for CTE Common
No to job cuts, no to privatization!
CGT DOES NOT blank check "CHAS"
At the Board of Directors February 24, 2010 at Selestat, the CGT said no, and does pas encore son aval pour le projet de « CHAS » (communauté hospitalière alsace santé).
Sous la houlette de l’Agence Régionale d’Hospitalisation, la direction du groupement de coopération sanitaire du Centre Alsace (Centres hospitaliers de Sélestat, d’Erstein, d’Obernai et de Sainte Marie aux Mines) a engagé une restructuration à grande échelle.
Après avoir fermé la maternité, le service de chirurgie
de l'hôpital d’Obernai, après avoir décidé le transfert de l'ana pathologie du laboratoire du Centre Hospitalier de Sélestat vers Colmar, la direction s’attaque désormais aux services logistiques de ces 4 établissements. Ainsi, à Erstein, la direction a lancé un appel d’offre pour privatiser les espaces verts et maintenant elle travaille sur un projet de Logipôle commun aux différents établissements.
Les cuisines seraient regroupées à Sélestat (dans le cadre du service public ou en gestion privée). Les blanchisseries seraient regroupées sur Erstein . Quant aux ateliers des services techniques, la mutualisation est également envisagée. Cette « mutualisation » des moyens pourrait également concerner les services administratifs ?, Pharmaceutical, IFSI.
CGT demands with the 4 hospital establishments concerned that all logistical and administrative services remain in public hospital management. It also requires that existing services already privatized are returning to the bosom of the public service (kitchen and green spaces Erstein, kitchen managed subcontracting Sélestat greenspace Sélestat Sélestat maintenance, maintenance Obernai).
other hand, the CGT will never accept that so many jobs will be sacrificed, when many employees find themselves on the street because of the economic crisis current. There is no question of putting a simple cross on public hospital positions in the name of profitability! We
hospital workers of Hospitals Sélestat, Erstein, Obernai and Sainte Marie aux Mines, asking:
• maintaining all logistical and administrative services in the public hospital service;
• Return in public service activities have been privatized; •
of clear direction on maintaining jobs and future careers of the officers concerned.
Representatives SGC personnel and Sélestat Erstein serving on the CTE requesting to hold a Joint Technical Committee of the 4 property institutions involved in the project to know CHAS HEC Erstein, CH Sélestat, HIVA, hospital Obernai.
Indeed, it seems essential, through combining resources of Community Planning, creating a common Logipole that all elected representatives of staff at the ETC can discuss and exchange about this proposal being voted .
The Technical Committee of property is an instance of debates and exchanges. Since the project
CHAS evokes priority notions of sharing some means, start with a common ETC. This
for representatives of the CGT union of a first step towards this "Community Land We also believe in the logistics of our words, that a Joint Board regarding the project should take place CHAS. The CGT wants as innovative as future directions for the 4 upstream Establishments offering a Technical Committee of the Common property.
Do not sell the bear's skin before killing
1 March 2010-13
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