Project 2010 reform of retirement: The disastrous consequences! Refuse
Projet de réforme 2010 de la retraite :
Des conséquences désastreuses !
jeudi 25 mars 2010
Le gouvernement a annoncé un projet de loi de réforme sur les retraites dès septembre 2010.
Les organisations syndicales affirment leur volonté d’agir pour que le débat sur les retraites prenne en compte l’ensemble des questions tant au niveau du privé que du public, notamment le niveau des pensions, l’emploi, le financement, la pénibilité, le code des pensions et la réduction des inégalités.
Le président de la république and the government have also announced their clear commitment to reforming the pension system in the public service by lengthening the contribution period, the decline in the age of retirement and the removal of calculus in the last 6 months the public service.
These measures, if implemented, would have considerable impact on the pensions of public servants.
Lengthening the contribution
Before 2003, an agent of the public hospital was entitled to a full pension of 75% of salary contributed when he was 37.5 years.
Law 2003 Fillon has degraded the pension rights of public servants by reducing the assessed value of the year.
Thus, an agent who is retiring:
- in 2010 will contribute 40.5 years to qualify for full retirement, or 1.852% per year assessed
- in 2011 will contribute 40.75 years to qualify for full retirement, or 1.84% per year assessed
- in 2012 will contribute 41 years to qualify for full retirement, or 1.829% per annum paid
Furthermore, this reform had also introduced the system of the discount for officers who were retiring without having reached the legal number of years of contributions.
Over the years, this provision continues to worsen.
- In 2010, for each missing quarter, the officer was stripped of 0.625% of his retirement (or - 2.5% per year missing).
- In 2015, for each missing quarter, the agent will be 1.25% out of retirement (or - 5% a year missing).
The rising age of retirement
Today, all employees can retire at age 60. Hospital officials in the category "active" can go 55. But the government has questioned this possibility with the LMD protocol for nurse (s) by requiring that they renounce the active category and lose the right to leave at 55. The government already
advance its ambition to delay the age of 61, 62, 67 ...
CGT struggle that nursing remains active category because the hardship is real for these agents: shift work, night , weekends, holidays, staff shortages, deteriorating working conditions, ...
It is urgent to realize that 33% of the aides go on disability with an average age of 48 and 20% of nurses leave the public service before age 55 on disability. Remove
calculation of retirement on the last 6 months
The government's announcement as the elimination of the calculation of retirement on the last 6 months to bring it to the last 25 years.
This cancellation would represent a loss of 30% on the amounts of pensions for public servants.
The Government wants to remove the term CNRACL and special diets and we do live with a pension reduced by 30%.
Despite all the arguments advanced by the government, agents should know that our pension fund, CNRACL, is not in deficit! In 2007 she showed
465 million surplus, while also funding the pensions of people who have nothing to do with the public. The
CNRACL not be endangered by the thousands of job cuts in hospitals, the use of casual workers and the massive use of contract staff who do not contribute to the CNRACL. Currently, nothing justifies the government's willingness to break our retirement system.
Only the mobilization of the entire Public Service will defend itself on the clear demands.
The distribution of wealth must go a general increase of wages, pensions and sustainable funding of our collective funds (pensions, social security, unemployment ,...)
CNRACL not touch, do not touch our pensions!
The CGT refused the extension of the contributions and claims:
- maintaining the category of Active CNRACL
- maintaining the calculation in the last 6 months!
- maintaining retirement "mother" (15 years - 3 children).
- the removal of discounts
- the return to 37.5 for all, taking into account in computing the years of study and professional learning
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