unacceptable blackmail on retirement!
Nursing - Nursing Specialty - Senior Health: Refuse
unacceptable blackmail on retirement!
Monday, March 29, 2010 For several months now, the government plays a "con game" with health professionals!
The "statutory negotiations," at least the discussions held and displayed as such, were the scene of utter contempt on the part of government.
Ms Bachelot was announced substantial wage increases, but in fact the gates are well below the real level of our skills and our mission accomplished.
Worse, it benefits from this announcement to call into question the recognition of the harshness of our skilled occupations. This recognition opened right to retire early retirement at age 55 with a process of improvement of 1 year every 10 years.
Bachelot announced recognition of qualifications of our professional expertise in the CDD process, but she refuses to give us the master level. In parallel is a transfer of medical skills to the body without the necessary means paramedics to a positive adaptation.
The government does not hesitate to walk the walk of social dialogue based on agreements tiny minority to advance the
reduction of labor costs in force. And here we can see the futility of Orders.
Trades NOT painful: who mocks you one? From
employee or user?
On behalf of the compensation that we claim of "recognitions"
- Recognition of the drudgery associated with the requirements and working conditions: hours, physical strain, mental workload, work intensification associated with deletions Position dans nos établissements, prise de risques professionnels aggravés par cette situation de sous effectifs et de manque de moyens matériels, contact avec des produits toxiques, manipulation et port de patients…si on peut considérer que certains aspects de la pénibilité peuvent être réduits avec la mise en place de plans de formation sur la manipulation et le port de patients accompagnés d’effectifs pour la mise en oeuvre de ces processus… il n’en est rien sur les conséquences liées aux horaires alternatifs, au travail de nuit… les professionnels soumis à ces contraintes ont une espérance de vie de 6 à 8 ans moins élevée que les professionnels ayant des horaires de travail regular!
- REMINDER: 1 / 5 nurses hand on disability before age 55
- Recognition of qualifications: it is a fair return on the investments required for graduation, when we had the "chance" access to training. (Reminder: in 1980 began an IDE to 1.5 times the SMIC and ended his career at 2.3x in 2008 this ratio fall from 1.1 to 1.9 or less than 500 euro per month)
- Recognition work done: the salary is a way to offset the time and energy supplied to fulfill its missions. It must take into account the need for an individual to have to provide for a balanced life to be the most productive and effective and should therefore help to meet the needs of individuals and take into account the cost of living.
We alert the staff and users, lack of dialogue and taking into account the needs that exist in the health sector (public and private).
We call on employees to not let question the group benefits. We call, professionals from all sectors to demand more collateral and collective justice.
Let's work together to change the present and the future!
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