Monday, September 14, 2009

Red Hot Swollen Elbow Baby

nursing education trade union motion

the Selestat, September 14, 2009

Negotiating the September 10, 2009 for nurses: Recognition at LAC + 3?
move to Class A?
pay rise?

Monday, September 14, 2009 September 10, 2009, another meeting was held between unions and the Ministry, on the reshaping of Class B office for paramedics.
Once again, the Ministry turned a deaf ear, and does not intend to leave the boundary defined in international public service for the implementation of future grids in category B.
The Department's commitments on the integration of nurses en catégorie A avec revalorisation salariale ne sont qu’un affichage. La CGT a répété son refus de chantage entre le passage en catégorie A et la perte de la catégorie active pour un départ anticipé en retraite. La pénibilité des métiers hospitaliers, ainsi que les contraintes liées à l’exercice des missions des professionnels doivent prises en compte
Des engagements non tenus !

La Ministre en charge de la Santé avait annoncé au printemps 2009 le passage de tous les infirmier(e)s en catégorie A de la fonction publique avec des revalorisations salariales et l’attribution d’un diplôme universitaire, dans le cadre du schéma LMD (Licence Master PhD)!
recognition of the real skill level Bac +3 minimum is a claim brought by the entire industry and unions for 30 years!
UFMICT The CGT had welcomed this announcement but remained very vigilant about opening negotiations in particular as regards the corresponding salary increase.
The first proposals of the Ministry were held September 10, 2009 and they confirmed the fears of the CGT.
recognition at LAC + 3 (DML)?

Recognition of diploma nurse at a level LAC + 3 corresponding to a degree, does not involve integration into the university system. Thus, the formation of FDI would not give a true recognition of university degree.
The first proposals of the department are more provocative than the bargaining:
- the passage in category A would be effective only from 2012 for future graduates and practicing nurses that would last from 2012!
a pay rise? A move to Class A?
Loss of the active category for FDI?

CGT announced that the passage du grade d’infirmier(e) de la catégorie B en catégorie A devait se traduire par une augmentation significative de la grille de salaire.
Les premières propositions du ministère le 10 septembre sont là encore une véritable provocation. La grille intermédiaire en catégorie B serait mise en place en 2011 et ne comporterait pour toute revalorisation qu’un gain moyen de 3 ou 4 points d’indice, soit 15 € de plus par mois sur tous les échelons de la classe normale !
La grille intermédiaire proposée pour les infirmier(e)s de classe normale serait :
- 2ème échelon, indice 324 passerait à 332 (+ 8 pts)
- 3ème échelon, 343 index would rise to 346 (+3 pts)
- 4th grade, 367 index would rise to 370 (+3 pts)
- 5th level, an index would rise to 390 394 (+4 pts)
- 6th grade, 416 index would rise to 420 (+ 4 pts)
- 7th level, an index would rise to 446 450 (+4 pts)
- 8th grade, 481 index would rise to 483 (+2 pts)
and the creation of a 9th level, the index 515 .
Moreover, the move to Class A could also result in a change of status for FDI, which would disappear from the "active group" with a right to retire at age 55 to switch to the "sedentary category" with a right to retire at age 60. A real negotiation
forgetting anyone!

federation CGT has called for real negotiations to open all the gates of the Public Hospital. The CGT has reiterated its demand to upgrade all career paths and to recognize the actual skill levels for all 3 channels, the agent of hospital (ASH) to the Director, with overall a real career linear no quota or ratio, and this, in 2009.
Indeed, the Federation for Social Action Health CGT, there can be no question of dividing the professionals.
In reference to giving / giving the President of the Republic, the questioning of departure to 55 years in retirement for public hospital as part of the recognition of the hardship, blackmail is in-conceivable to the CGT.
It should not only be preserved for caregivers, but extended to other professionals who are prematurely worn out by work and whose life expectancy is well below average.


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