir les actionnaires de sociétés à but lucratif telles que la Générale de santé – qui vient de décider de verser 420 millions d’euros à ses actionnaires –, Vitalia, ou 21 Centrale Partners.
Deux voies de réforme du système de santé s’opposent. L’une, néolibérale de privatisation rampante, vise à transférer les coûts vers les ménages et les assureurs privés selon la formule : « A chacun selon ses moyens ». L’autre, républicaine, égalitaire, cherche à défendre le principe du : « A chacun selon ses besoins socialement Accepted. It seeks both to renovate the public service and to challenge the excesses mercantile medical practices and those of industrial health.
Andre Grimaldi, Thomas Papo and Jean-Paul Vernant.
Pharmaceuticals, Liberalism, Social Welfare, Health, Public Service, Medical
Link Print Print
André Grimaldi
Chief of Diabetology, Metabolism Group Hospital de la Pitie-Salpetriere (Paris). Thomas Papo
Chief of Internal Medicine, coordinator of the division of medicine Bichat Hospital (Paris). Jean-Paul Vernant
Head of Department of Hematology, coordinator of the division of hematology-oncology (Pitie-Salpetriere).
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(1) A few years ago, Social Security early retirement financed yet to GPs because of an alleged 'medical plethora'.
(2) Le Monde, Paris, August 31, 2006.
(3) Report of the Court of Auditors on Social Security 11 septembre 2007.
(4) Cf. Pierre Concialdi, Retraites : on vous ment !, Mango, Paris, 2005, et Julien Duval, Le Mythe du « trou de la Sécu », Raisons d’agir, Paris, 2007.
(5) « L’information des médecins généralistes sur le médicament », rapport publié le 31 octobre 2007.
(6) Fédération hospitalière de France, « Hôpitaux publics et cliniques privées : une convergence tarifaire faussée ».
(7) Lire André Grimaldi et José Timsit, « Hôpital entreprise contre hôpital public », Le Monde diplomatique, septembre 2006.
(8) « Hospitals want to change status to compete with the clinics, "Les Echos, Paris, 5 November 2007 (9). Aballea Pierre, Fabienne Bartoli, Laurence and Isabelle Eslous Yeni," Overtaking medical fees, "IGAS, RM-2007 -054P, Paris, April 2007. (10) John Kervasdoué, Hospital saw the bed, Seuil, Paris, 2004.Voir also letters from readers in our April 2008 issue.
Shock Treatment to kill the public hospital!
the Selestat, 16 March 2010-15 Chronic Sick
, France, began a strike to protest against the treatment of lump sum payment for drugs, transport to hospitals and medical visits. Perilous mode of action recalls that health can not be a market "like the others." Now financing reforms of Social Security and public hospitals are jeopardizing access to care for the sick, the work of professionals involved and the quality of medicine. By André
Grimaldi, Thomas Papo and Jean-Paul Vernant
The crisis in hospitals and the French health system owes nothing to chance. It is primarily due to the resulting shortage of medical policy followed for twenty years, continuously, by all governments. During this period, there has been the formation of 8500-3500 doctors per year (1). This Malthusian policy was advocated both by some economists and health experts from unions doctors.
For economists in question, the supply determines demand. By decreasing the first, they were going to reduce the second. This position seems all the more astonishing that she did not understand, in parallel, no adaptation of the health care system. A less naive, liberal unions of doctors felt that reducing the number of practitioners would allow them to be in a strong position in the market. In fact, this practice helps decrease excess fees, including experts, which is largely acknowledged by the social security reform introduced by M. Philippe Douste-Blazy. The philosophy behind this practice is well summarized by the statement Dr. Guy-Marie Cousin, president of the Union of Gynecologists and Obstetricians of France if the fees exceeded clinically "not suitable for patients, he believes, they have to go to hospital to be by practitioners to treat foreign degree (2) "! Consequence of this logic, the medical desertification affects not only some rural areas but also some specialties inaccessible to those who can not afford the higher fees.
Needs rising health
Against this background of scarcity, at least relative's place the recurring debate about the "hole Safely." In part, this is a false debate because the accounts for Social Security depends not only on outputs, as well as financial returns. But the deficit of the disease - 6 billion euros this year - largely due to the lack of income, unemployment leading to a decrease of those from social security contributions. This fact leads to consider new options that are less random and more egalitarian. In fact, identical sales, businesses employing many staff are affected by compared to those employing little. In addition, the government largely practical exemptions of employer contributions, without fully repay the Social Security debt induced.
Finally, many outside contributions revenue. President of the Court of Auditors, Mr Philippe Séguin has calculated that if stock options were normally subject to payroll taxes, they would provide 3 billion euros, or half the deficit of the health of Social Security in 2007 (3). Indeed, the budget of the latter does not obey the laws of the market. Dependent deficit spending but also receipts, that is to say, resources allocated by the state budget eventually results from a political decision (4).
The real question is actually one of increased health needs - faster than the gross domestic product (GDP) - and it involves social choices. Despite the assertions of some statisticians reasoning relative increase in costs, increased health needs (and therefore their cost in absolute value) explained by five major developments: the aging and diseases related thereto; the increasing obesity and its complications (in the U.S. for the first time, the life expectancy of the population has declined for this reason), the development of anxiety and depression and addictive behaviors, medical advances, more or less important but still more expensive it is incomplete, which increases the number of chronic diseases is not known cure, but treatable at costs higher and higher (AIDS, diabetes, renal failure, rheumatoid arthritis, heart failure, coronary heart disease, osteoporosis, etc.)..
France spends 11% of its GDP Health - a rate similar to that of Germany, Canada and Switzerland, less important than the U.S. (16%) than that of the United Kingdom (9%). It seems realistic to assume that the output share of national wealth devoted to health should continue to increase, reaching, France, 15% in 2025.
This is a societal choice. The proponents of liberalism were also no objection to this increase in the share of GDP devoted to this area. What they deny is that these sums are beyond the law of profit. It is from this point sight very striking that economists and politicians who criticize the waste caused by unnecessary prescriptions or abusive work stoppages have nothing to say on three important areas of spending.
First, the waste of the pharmaceutical industry, which spends about 25% of its turnover on marketing, while the health market is not a market like any other: it is largely socialized, because more than financed by Social Security. A report by the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs (IGAS) (5) estimated that the amount of pharmaceutical marketing is 3 billion euros per year, not to mention the cost incurred by the requirements of new drugs, more expensive, but not bringing any significant improvement of medical service rendered (per capita, France spends 50% more for drugs that Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain and Germany). IGAS calls for stopping the race and a promotional discount of 50% of the money allocated to the marketing industry.
Then, proponents of liberalization of services remain silent on the results of the partial privatization of care, already achieved in some areas, eg for nutritional and respiratory support at home or on insulin pump therapy. These benefits are provided by private companies belonging to large groups such as Air Liquide and Nestlé. But the cost of insulin pump therapy has been multiplied by three, and these providers tend to impinge on the care given by specialists, including hospital services.
Finally, France holds the European record of hospitalizations in private for-profit (23%). The clinics are no longer, in most cases, ownership of the surgeons who work there, as was the case in the past. They belong mostly to international companies that operate in other sectors than health. This is true of the general health (one hundred and eighty clinics), who just bought the hospital in the Red Cross in the thirteenth arrondissement of Paris. This is also the case of a newcomer, Vitalia, linked to U.S. investment fund Blackstone, whose shareholders are demanding rates of return on capital above 20%.
Vitalia, which has bought forty clinics, continues its offensive. Similarly, the investment fund 21 Centrale Partners, linked to the Benetton family, acquired Chanteclair clinic in Marseille, "based on a future hub of excellence made up of several clinics. The French health sector therefore attracts international capital waiting for a wave of privatizations.
is in this context has been implemented hospital funding called T2A (DRG's), whose declared aim is to reduce the cost of hospitals. And the objective, unacknowledged, to increase funding for clinics.
In fact, funding is not based on a "Activity" (or care) as advertised, but sensible grouping of codes like disease. But these codes are largely "biased" because there are about ten thousand seven hundred only pathologies codes defining "homogeneous" group of stays (6). Each group can actually be heterogeneous and includes several diseases. Coincidentally, within a single "homogeneous" group, simple diseases represent the main activity of private clinics, while more complex and more serious match for most of the activities of public hospitals.
Thus, chronic sinusitis is for the clinic, the tumor to the ENT hospital sciatica for the clinic, the fracture of the spine to the hospital, the pacemaker clinic, hospital for heart failure . Moreover, in the case of purely hospital, such as treatment of leukemia or resuscitation heavier, their funding has often been underestimated. Have
permanently empty beds
Just look reveals that the alleged public-private convergence set by the Government for 2012 to understand the objective réel de la réforme du financement des hôpitaux. En effet, cette notion est aberrante en raison d’une différence structurelle des coûts. Ainsi, l’hôpital doit assurer la permanence des soins vingt-quatre heures sur vingt-quatre. Cela signifie qu’il doit toujours avoir des lits vides prêts pour faire face à tout besoin aigu (épidémie de bronchiolite, canicule, etc.). Contrairement à une clinique, il ne peut donc pas viser une occupation à 100 %. Ne pas financer les 15 % à 20 % de places vides, ce serait comme payer les pompiers seulement quand il y a le feu !
Pour la même raison, une partie des hospitalisations ne sont pas prévisibles. Or, pour une pathologie identical, an unscheduled admission costs about 60% more expensive than a scheduled admission. Moreover, the habit of making private practice elsewhere complementary tests required prior to entry into clinical (blood tests, electrocardiogram, radio ...), thereby externalize their costs, contrary to the public hospital , which realizes itself exams (7).
The T2A is made to measure the quantity, not quality, standardized procedures, not the complexity, technical moves, not the intellectual act. It takes into account neither the seriousness nor the activity highly specialized hospital services, or insecurity, or psychological problems, or patient education ... In other words, it is almost appropriate or at least adaptable to the conditions relating to technical procedures and clear procedures such as radiology, but it may be irrelevant and probably unsuitable for most of the activity of health services ( internal medicine, infectious diseases, diabetes, rheumatology, geriatrics, neurology ...) public hospitals.
Moreover, even for a single disease clearly codified (intervention for varicose veins for a hip replacement), one can not compare the statement made at the hospital by a young surgeon assisted by a senior and one made in town by a senior experienced who learned his trade years ago, at the hospital, and practical actions addressed "in the chain." Finally, doctors' salaries are included in hospital costs, while the fees of doctors and surgeons as well as amounts paid by Social Security to pay part of their insurance does not belong to private clinics. Designed
clearly in favor of Clinical implementation of T2A resulted in an increase of 9% Coding activity of such establishments. Some also have a software to find the appropriate coding for billing maximum Social Security.
The imbalance is even more evident that, as regards the public service missions, it was an envelope corresponding to only 10% of total revenues provided by the T2A. As expected, therefore, 90% of public hospitals - which twenty-nine of the thirty-two university hospitals (CHU) - will be in deficit, or even bankruptcy. To teaching hospitals, the hole should be 400 million euros, including 200 for Public Assistance - Hospitals of Paris (AP-HP) and 35 for the Hospital de la Pitie-Salpetriere. This deficit will serve as an argument to try to further increase productivity.
Chief Hospices Civils de Lyon, President of the Conference of Directors General Hospital, Dr. Paul Castel recently called for a review of the administrative status of hospitals: "Only a shock treatment through a change in status will Hospital to acquire the flexibility necessary for their competitiveness in an environment competitive (8). To this end, it recommends changing to a status of public industrial and commercial (EPIC), rather than administrative (EPA), giving managers "more autonomy in hiring and personnel management" " directors pass into contracts with medical teams to assign a profit. "Clearly, this is done with the status of public service and to hire people under private law contracts, particularly in order to be able to fire more easily.
The deficit will also justify the abandonment of certain activities, other restructuring or outright closure of establishments or their transformation into retirement homes or care centers on. Some may be sold in private. If we can understand that surgical services have more activity or not providing enough security requirements must be closed, we must see that these closures will be in favor of private clinics. Surprisingly, these do not seem subject to the same requirements to maintain their activity, as was observed during the development of obesity surgery (after an investigation by the health insurance acts digestive surgery for obesity rose from sixteen thousand in 2002 to ten thousand in 2003!).
matter, can we think that patients are operated on in the clinic if the quality is sufficient, and even better if it costs less to Social Security and therefore to the community. They forget the cost to the patient himself, with higher fees become exorbitant - as IGAS they reach 2 billion euros per year (9). In Paris, it is common to have to pay for exceeding the range of 500 to 1 000 euros for a cataract to a hip, Euro 3000 pour le chirurgien et 1 000 euros pour l’anesthésiste.
Ces phénomènes ne touchent pas seulement les cliniques mais concernent également l’activité privée au sein des hôpitaux publics. Il s’y pratique des dépassements d’honoraires qui, bien souvent, ne correspondent plus à aucune règle éthique : le médecin ou le chirurgien compare ses revenus à ceux d’un grand patron, d’une star du show-business, d’un champion du ballon rond. De même, quand on a fait entrer dans les têtes que « l’hôpital est une entreprise », on ne doit pas s’étonner que les internes en grève trouvent normal de bloquer la production, that is to say to the "strike of care."
Finally, when you put your butt to the various measures - deductibles, higher fees, threats déconventionnement, development (with high rates of return) of the private sector for profit - we can see that coherence : limiting the share of funding Social Security in favor of a role more important left to supplementary insurance, and in particular to private insurers. Their participation in health financing is likely to lead not on a medicine to two speeds, but on a medicine to ten or twenty speeds. Each choose an insurance "a la carte, not according to his needs, but within its means. Who will pay for this privatization? Neither the wealthier classes or upper middle strata. But neither the poorest beneficiaries of universal health coverage (CMU). The lower middle classes, who earn between once and twice the monthly minimum wage, however, will be hit first and foremost. More than 50% of employees. Two avenues of reform
almost inexorable progression of a policy called in question a public service we envy other countries operate through a proper strategy. And its six instruments
1. "Common sense" accounting. It allows to hide the profit motive and to conceal the ideology behind the new health policy. This bible has a few key phrases: "Medicine is a commodity like others," "Only the market is effective in addressing the needs," "The employment guarantee is a luxury of another age."
2. The Trojan horse. Several administrators the highest level, as the director of the National Health Insurance (CNAM), Mr. Frederick Van Roekeghem behave as opponents of public service, and seem to militate in favor of privatization.
3. Defectors. Economists and managers from the left have joined liberal politics. This is the case of Mr. Gilles Johanet, former director of Social Security became medical director of the AGF insurance, which had offered medical insurance for excellence 12,000 euros per year for entrepreneurs. It is also the case of Mr. John Kervasdoué, director of hospitals from 1981 to 1986, now strongly supports the development of the private sector in public hospitals and change status of the latter - which would allow them to lay off for economic reasons (10).
4. Some unions. The reform benefited from the collaboration of many unions, particularly medical, attracted by the rattle of power games under the new governance.
5. Policymakers. They use the tactic of "foot in the door, hand on the arm" from the handbook of good seller. Then you push a bit to widen the crack, while victims to believe they act for their own good. It began with the excess of 1 euro on the consultation, before cover boxes of tablets and transportation. Then comes the price increase. Always, of course, on behalf of the sacred defense of Social Security, which, hand on heart, it undermines the foundations with application. Down the road, we will use private insurers to bring order into the system and stop the arbitrary excess fees ...
6. Splitting resistors. The rulers have so far been able to play categorical divisions, CHU cons non-academic regional hospitals, large hospitals cons small district hospitals, university professors, hospital doctors (PU-PH) against non-university hospital physicians (PH), internal cons elderly, patients cared for at 100% (under long-term illness) against patients not covered at 100%, etc..
To counter this policy, defenders of public service reform could oppose him based on the needs of the population and to ensure equal access to care. Solidarity, the system must be financed by social contributions and taxes. From this point of view, if we can accept, even desire, the coexistence of a public service and private non-profit, il n’y a aucune raison que le financement public continue à enrichir les actionnaires de sociétés à but lucratif telles que la Générale de santé – qui vient de décider de verser 420 millions d’euros à ses actionnaires –, Vitalia, ou 21 Centrale Partners.
Deux voies de réforme du système de santé s’opposent. L’une, néolibérale de privatisation rampante, vise à transférer les coûts vers les ménages et les assureurs privés selon la formule : « A chacun selon ses moyens ». L’autre, républicaine, égalitaire, cherche à défendre le principe du : « A chacun selon ses besoins socialement Accepted. It seeks both to renovate the public service and to challenge the excesses mercantile medical practices and those of industrial health.
Andre Grimaldi, Thomas Papo and Jean-Paul Vernant.
Pharmaceuticals, Liberalism, Social Welfare, Health, Public Service, Medical
Link Print Print
André Grimaldi
Chief of Diabetology, Metabolism Group Hospital de la Pitie-Salpetriere (Paris). Thomas Papo
Chief of Internal Medicine, coordinator of the division of medicine Bichat Hospital (Paris). Jean-Paul Vernant
Head of Department of Hematology, coordinator of the division of hematology-oncology (Pitie-Salpetriere).
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(1) A few years ago, Social Security early retirement financed yet to GPs because of an alleged 'medical plethora'.
(2) Le Monde, Paris, August 31, 2006.
(3) Report of the Court of Auditors on Social Security 11 septembre 2007.
(4) Cf. Pierre Concialdi, Retraites : on vous ment !, Mango, Paris, 2005, et Julien Duval, Le Mythe du « trou de la Sécu », Raisons d’agir, Paris, 2007.
(5) « L’information des médecins généralistes sur le médicament », rapport publié le 31 octobre 2007.
(6) Fédération hospitalière de France, « Hôpitaux publics et cliniques privées : une convergence tarifaire faussée ».
(7) Lire André Grimaldi et José Timsit, « Hôpital entreprise contre hôpital public », Le Monde diplomatique, septembre 2006.
(8) « Hospitals want to change status to compete with the clinics, "Les Echos, Paris, 5 November 2007 (9). Aballea Pierre, Fabienne Bartoli, Laurence and Isabelle Eslous Yeni," Overtaking medical fees, "IGAS, RM-2007 -054P, Paris, April 2007. (10) John Kervasdoué, Hospital saw the bed, Seuil, Paris, 2004.Voir also letters from readers in our April 2008 issue.
South Park Online On Ipod Touch
for CTE Common
No to job cuts, no to privatization!
CGT DOES NOT blank check "CHAS"
At the Board of Directors February 24, 2010 at Selestat, the CGT said no, and does pas encore son aval pour le projet de « CHAS » (communauté hospitalière alsace santé).
Sous la houlette de l’Agence Régionale d’Hospitalisation, la direction du groupement de coopération sanitaire du Centre Alsace (Centres hospitaliers de Sélestat, d’Erstein, d’Obernai et de Sainte Marie aux Mines) a engagé une restructuration à grande échelle.
Après avoir fermé la maternité, le service de chirurgie
de l'hôpital d’Obernai, après avoir décidé le transfert de l'ana pathologie du laboratoire du Centre Hospitalier de Sélestat vers Colmar, la direction s’attaque désormais aux services logistiques de ces 4 établissements. Ainsi, à Erstein, la direction a lancé un appel d’offre pour privatiser les espaces verts et maintenant elle travaille sur un projet de Logipôle commun aux différents établissements.
Les cuisines seraient regroupées à Sélestat (dans le cadre du service public ou en gestion privée). Les blanchisseries seraient regroupées sur Erstein . Quant aux ateliers des services techniques, la mutualisation est également envisagée. Cette « mutualisation » des moyens pourrait également concerner les services administratifs ?, Pharmaceutical, IFSI.
CGT demands with the 4 hospital establishments concerned that all logistical and administrative services remain in public hospital management. It also requires that existing services already privatized are returning to the bosom of the public service (kitchen and green spaces Erstein, kitchen managed subcontracting Sélestat greenspace Sélestat Sélestat maintenance, maintenance Obernai).
other hand, the CGT will never accept that so many jobs will be sacrificed, when many employees find themselves on the street because of the economic crisis current. There is no question of putting a simple cross on public hospital positions in the name of profitability! We
hospital workers of Hospitals Sélestat, Erstein, Obernai and Sainte Marie aux Mines, asking:
• maintaining all logistical and administrative services in the public hospital service;
• Return in public service activities have been privatized; •
of clear direction on maintaining jobs and future careers of the officers concerned.
Representatives SGC personnel and Sélestat Erstein serving on the CTE requesting to hold a Joint Technical Committee of the 4 property institutions involved in the project to know CHAS HEC Erstein, CH Sélestat, HIVA, hospital Obernai.
Indeed, it seems essential, through combining resources of Community Planning, creating a common Logipole that all elected representatives of staff at the ETC can discuss and exchange about this proposal being voted .
The Technical Committee of property is an instance of debates and exchanges. Since the project
CHAS evokes priority notions of sharing some means, start with a common ETC. This
for representatives of the CGT union of a first step towards this "Community Land We also believe in the logistics of our words, that a Joint Board regarding the project should take place CHAS. The CGT wants as innovative as future directions for the 4 upstream Establishments offering a Technical Committee of the Common property.
Do not sell the bear's skin before killing
1 March 2010-13
No to job cuts, no to privatization!
CGT DOES NOT blank check "CHAS"
At the Board of Directors February 24, 2010 at Selestat, the CGT said no, and does pas encore son aval pour le projet de « CHAS » (communauté hospitalière alsace santé).
Sous la houlette de l’Agence Régionale d’Hospitalisation, la direction du groupement de coopération sanitaire du Centre Alsace (Centres hospitaliers de Sélestat, d’Erstein, d’Obernai et de Sainte Marie aux Mines) a engagé une restructuration à grande échelle.
Après avoir fermé la maternité, le service de chirurgie
de l'hôpital d’Obernai, après avoir décidé le transfert de l'ana pathologie du laboratoire du Centre Hospitalier de Sélestat vers Colmar, la direction s’attaque désormais aux services logistiques de ces 4 établissements. Ainsi, à Erstein, la direction a lancé un appel d’offre pour privatiser les espaces verts et maintenant elle travaille sur un projet de Logipôle commun aux différents établissements.
Les cuisines seraient regroupées à Sélestat (dans le cadre du service public ou en gestion privée). Les blanchisseries seraient regroupées sur Erstein . Quant aux ateliers des services techniques, la mutualisation est également envisagée. Cette « mutualisation » des moyens pourrait également concerner les services administratifs ?, Pharmaceutical, IFSI.
CGT demands with the 4 hospital establishments concerned that all logistical and administrative services remain in public hospital management. It also requires that existing services already privatized are returning to the bosom of the public service (kitchen and green spaces Erstein, kitchen managed subcontracting Sélestat greenspace Sélestat Sélestat maintenance, maintenance Obernai).
other hand, the CGT will never accept that so many jobs will be sacrificed, when many employees find themselves on the street because of the economic crisis current. There is no question of putting a simple cross on public hospital positions in the name of profitability! We
hospital workers of Hospitals Sélestat, Erstein, Obernai and Sainte Marie aux Mines, asking:
• maintaining all logistical and administrative services in the public hospital service;
• Return in public service activities have been privatized; •
of clear direction on maintaining jobs and future careers of the officers concerned.
Representatives SGC personnel and Sélestat Erstein serving on the CTE requesting to hold a Joint Technical Committee of the 4 property institutions involved in the project to know CHAS HEC Erstein, CH Sélestat, HIVA, hospital Obernai.
Indeed, it seems essential, through combining resources of Community Planning, creating a common Logipole that all elected representatives of staff at the ETC can discuss and exchange about this proposal being voted .
The Technical Committee of property is an instance of debates and exchanges. Since the project
CHAS evokes priority notions of sharing some means, start with a common ETC. This
for representatives of the CGT union of a first step towards this "Community Land We also believe in the logistics of our words, that a Joint Board regarding the project should take place CHAS. The CGT wants as innovative as future directions for the 4 upstream Establishments offering a Technical Committee of the Common property.
Do not sell the bear's skin before killing
1 March 2010-13
Replace Toilet Flange With Lead Pipe
not the CHAS ! Petition against
Joint Declaration CGT Sélestat and DErstein
Avant propos
Si un certain syndicat dans son tract se flatte d’accompagner ce projet, personne n’est dupe quant à la sympathie très proche que ce syndicat peut avoir avec la Direction.
Par contre les revendications portées (enfin un grand mot!) ne sont que le copier-coller des revendications que la CGT mène depuis plus d’un an auprès du Directeur Général…..PAS BIEN !!!
Mais venons en à l’essentiel…
De la coopération hospitalière (projet d’origine) à la communauté hospitalière il n’y a pas qu’un pas, c’est clairement affiché… IS POOLING discussed and therefore by de facto disappearance of many jobs!
We are in the application of hard-ACT HPST (Hospital Patient Health Territory) Act 2008 also known as ACT Bachelot.
The establishment of the RSO (Regional Agency of Health) in April 2010 will focus both public and private hospitals, but also the private profit and the various associations.
The Director of an institution becomes the "supra" CEO of the box with the financial goals to achieve. Heads of business units and become financial accountants themselves with financial packages to manage and profit goals to achieve. It is the company ... ..
The creation of the Community with three main thrusts:
- the distribution of supply of care between public and private.
Unlike some unions, the CGT denounced OBERNAI including the creation of facilities for the elderly in private profit will necessarily result in a transfer of the population already being followed by the hospital to this area, then those who have the means and the disappearance of beds in the public. For after all! the allocation of places for the elderly at the Health Card does not change and this inevitably has an impact on the provision of care in the area.
It's still 85 beds for France ...
MEDICA - the pooling of resources.
Examples are retirement homes around the CHAS that will be added, opening the private sector for certain services, such as management of the central kitchen by a responsible AVENANCE. But especially the establishment of Logipole, one laundry, one central kitchen, a single technical service one administration ...
etc. The staff of the hospital since 2009 Erstein is administratively attached to the CH Erstein.
- the questioning of the general statutes of the public hospital.
The door opened to the private sector will fundamentally undermine our laws with different conventions depending on the sector of private enforcement of the decree on mobility which says that after three refusals mobility agent is licensed
etc. ... The CGT must inform all officers of the four sites affect this project, which by the way, if done "without much vague and" being a test area, well, other regions follow ...
So what about the reality? ??
Let a small lap.
If the CGT takes literally the guidelines for financial gain that should lead to short-term project, it seems that the two territories is OBERNAI located in the heart of the device, especially since he is building a new building.
proximity with three other institutions (Erstein Sélestat HIVA), so in terms of logistics it is on Obernai that should be focused technical services, logistics, laundry, kitchen.
The road access from the site are the fastest.
Well no! It is not in the project, shortly cons is the announced death of Obernai, with the disappearance of the kitchen, leak activity elderly, ambulatory activity for profit (private physician consultations in premises and private radiology and psychiatry local day adults and children) still remains on site consultations Newborn.
proposed construction of 102 bed hospital with an administrative center and place of consultation?
And the rest of the beds that are 131 beds and is therefore the other buildings?
Bizarre, it's as if I pulled down and rebuild part of my house and leave the rest to retire ...
Establishment of a logistics hub and part of the implementation of the technical center, fleet or the administrative center.
The Laundry plant is planned on the site ...
Today recurring problems of their machine, requiring staff to wash or wash regularly dish Selestat. The access road (freeway) is remote.
tonnage is made of cloth below the Sélestat.
That explains clearly the choice of this location!
Construction of new buildings. In the project, removal of the laundry and implementation of the central kitchen.
is the largest institution, more of 750 officers for 344 beds. Is the establishment which consumes the most "flat" and exchange. It is a site near the freeway, so saving time and financial support. The laundry
realizes the highest yield in tonnage between machine and loosen another "flat" Obernai, Ste Marie-aux-Mines, so already performing some of the activity of the future community.
Reconstruction Project construction and development activity within the group with St. Croix-aux-Mines.
cuisine on the site which also serves as a medico-social.
What about the rhetoric of the proximity of care, to be closer to patients' needs??
Would not this! refusal of mobility of our doctors in the public hospital dedicated to healthcare for all ...
We hope they understand why many personal and worried that in all trades of the hospital.
- TO WARRANTIES OF EMPLOYMENT IN THE PUBLIC HOSPITAL (10% of all personal body at each site are combined in a precarious situation, CSD, CAE, CDI, replacements).
- TO HOLD FIRST PUBLIC SERVICE (back in the public services by the private)
- That the job of everyone is respected, no flexibility or slippage of tasks (eg an electrician not a carpenter, a painter is not a driver or an HSA is not an SA, etc. ...)
CGT reiterates its request in February 2010 of a common ETC 4 establishments because we can not give individual each in his corner, in this type of project. We reject the "divide and conquer."
• To be free to act!
• To gain new rights!
Joint Declaration CGT Sélestat and DErstein
Avant propos
Si un certain syndicat dans son tract se flatte d’accompagner ce projet, personne n’est dupe quant à la sympathie très proche que ce syndicat peut avoir avec la Direction.
Par contre les revendications portées (enfin un grand mot!) ne sont que le copier-coller des revendications que la CGT mène depuis plus d’un an auprès du Directeur Général…..PAS BIEN !!!
Mais venons en à l’essentiel…
De la coopération hospitalière (projet d’origine) à la communauté hospitalière il n’y a pas qu’un pas, c’est clairement affiché… IS POOLING discussed and therefore by de facto disappearance of many jobs!
We are in the application of hard-ACT HPST (Hospital Patient Health Territory) Act 2008 also known as ACT Bachelot.
The establishment of the RSO (Regional Agency of Health) in April 2010 will focus both public and private hospitals, but also the private profit and the various associations.
The Director of an institution becomes the "supra" CEO of the box with the financial goals to achieve. Heads of business units and become financial accountants themselves with financial packages to manage and profit goals to achieve. It is the company ... ..
The creation of the Community with three main thrusts:
- the distribution of supply of care between public and private.
Unlike some unions, the CGT denounced OBERNAI including the creation of facilities for the elderly in private profit will necessarily result in a transfer of the population already being followed by the hospital to this area, then those who have the means and the disappearance of beds in the public. For after all! the allocation of places for the elderly at the Health Card does not change and this inevitably has an impact on the provision of care in the area.
It's still 85 beds for France ...
MEDICA - the pooling of resources.
Examples are retirement homes around the CHAS that will be added, opening the private sector for certain services, such as management of the central kitchen by a responsible AVENANCE. But especially the establishment of Logipole, one laundry, one central kitchen, a single technical service one administration ...
etc. The staff of the hospital since 2009 Erstein is administratively attached to the CH Erstein.
- the questioning of the general statutes of the public hospital.
The door opened to the private sector will fundamentally undermine our laws with different conventions depending on the sector of private enforcement of the decree on mobility which says that after three refusals mobility agent is licensed
etc. ... The CGT must inform all officers of the four sites affect this project, which by the way, if done "without much vague and" being a test area, well, other regions follow ...
So what about the reality? ??
Let a small lap.
If the CGT takes literally the guidelines for financial gain that should lead to short-term project, it seems that the two territories is OBERNAI located in the heart of the device, especially since he is building a new building.
proximity with three other institutions (Erstein Sélestat HIVA), so in terms of logistics it is on Obernai that should be focused technical services, logistics, laundry, kitchen.
The road access from the site are the fastest.
Well no! It is not in the project, shortly cons is the announced death of Obernai, with the disappearance of the kitchen, leak activity elderly, ambulatory activity for profit (private physician consultations in premises and private radiology and psychiatry local day adults and children) still remains on site consultations Newborn.
proposed construction of 102 bed hospital with an administrative center and place of consultation?
And the rest of the beds that are 131 beds and is therefore the other buildings?
Bizarre, it's as if I pulled down and rebuild part of my house and leave the rest to retire ...
Establishment of a logistics hub and part of the implementation of the technical center, fleet or the administrative center.
The Laundry plant is planned on the site ...
Today recurring problems of their machine, requiring staff to wash or wash regularly dish Selestat. The access road (freeway) is remote.
tonnage is made of cloth below the Sélestat.
That explains clearly the choice of this location!
Construction of new buildings. In the project, removal of the laundry and implementation of the central kitchen.
is the largest institution, more of 750 officers for 344 beds. Is the establishment which consumes the most "flat" and exchange. It is a site near the freeway, so saving time and financial support. The laundry
realizes the highest yield in tonnage between machine and loosen another "flat" Obernai, Ste Marie-aux-Mines, so already performing some of the activity of the future community.
Reconstruction Project construction and development activity within the group with St. Croix-aux-Mines.
cuisine on the site which also serves as a medico-social.
What about the rhetoric of the proximity of care, to be closer to patients' needs??
Would not this! refusal of mobility of our doctors in the public hospital dedicated to healthcare for all ...
We hope they understand why many personal and worried that in all trades of the hospital.
- TO WARRANTIES OF EMPLOYMENT IN THE PUBLIC HOSPITAL (10% of all personal body at each site are combined in a precarious situation, CSD, CAE, CDI, replacements).
- TO HOLD FIRST PUBLIC SERVICE (back in the public services by the private)
- That the job of everyone is respected, no flexibility or slippage of tasks (eg an electrician not a carpenter, a painter is not a driver or an HSA is not an SA, etc. ...)
CGT reiterates its request in February 2010 of a common ETC 4 establishments because we can not give individual each in his corner, in this type of project. We reject the "divide and conquer."
• To be free to act!
• To gain new rights!
Afrin Cause Throat Burning
Dumet Island to South Africa
"She was particularly pleased to learn that Sterne sandwich, ringed by it in June 57 to Dumet, was resumed in February 58 in SOUTH AFRICA to 8,800 kms!
Undaunted, she climbed the rock to Guric Houat "
Undaunted, she climbed the rock to Guric Houat "
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Picks Of Grils Vuginas
Jean-Francois Parot
I read The Phantom of the Rue Royale Jean-François Parot.
The main character is born in Guérande and speaks of the cliff Pénestin.
I read The Phantom of the Rue Royale Jean-François Parot.
The main character is born in Guérande and speaks of the cliff Pénestin.
Edmonton Ezekiel Bread
resulting from the first round of regional Pénestin
Beautifulagony Dailymotion
Results of the first round of regional Assérac
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