Thursday, February 22, 2007

Good Warm Up Songs For Basketball 2010


... It Can Be If You dancefloor was really insist ...

I just realized that:

- I am a piss minute.

- I'ma kleptomaniac edition limited to toilet paper.

- I'm afraid of lack (which explains my obsession with toilet paper free).

- Sometimes I gripe .

- KL is not so bad .. It is rather I who distorts reality with my mood swings.

- I just started reading The Kite Flying in Kabul and I love so far. It changes the ideas of space.

Here are some news about my well being physically, mentally, spiritually and mentally.

- I got a haircut. butting leads scissors. Chop chop.

- Ma tite tooth motion. I think she will fall in coming months.

- I ambition to lose weight. Note the term ambition or incur any obligation or which does not specify the depth of my current intention to proceed has seriously any attempt to lose weight. Phew. I lose 10 grams of sweat just to think about all this.

- I try to be less questions about existence and life, allowing me to relax and enjoy my last week vacation.

- Talking to enjoy the holidays, I work very hard on my perception of these last moments on Asian soil. I push the bottom Positivism:)

- To ensure complete relaxation, I was escaping Palau Tioman southeast of the Malaysian peninsula for a few days. I intend to have both feet planted in the sand at the same time tomorrow. And at the same hour the day after, I intend to wade fish among the joyous National Park Tioman. And the same time the next day, I intend to be extended to all my long sandbar that isolate or the sun and gentle breeze reminds me that I am very happy to be on vacation.


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