Friday, September 11, 2009

Leisure Center Calgary Ne Quote

holdup and social regression

Rules: the director changes the game !

the Selestat, September 10, 2009

We, union represented to the Technical Committee on Establishment (CTE) of hospital Sélestat, have noted with extreme concern the new rules announced by management, and denounce the method for social partners to put a fait accompli. Following the final ETC
May 2009, the director shall amend the rules signed in 2003 for the purposes of the 35 hours of hospital Selestat.
Our organization has always been opposed to the realignment of these Bylaws.
After a difficult summer due to chronic staff shortages, lack of replacement staff, closing beds, we learn the set up in secret by the so-called human resources to new rules of procedure. Regression
social and robbery on our laurels!

Already in 2008 we thought that the institution's financial situation, compounded by new budgetary mechanisms and tariff could not be resolved by focusing primarily by non-medical weight measures of return to equilibrium .
(- € 67 000)

past year, marked by the payment of overtime and the absorption of staff from Obernai due to the closure of maternity and surgery, saw the situation of many services deteriorate gradually being linked together in a spiraling tension on staff , overtime, absenteeism, difficulties in replacing unwanted mobility ... We affirm that the obvious consequence on the working conditions of staff has itself led to a weakening of the conditions of reception and care of patients. And for many administrative and technical staff, the situation is equally worrying.

The various working meetings to revise the rules in late 2008 were unsuccessful due to lack of social dialogue and exchange constructive and honest on the part of management. The real debate should be done by inter-union.

So we can understand that the new measures aimed at staff of such a brutal manner:
Challenging non-negotiated the organization and scheduling of work is done indiscriminately, with a desire to unify the different drop provisions (schedules, meals, vacation ...) which gave both the flexibility necessary for functioning services and the minimum compensation for personnel required to undertake ever-increasing availability.

While the situation of the institution would need a good social dialogue, to find the cohesion needed to overcome the difficulties, it is increasingly limited to mere information. Subjects as crucial as the redundancies and the questioning of working time would require a willingness to jointly analyze all aspects of the organization of the hospital, including medical organization in the heart of all activities , to approximate the views and listen to propositions de tous les acteurs.

Nous avions déjà regretté à plusieurs reprises que les informations indispensables nous parvenaient tardivement. Cette fois-ci, tout en déplorant la communication tardive des documents, nous constatons de plus l’importance des décisions déjà prises dont le CTE ne pourrait faire que le simple enregistrement.

Nous attendons que la direction nous donne des signaux clairs de la reprise d’un vrai dialogue. Au nom des personnels, nous ne laisserons pas réduire leur place à celle de simples spectateurs de la lente démolition de l’hôpital public, des emplois et des conditions de travail. Nous défendrons leur santé, l’équilibre with their family life and the attachment they are, simply, to do quality work in the interest of public service and its users.

Staff representatives of the CGT hospital Sélestat

The CGT called staff to strike from 7 October 2009, to demonstrate their opposition to massive cost cutting plan.


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