Sunday, March 25, 2007

Bottomless Bike Chicks

The return and finish.


With surprise, I arrived safely at the airport in Seoul .. Kylie, the Australian with whom I stayed, Myself barrouetter helped my two giant suitcases down the street. We took the local bus and a taxi to get to shish kebak, our last meal together. Then my suitcases and I went to the bus stop under the gaze of passers impressed.

The driver dropped a few sacred Garoche in my suitcases in the luggage compartment and I crept to the back of the bus to escape the sadness that would probably catch me.

Au comptoir de JAL, j'ai eu la grande surprise d'apprendre que je devais débourser 110$ canadien suite à mon changement de billet d'avion. Indignée, je conteste. La pauvre coréenne me tend un rapport dans lequel je peux lire que la dame avec qui j'ai parlé 2 fois au téléphone, a omis de m'avertir que je devrais payer des frais si je changeais mon billet d'avion. Elle a oublié. Elle a oublié, deux fois. Et moi, je dois payer. Je peux vous dire que je suis en beau cwisse.

La colère qui masquait la tristesse tombe et je me rends à Tokyo . J'y passe la nuit dans un hotel génial mais je ne can close the eye. It is the sadness and anguish that caught me. But how have they passed the Customs? Merde alors.

I'm leaving tomorrow and I will not sleep for some 24 hours or more to my arrival in Montreal.

The arrival

My parents waiting for me at the airport, I'm pretty happy:)

J'engouffre my vegetarian poutine the Patio Vidal, I'm pretty happy :)

I sleep with my mother in a cozy bed , I'm pretty happy :)

There. I think sadness and anxiety have missed the connection in Chicago. I imagine that sooner or later they find me, but for now, I'm pretty ...



I return to Montreal next week probably. I look forward to seeing you.

Yes, I return to my old apartment with Jason.

No, I will not return to the United (I already graduated).

Yes, I have to find a job (besides, you have contacts;).

No, I'm not the Chinese tite.

Yes, I prefer the Korean tite.

No, I have not yet phone.

Yes, I lost my cell , I do not know in which box I Garoche: P.

Yes, I can not wait to see you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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